Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1079: Special Soul Tools

“The magic left by Slytherin? ”

Evan's mind flashed and a clue quickly appeared.

There is no doubt that Salazar Slytherin once possessed this ring and the Resurrection Stone.

He is also very familiar with the Horcrux making method, a magic created by the despicable Hailbo.

Given Slytherin's experience, it can be argued that nothing in the world knows this magic better than Hilbo himself.

For Ivan's sake, Salazar Slytherin is also aware of Voldemort's existence.

At the same time, he also knew his descendants, possibly the last descendants, who eventually became wicked dark wizards and made their own soul tools.

When these factors come together, things are no longer that simple.

With Slytherin's personality, it's hard to imagine him doing nothing and leaving it all to Ivan and Dumbledore to solve.

Just like the other three founders, leave a secret treasure to Ivan.

Especially since Ivan is not of pure blood, which is one of his most disgusting points...

Slytherin may have expected Voldemort to find this ring, so use the properties of the Resurrection Stone to leave a magic inside, tearing Riddle's soul apart and helping him create a special soul vessel...

This idea suddenly appeared in Ivan's mind, and the more likely it was, the more frightening it was.

The biggest problem here is the difficulty of trying to do this, which is impossible for a normal wizard, just like Sky Night Tan.

However, this is hardly problematic in terms of Salazar Slytherin's own capabilities.

There is no problem for him that he can't do, the key is if he wants to do it!

Although there is no direct evidence, Ivan can be certain that Slytherin will not abandon this opportunity.

Along these lines, assuming that he left behind this magic, he used the properties of rings, resurrection stones, and souls to divide the souls of Riddle or, more precisely, of his descendants who left behind the conditions to help this descendant create a soul.

This is a very likely possibility, and the question now is, what is the purpose of this?

Slytherin cannot simply help his descendants to make their own souls and help them become more corrupt and evil, and he certainly has his own purpose.

In other words, Tom Riddle, 15, is unusual in front of this Horcrux.

How unusual this guy is, Ivan can't see it. In his eyes, Riddle is a nasty teenager, and very dangerous, good at disguising, seducing people, not unlike the one he used to come into contact with in his diary.

Perhaps the only difference is that he's not so evil yet, because he hasn't killed anyone...

Maybe he didn't do it, not because he didn't want to, but because he didn't have a chance.

He would have been split up before he had killed his father himself.

Salazar Slytherin did save him in a way.

Is it Slytherin's idea to save his descendants before his destiny begins?

After a brief silence, Dumbledore asked calmly, "Tom, what happened after you became a Horcrux? ”

Ivan just thought of this, and he didn't know if he thought about it, or if he had any ideas that were closer to the truth.

“You already know that, don't you?” Riddle said, smiling again on his face, "After I split up, he woke up again, and then, as planned, killed the man with the wand without hesitation, blaming him...”

“No, I mean, what did he think at the time?” Dumbledore said.

“Ideas?!” Riddle stunned, his eyes slightly widened, as if it were a strange Dumbledore problem.

“Yes, is it pain, sadness or excitement? ”

“I don't know!” Riddle said honestly, "I don't know what he thinks. ”

“As far as I know, there is a connection between the Horcrux and the Soul.” Dumbledore said, "You can definitely feel his emotions. ”

“I've never felt that way.” The look of memory appeared on Riddle's face, shaking his head slightly, "There's nothing to hide, I can't help but clear my relationship with him so you can leave me alone. In short, after splitting from the soul, I can no longer feel the emotions and thoughts of the Lord's soul. It can be said that although it is the same person, we are two different souls with completely independent thoughts. I have nothing to do with him in this regard. This is also a little bit different from other soul tools. It must be the magic of the reaper that is wrong, that is not the normal way to make soul tools...”

Ivan frowned, which was really weird, and was one of the unusual things about this guy.

According to his research on the Horcrux, the soul fragments in the Horcrux are divided from the Lord's soul and possess all the memories, feelings, and thoughts of the Lord's soul, acting on a specific trajectory and having a connection with the Lord's soul to feel each other.

That's why Harry knew what Voldemort was thinking with the soul fragment in his head.

Because Voldemort has divided his soul too many times, his soul has become extremely confused, unless in certain circumstances he is no longer able to communicate with other souls, but as the number of souls decreases, he will find it sooner or later.

It can be said that both the Soul and the Soul Fragment are the same subject, with only the difference between the Lord and the Second.

But there are two completely different subjects in front of Riddle and Voldemort, which is unusual.

If there is no such connection, is he still a Horcrux?!

The only way to verify this is to destroy all but him, the Horcrux and Voldemort.

If he still exists, it really proves that he has nothing to do with Voldemort, being completely independent of the Lord's soul.

If it's too difficult, dangerous, and uncertain to do so, let Ivan see it, let's just wipe him out.

Click the Voldemort a little as planned, instead of this unexpected change.

He looked at Dumbledore and sighed.

It is certain that the Principal decides not to do so.

He would try to save this Tom Riddle and find out the truth whenever there was a million possibilities.

Of course, this is all still under control, and if things go beyond control, he will surely destroy the Horcrux the first time, without hesitation.

“Strange, what were your thoughts?” Dumbledore continued, "When you met your mother and saw him kill your father? ”

“There's nothing special about it, I can't help it, it's the man's fault.” Riddle said.

“Good!” Dumbledore seemed to have got the answer he wanted and didn't keep asking.

He nodded slowly, seemingly thinking about something.