Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1152 Exam Start

In other words, this is an exam that you cannot regret once you have taken.

Nor did Ivan intend to repent or escape, and through this period of review, he felt confident in himself.

His practical exams are completely free from worry and are sufficient as long as they are not too rigorous.

Ivan is now in fourth grade, taking the O.W.Ls exam and entering N.E.W.Ts class until graduation for one more year than normal students.

He planned to apply to Dumbledore to communicate with the Wizard School abroad.

With the exception of the American school for witches only and the East Asian school for movable mysterious magic, the remaining eight prestigious magic schools are all linked to Hogwarts, and if Voldemort is eliminated by then, Ivan will consider applying for an exchange for past studies.

Take this opportunity to see the wizards and landscapes of other countries, learn new magic, grow insights...

Dumbledore also agreed to Ivan's application and promised to help him if he had the chance.

Of these schools, Ivan is most interested in four magic schools located in Egypt, Japan, China and the United States.

They all have an ancient history, corresponding to a unique magic system, and have their own specialty in magic, which is very appealing...

Of course, the other four magic schools are good, all different from Hogwarts.

The first exam, scheduled to take place on Monday morning, is spell theory.

After breakfast on Sunday, Ivan declined Hermione's request to use the time converter again, and what she should do now is to relax and maintain enough strength to take the exam tomorrow, rather than using the time converter overload endorsement.

Hermione was so excited, she had no confidence in herself, she always felt like there was something wrong with her memory.

Harry promised her a refresher after lunch, but almost immediately regretted it.

Hermione always retrieved the textbooks from him and checked his answers to see if they were correct. In the end, the sharp corners of Magic Achievement hit Harry's nose hard.

“Why don't you go over it yourself?” Harry said with tears in his eyes.

“I can't, Harry, I...”

“Then go get Evan and help you. He'll find a way!” Harry insisted that the book be handed back to her.

Hermione then turned around and returned to Evan with the thick Achievement of the Curse.

Ivan calmed her down by giving her a bottle of sedative.

In his view, many people in the college needed the help of this low-level magic potion.

Probably because of the drug, Gryffindor's public lounge was unusually quiet that day.

Junior students try to get out and give up their seats, leaving only fifth and seventh graders in the public lounge.

Neville borrowed Hermione's magic notes from the past few years, looked over and over, his lips creeping silently; so did Ron, beside him, flattening the classroom notes over the table for two years, blocking his ears with his fingers; Simo Finnigan lying flat on the floor reciting the definition of a basic spell, Dean checking against Standard Spells, Level 5; and Pawati and Lavender practicing basic sports spells, letting their stationery boxes race silently around the edge of the table.

Harry went to Sirius, and Ivan, Hermione and Elaine sat on the sofa by the fire.

Ivan and Hermione kept picking up the book and reading it, dropping it on their silent backs, and then picking it up to see if their backs were right.

Elaine grabbed a bloody lollipop and licked it slowly, staring at the two strange movements with her big burgundy eyes.

After that incident, the students knew that Elaine was a vampire, but even Voldemort had come back to life, and a vampire enrolled in school didn't seem to be anything worth shocking about, and everyone slowly accepted it.

And Elaine was very quiet and low profile, never causing trouble, and rarely appeared before the public.

She rarely even went to the auditorium hall, where she rarely spoke to anyone but a few, and stayed with Evan most of the time.

Ivan can only avoid her and Hermione learning alone by using a time converter...

Upon coming back from the future, Ivan and Keresis talked about how to handle the evil blood and destroy the first embrace of their clan, and Keresis promised, but they were still vampires, and he was going to find another way to develop the clan.

So, after finishing his business with Norway, he left for the United States.

That's the Vampire Battalion, where you can find what he needs.

All day long, all fifth grade students were studying hard, and that evening at dinner, they saw the chief examiner, and there was a sound of discussion in the quiet auditorium, Hermione's hand softened, and the fork slipped onto the plate.

“Oh, my God.” She stared at the hall and whispered timidly, "Is that them? Chief Examiner? ”

Ivan also looked up at the entrance to the auditorium.

He saw Professor Dumbledore walking in from outside the castle with a small group of seemingly old wizards, just outside the auditorium.

“Shall we come closer? ”

“Hurry up!” Hermione dragged Ivan to the foyer, and many students did the same.

Next to Dumbledore stands a small hunchback witch.

She was Professor Machiban, the examiner, and she had wrinkles all over her face, like a spiderweb.

“The journey was smooth and we arrived a lot earlier.” Professor Machiban said out loud that she seemed a little backed, although Dumbledore was very close to her, but she spoke loudly, "Yes, the magic world is now a mess, people are skeptical, as if mysterious people could appear at any moment, but I told them not to worry at all, because with you, Abbess, I have always told my friends that you are the greatest witch I have ever seen, I remember the N.E.W.Ts exam, I was personally in charge of your deformation and spellology, I never thought about the magic you put out...”

“Thank you!” Dumbledore said with a smile, "Gesturda, would you like some tea in my office? ”

“Oh, come on!” Professor Machiban shouted, "I heard a while ago that the Ministry of Magic intervened in Hogwarts' teaching behavior and sent a senior investigator, who was completely blind, Cornelius was sure...”

The students walked up the marble stairs in awe of their eyes.

“She looks amazing, doesn't she?” Hermione asked softly.

“It's okay!” Evan said Professor Machiban's appearance had absolutely nothing to do with Mercy.

“She must be very old, and even Dumbledore's exams were her responsibility.” Oh, my God, she must be very experienced, "Hermione said." I've seen all the magic. I hope the exam content isn't too difficult. ”

Exam time enters the countdown, it's a disturbing night.

Everyone wants to revisit it it at the last minute, but nobody seems to have much to gain.

Finally, Ivan, in his capacity as the head boy, lets everyone go to bed early.

Staying in the public lounge doesn't help them in any way, it's just a pain...