Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1126: Future Ministry of Magic

When the red chain disappeared, the vows were fulfilled and Riddle and Delphi let go.

Things are getting more and more interesting, and Horcruxes can use magic here, which means they can continue to disguise themselves.

Regardless of what Riddle is up to, Ivan intends to follow Delphi to find out what's going on in the magic world.

Across from him, Delphi, who had been nervous, let go of his wand in the dark.

“This guarantees the most basic trust between us.” She said with satisfaction that some of them looked at Ivan with some relief, "You'll keep that promise, won't you? ”

“Rest assured, my dear cousin will not watch me die for breaking my vows.” Riddle said.

“Exactly!” Ivan nodded and his eyes would be closed by then.

“Now that we are allies, I think we can have a deeper understanding.” Riddle said, "I have a lot of questions. What is the intelligence you just said about the time converter? Why doesn't the Ministry of Magic have a time converter? And how are you going to save your father? What happened to him? ”

This guy, knowing Delphi was his offspring, was obviously much more positive than before.

“We need to start from scratch...”

“Wait, we'd better go somewhere else.” Ivan said, "You're not going to communicate here, are you? ”

“Yes, we should leave quickly. If someone in the Ministry of Magic finds out, it's not good.” Delphi said.

The three of them went back to the first room, the walls spinning, and Delphi mastered the way to crack the magic of the Ministry.

With a spell on her face, she flew out a light group at the end of the wand and landed on the stone door leading to the elevator.

“Go here!” She waved and pushed the door open.

On this occasion, Evan lowered his voice and asked, "Can the Horcrux make an unbreakable vow to others? ”

“As you can see!” Riddle stressed, "I said I was a special soul tool. ”

“What happens if you don't keep your word? First of all, if I do find a time converter, I won't give it to her, especially if she goes back to save her father..."

“Breaking the oath, my specific body will be destroyed by magic. ”

“Speak up!” Evan looks at him strangely, "what do you mean by this body? What happens when you destroy it? ”

“That's me you see now, destroy it and rebuild one out.” For me, "Riddle said," it's just a loss of some energy. The key is the soul in the ring. You put that ring away, and I don't want to stay at this strange point in time. ”

He wanted to stay, and Ivan didn't feel comfortable leaving him here.

According to Riddle, the cost of breaking an oath is insignificant to him.

Ivan couldn't help but mourn Delphi, and Riddle, like him, had no intention of actually helping her do it.

“Well, what are you going to do next?” Ivan asks quickly, "making friends with his own daughter? ”

“I want to know as much as possible about this future before I go back.” Riddle paused and looked at Delphi with no expression, "and as for her saying her name was Riddle, I never admitted it. ”

You don't have to admit, she's already called Riddle!

Ivan can't guess this guy's intentions, but as long as he controls the Horcrux itself, nothing will go wrong.

As for the future, Ivan was curious as to what had happened.

But unlike in the past, the future itself will change in terms of time magic.

What we see now does not necessarily really happen, saying it is the future, rather it is a possibility in countless timelines.

Just as Ivan and Riddle were talking in a whisper, Delphi looked back at them and didn't know what to think.

No one in the dark corridor could hear the rumbling sound of the elevator running at the end of the corridor, many people were using it, along the crevices of the elevator, Evan could even hear the bustling sound coming from the upstairs lobby, as if hundreds of people were talking at the same time.

“Why is it so loud?” He asked.

“Is there anything strange about that?” Delphi replied, "This has been the case with the daytime Ministry of Magic. ”

“Is it daytime now? ”

“Exactly!” Delphi nodded and looked at them in confusion.

“Well, the two of us broke in last night, no registration.” Evan said, "Delphi, you know what I mean, it's best not to let anyone else see us, especially Tom in his uniform. It's brilliant! ”

“That's nothing, Hogwarts is on summer vacation right now, and some students are coming to the Ministry of Magic.” I don't know how the two of you got in, “Delphi said," but when you go out with me, try to be as natural as possible, just go to the fireplace and leave through the flying network, and if anyone asks, you can say that you came in with Frank Pohl of the Muggle Management Control Division, and he'll cover for us. ”

This guy is supposed to be Delphi's inside response in the Ministry of Magic, but what department is Muggle Matters Management Control?

Evan had never heard of the department, and he knew that what was relevant to Muggles was that Mr. Weasley's Division for the Prohibition of Misuse of Muggle Items, which was attached to the Department for the Enforcement of Magical Laws and dealt with the bewitching of Muggle Items by wizards, was a very discreet section.

The ascent of the elevator was fast, and eighteen years later the Magic Ministry Hall appeared before them.

In front of Ivan is a complex hall.

Not unlike Evan's impression of the Magic Department Hall, it's twice the size he's familiar with.

The golden glittering fountain at the center changed the statue above, spraying the water column upwards, 30 feet tall.

Splashes of water cast a spot of light on bright wood floors and walls.

Just above the top of the fountain, higher than anywhere else, is a semi-circular silver sphere.

Ivan didn't know what it was for, and he felt his eyes were running out.

Centered on the fountain and silver sphere, the outer sides of the four walls are rotated upwards, staggered vertically and horizontally, and constantly changing escalators.

Each escalator stands on a wizard and sends them to different floors above.

When they arrived at their destination, the green light flashed and the wizards vanished into their offices.

Along the escalator, Ivan saw a dynamic and changing picture and was also the main source of the noise he had just heard.

In his familiar Ministry of Magic, which is the windows of the departments, they are enchanted and the Magic Service determines what kind of weather every day is, but now they are huge glass walls with changing images that look like an electronic screen.

This electronic screen made up of glass walls is probably this kind of thing. Ivan thinks that wizards shouldn't use Muggle-related technology too much, and the constantly changing images in front of them may be driven by magic, or a combination of magic and science.

At this time, the abrogation of laws on pure descent is being broadcast and interviews with several witches are being inserted from time to time.