Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1039: Bad Practice

Rita's story waits until next Monday, and the next day is Gryffindor's day against Hedgepatch.

Harry, Fred, and George took Elaine to Angelina, and as the last glimpse of Gryffindor's expectations, they tested Elaine's abilities overnight, which was amazing, and no one expected her to fly so well, and she was powerful enough to replace the hitter's position.

They went to Professor McGonagall, hoping to get Elaine on the next day.

If that had been the case before, of course, this right belonged to Umbridge after Educational Decree XXIV.

Any team that recruits new members will be vetted by her, no surprise Umbridge refused!

Harry, they're numb, but Umbridge's behavior completely pissed Elaine off.

The little guy had dangerous thoughts, serious retaliation and was extremely belligerent, and she threatened to retaliate against Umbridge.

Although Ivan warned her not to attack Umbridge, she could tell she didn't listen.

Ivan had to step back and consider not being seen when attacking Umbridge.

You can't go directly inside the castle, which has portraits, ghosts, and all sorts of magical creatures in addition to students.

If they attack Umbridge there is a good chance they will find her, only get her out of the castle...

The next day, at 8 a.m., the Quidditch match began punctually, and the only advantage of the match was that it was short.

The Gryffindor audience only has to endure twenty-two minutes of pain, and it's hard to tell which one is the worst, it's hard to tell the difference, Ron Twenty-two Spillball.

Hecky Patch's pursuer, Alessia, was fantastic, and no one could stop him. The miracle was that Griffindors lost only 30 points in the end: Ginny caught the thief beneath Hecky Patch's nose looking for player Shabby, with a final score of 260 to 230.

“You caught it well.” Harry said to Ginny.

At noon that day, the atmosphere in the public lounge looked like a particularly miserable funeral.

“Very lucky!” She shrugged her shoulders, "The thief wasn't quick, Shelby caught a cold, sneezed hard at a critical time, closed her eyes, anyway, when you get back in line...”

“Ginny, I'm suspended for life. ”

“It's Umbridge suspended during school!” Ginny corrects him, "it's not the same, anyway, when you get back on the team, I'll try to be a chaser, Angelina and Alia are leaving next year, and I prefer to score to find the ball. ”

As for Ron, he shrunk in the corner with his eyes on his knees and a bottle of butter in his hand.

“Angelina still refused to let him go.” Ginny said, "She said she knew he had potential. ”

Angelina's confidence in Ron has become cruel by now.

When Ron left the field, the Slytherins cheerfully sang, "Weasley is our King," and they were expected to win the Quiddich Cup.

Hecky Patch is a great champion, but she's the only one and the rest of the players rarely work with her, which is reflected in the second half of the game, so long as she doesn't touch the ball, there's no way to play. Either way, that little girl can't be a Slytherin opponent at all.

Not to mention the Slytherins have a lot of despicable ways to deal with her, such as attacks...

As long as they win the game, they don't care how disgraceful the means are.

Following this trend, the Slytherins will win this year's championship.

This news is frustrating, but not as much as one in 10,000 hatred for Umbridge.

Hogwarts students' interest in the game did not last long, only until that afternoon.

At 5 p.m. Sunday night, as usual, Harry came to Snape's office for separate tutoring.

He didn't have any good news. He broke up with Autumn yesterday. The Gryffindors just lost the game this morning, and now he's going to study brain blockage in Snape's office. This magic can only make him feel painful. Snape's penetration over and over again exhausts his body.

In recent times, Harry and Voldemort have become increasingly connected.

He saw too many things he shouldn't have seen and heard, and he thought it was because Snape was more tired of torturing him.

In those damn dreams, Harry knew Voldemort had received new information from Lukwood, important information about the Mysterious Services Division.

After all, he worked there before, and Voldemort knew how to get that thing from him.

In addition, Harry knew the cause of Bode's death.

Lucius Malfoy used a soul-killing spell on him, hoping he would get the prophecy ball.

But he couldn't have taken it, because under ancient magic, only Harry and Voldemort could touch the prophecy ball.

Malfoy eventually killed Bode to prevent him from revealing his secrets.

Voldemort finally knew how to get the Prophecy Ball, everything was ready, and now it's almost time to lure Harry to get it.

Ivan was very pleased with Harry's information, but Snape was very unhappy.

“Stand up, Porter.” Snape said.

Harry knelt on the ground in Snape's office and tried to empty his brain.

Just now, he was forced to revisit a series of childhood memories he didn't know he still had, mostly humiliated by Dali's group in elementary school.

“What was the last memory?” Snape asks.

“I don't know!” Harry said he stood up tired and found it increasingly difficult to distinguish between Snape's constant images and voice, "is that the one my cousin wanted me to stand in the toilet? ”

“No,” Snape said softly, "is a man kneeling in the middle of a dark house. ”

“It's nothing," Harry said quickly.

Snape's black eyes looked at Harry as if he were a drill, and Harry remembered that eye contact was critical to his intoxication, and he blinked and moved away.

“How did that man and that room get into your head, Potter?” Snape said.

“Well...” Harry avoided his eyes, "it was just a dream I had. ”

“A dream?” Snape said.

In silence, Harry stared at a dead frog soaked in purple liquid.

“Do you know what we're doing here, Porter?” Snape whispered viciously, "Do you know why I gave up my break to do this nasty job? ”

“Yes,” Harry said hard.

“Tell me what we're doing here, Potter. ”

“Teach me brain closure.” Harry stared at another dead eel and said.

“Yeah, Potter, even if you're stupid, I thought you'd make some progress after all this time, but you just told me, how many dreams did you have about the Dark Lord? ”

Harry stared back at Snape, hated him, and lied, "That's it! ”