Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1172: Excavation Progress

Not to mention the dark wizards and the dead who robbed and created chaos while the fire was still on fire. Voldemort wanted to succeed in exercising that magic. There are two things he needs right now: the bodies and souls of all sorts of miraculous creatures and humans.

These two things are obtained in the same way, which is killing!

Killing magical creatures and humans, collecting their flesh and soul.

The most important of these is the soul.

As long ago as a thousand years ago, the despicable Hailbo had discovered that there was only one way to divide the soul: to commit murder.

Cruel killing can destabilize one's soul and then use magic to divide to create a soul.

This spell, in turn, can also separate the soul of a brutally murdered person from the flesh.

With Ivan's knowledge of Voldemort, he may collect these souls himself.

This is a vital part, and it also requires powerful magic to divide the soul, which is difficult for others to do.

Voldemort killed many people, mainly Muggles, during the First Wizard War.

He did so primarily to show the nobility of the wizard's lineage, and also to make a vagina.

Just as Grindelwald had intended to use resurrection stones to make the army of the dead, an army made up of the dead has long been regarded as a symbol of evil and invincibility, a symbol of all the Dark Lord...

In the cave that was used to protect Slytherin's locket, there was this army of corpses.

They were all killed by Voldemort, at least in the thousands, and even Dumbledore could not handle them.

Now that you've done it, it won't be a problem to do it again.

Voldemort will collect those souls on its own, but the flesh is different and too demanding. The collected flesh can be used to construct Voldemort's new body, the extra parts, and can be sacrificed to the Evil God to help him regain his strength. Anyway, Voldemort has a statue of the Evil God in his hands.

So, naturally, the more flesh there is, the better!

This task cannot be accomplished by relying solely on the heavily traumatized cannibals and an army that has not yet been formed. From Rawiye's description, Ivan speculates that Voldemort intends to work with the dark forces of the world, using the so-called reward as bait to let other dark forces work for him to collect these flesh and blood.

This reward is absolutely enormous and cannot be rejected by the dark wizards and the dead.

Evan thinks it's wicked black magic and powerful power, and may even include the method of making a soul tool and obtaining magic black magic.

Anyway, as long as you can be a god, these things will be useless to Voldemort.

This has led directly to the frequent attacks and murders of all kinds over the past month, and the world's magic community has fallen into fear of Voldemort's return.

No wonder other wizards are reluctant to talk when they know Ivan is from England.

They were afraid that Voldemort would extend his influence to the whole world in this way.

Everyone is endangering themselves, and this is only the beginning, and the situation will get worse.

Those thugs will soon discover that it is easier for Muggles to kill than to hunt dangerous magical creatures and wizards, and instead attack Muggles...

Of course, Muggles can't figure out what's going on, and they'll think it's a natural disaster or an accident.

Just like not long ago, the frequent hurricanes in various parts of Europe, the massive earthquake in the Kansai region of Japan, the massive collapse of a shopping mall in Korea, and the small-scale war in the Middle East, all of which seemed to be disasters or man-made disasters in the eyes of Muggles, were shadowed by black wizards.

These are just little noises. Evan is suddenly worried that Voldemort and the Death Eaters will take control of a major power to wage a world war. I'm afraid that's what Dumbledore and the Ministry of Magic are worried about...

But he can only worry.

In the present situation, Ivan has no good solution but to count on the Ministry of Magic and Magic.

This witch war has escalated into a world-class war.

If possible, it would be a good idea for the International Federation of Wizards to come forward and assemble the elite pride of nations to form an army.

Anyway, the main battlefield of the war is still in England, in Hogwarts.

If Voldemort wants to conquer the world and integrate the dark forces of other nations, he cannot bypass Dumbledore and Hogwarts.

And the key to resolving these current problems and defeating evil gods is also in Hogwarts.

How to defeat Voldemort and maintain the current situation is something Dumbledore needs to consider.

Ivan needs to hurry now to collect the four founders' treasure keys and find the secret treasure.

Knowing the current situation, Ivan began to ask Rawiye about the ruins of the Sun.

She is now the curser of the Gulling Palace and is involved in the discovery of the entire relic.

Not to mention that Rawiye was previously an assistant to the Left Fairy and had first-hand knowledge of the ruins.

“I will not say much about the background of the Sun's ruins, and you should be aware that the building is located in the heart of the city of Pell-Ramesis, a temple built by Ramses II, and the largest and most mysterious of the buildings found to be left behind today.” Rawiye said, "What I want to tell you is that it's dangerous in there! ”

She took out an architectural plan and unfolded it in front of Ivan.

This is a plan of the Sun's ruins, with detailed criteria for the progress of the excavation.

“We have cleared the first hall of the ruins!” Rawiye said, pointing to one of the largest areas on the plan, “there is now called the Dome of God, which is the front hall of the entire Sun Ruins, as you can see, huge, with all the ancient Egyptian gods known today, and all sorts of magic and curses...”

Ivan looked at the dense and numb text on the drawing, and there were hundreds of named gods.

All the ancient Egyptian gods he knew were on them.

That's a big pen. He really didn't know which temple was serving so many gods at the same time.

“There are many gods in the temple of God, but some of the most important ancient Egyptian deities are not.” Rawiye continues, sliding his fingers forward, "after our year-long excavations, these gods should be located in a hall deeper into the ruins, and they include all nine pillar gods, as well as the patron saint of the Crown, Horus, the reaper Anubis and, most importantly, the Sun God, who is said to be hiding in his temple. ”

“Wait, why speculate?” Ivan asked.

“Because of the slow pace of excavation, not all of us have found the Lord God who is not in the temple of God.” There are currently a total of three excavation routes to the ruins, the first is to continue along the temple of God, which is the main road of the entire ruins, precious ancient relics and terrible defensive magic are everywhere and the most excavated at present; the second is to enter directly from directly above the ruins, the entire solar ruins are buried under the yellow sand for thousands of years, the first to be discovered where the explorers broke part of the ruins into it, there is also the closest place to the core, the former excavation team in the left race was in charge of this area... ”