Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1135 Office of the Minister

Lift up slowly, with Ivan alone in it, standing in the corner in his invisible clothes.

“First floor, Office of the Minister of Magic and Logistics. ”

The golden fence door opens again, with Ivan facing a spacious corridor connected to an oval building not far away.

The hallway is quiet, no one is there, the ground is covered with thick carpets, through the huge landing windows on both sides, you can see the main hall of the Ministry of Magic below and the flow of people through the shuttle, dozens of escalators in the transformed position, very spectacular.

Ivan looked down for a while, didn't see Riddle, and this guy didn't know where he was!

Delphi couldn't get out of Percy for a moment and a half, and he decided to go to Hermione's office and get the time converter himself.

Ivan continued along the aisle, and after passing through the huge suspended windows, many bright wooden doors began to appear on both sides of the corridor.

There is a small sign on each door with the names and titles of the people in the house, lined up in front of each other.

Ivan thinks he should be in the oval building, and he starts looking for Hermione's office by paying attention to the names on the doors.

After a walk around a corner, the aisle leads into a spacious area.

Forty wizards and wizards sat in front of a row of partitioned tables filled with documents, and many were burying their heads to read documents or write reports, and Ivan even saw three quills moving in front of a man.

He stopped in front of a table with no one to look at, and all the wizards were assistants to the minister in charge of drafting various documents.

Fuji has only one assistant, Percy, but Hermione needs close to fifty, and the workload is unimaginable.

“Finally finished this report!” Ivan heard the witch in the next compartment say, "I heard that the Muggle Matters Management and Control Division is already writing reports using something called a computer made by Muggles, which automatically completes what we need, and we need to write it by hand here, which is ridiculous! ”

“Many wizards think it's unsafe and will explode at any moment.” The witch next to her whispered, “In fact, proper vigilance is still necessary. I don't feel very comfortable with anything that uses electricity, but there is no way to start the computer with magic. That kind of muggle stuff is complicated...”

“The old wizard's mind, Muggles is growing faster and faster, you people are blind and immersed in the past, I can't see the difference between electricity and magic, as long as it helps us to get out of these cumbersome tasks, my house is full of appliances, and I don't see any explosions!” The witch replied, stretching a lazy waist, "I would hope, by the way, that the Minister's bill on reform would be adopted this time. ”

“There should be no problem, there are many wizards to support her. ”

“By then, the Minister should give herself a vacation and she spends too much time at work! ”

“I don't think that's possible, she hasn't been on vacation for five consecutive years!” The Witch said, "You really should hear what those people in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement have said about her. In her years as Director of Magical Law Enforcement, their department has introduced more revised laws than in the last century, and night overtime has almost become the norm. ”

“The Minister is good at everything, he just loves his job so much! ”

“The current Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement is not strong enough either, I hear...”

This is very Hermione style, spending most of the time on work.

Ivan had intended to continue listening, but he saw Hermione walking in from the end of the tunnel.

The originally somewhat relaxed office atmosphere immediately became tense and he carefully crossed through the partitioned desks to keep up with Hermione.

This guy was obviously Delphi, because she looked nervous, and when someone and she called, her body was shaking slightly, unnaturally, not knowing how she was handling Percy, and the two of them came to the greasy redwood door at the end of the hall, and the sign clearly said: Hermione Mason, Minister of Magic.

Delphi knocked on the door with a wand and the door opened.

Ivan followed her into Hermione's office and closed the door behind her.

“Evan, are you there?” Delphi asked with a trembling sound.

“Mmm!” Ivan lifted his invisibility jacket.

“Thank God, I didn't think you were following me. Percy Weasley, Director of Magic Law Enforcement, just called me in. He asked me for my opinion on the bill to be revised. I dared not say too much, afraid to arouse his suspicion. I told him that I was not feeling well and I rushed up!” Delphi's heart palpitated, "Well, Evan, where do you think that time converter is hidden? We must hurry to find it and get out of here before the compound expires. ”

“The magic here is a little strange!” Ivan says he took out the wand for a while, "the time converter flew in! ”

No accidents, no reactions, Hermione is well versed in protective spells.

He took two steps forward and measured the room.

Hermione's office is large and simple, with the most eye-catching rows of bookshelves around.

It's filled with magic books and tens of thousands of copies, giving Ivan the feeling of returning to the Hogwarts Library.

The central location is a lot of desks, which are also full of documents.

Ivan also saw a photograph of him and Hermione, with three children on it.

A boy and two girls, about eighty-nine years old, all smiling brilliantly.

This photo and some of Hermione's unique habits in this room give Ivan a strange sense of familiarity.

Does he and Hermione have three children here?

Ivan's current position is a bit strange, so secretly entering his future wife's office to steal...

“It's too big to hide anywhere.” Delphi said, "It's impossible to find it in an hour. ”

“Have you noticed the books on these shelves?” Ivan bypassed the desk and came to the back in front of the big bookshelf.

He can feel the magic marks on it, obviously Hermione has carefully arranged the place.

She should have known Ivan would come and left enough traces to get his attention, but she wasn't going to give him the time converter directly.

“Well, solve the puzzle? ”

There are many books on the shelf, there are ordinary magic books, there are books that only Hermione would read about history and politics, and there are many forbidden books and cursed magic books, many of which Ivan has not seen.

“Look at these books, Hidden Secrets, Common Spells of Medieval Witches, Blood Codes, Ancient Gods and Order, War of Dawn, Magic Empire of the Ancient Mages, Fall of Empire, Evil Dark Magic, Demons of the Fifteenth Century, and Fourteen Lines of Witches…”