Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1388 Devil Altar

Harry stared unwillingly at Dumbledore and felt like he was opening a pot. He doesn't understand. Why would Dumbledore react like this? Has he instructed Snape to discover Malfoy's movements and heard himself from Snape? Or is he actually worried, just pretending like nothing happened?

“Well, sir!” Ha, take advantage of his wish to be polite and calm and say, "You still trust...”

“Well, Harry, I've answered that question with enough tolerance.” Dumbledore says, but the tone is no longer tolerant, "my answer remains unchanged, and now I think we should focus our attention back on what is at hand. ”

Harry looked blindly at Dumbledore and looked back at Ivan for help.

Dumbledore's tone implied that the topic was over, and he didn't want to discuss whether Malfoy's assassination or Snape was trustworthy.

Of course he trusts Snape and knows exactly what Malfoy is doing.

To be honest, Ivan would like to ask Dumbledore what he intends to do.

But at the end of the day, you didn't say anything, you could tell from Dumbledore's expression that you wouldn't answer that question, and now is not the time to say something like that.

A few minutes after the topic ended, the atmosphere was a little dull.

The surrounding environment also prevents people from wanting to speak too much and fear disturbing the rest of these dead elves who have already lived in their homes.

As a result, they eventually stopped in front of the shelves filled with crippled households with little elvish heads.

This is the entrance to the Devil's Altar, where the skin of the Elf's head on the shelf appears strangely pale blue, more or less missing or damaged, like the face of a madman, staring at the big, scary light bulb, staring at Evan violently at them.

The heads on the shelves were not only damaged, but also had some kind of hatred engraved in their faces.

This look, which should not appear on the inversely obedient creature of the Elvish, now appears to be extraordinarily strange.

Nobody talks, not even Harry thinks too much about Dumbledore and Snape and Malfoy.

Tense heartbeat, even breathing, in a quiet and creepy atmosphere, unusually clear.

“These little elves have suffered in their lifetime!” Dumbledore said softly, "Well, back off, we need to crack the magic machine that stays here. ”

He said, taking out his wand and knocking it on the head of a dry elvish at home.

Bang, bang, bang, like knocking on the door, Pokémon's closed eyes opened violently...

He looked at the six people in front of him with his mouth open and closed as if he were going to eat them alive.

Elaine screamed low and rushed to cover her mouth and hide behind Hermione.

Because Hermione had come before, prepared herself, stiff body betrayed her.

Ivan had gotten used to it, and Harry and Ron beside him looked very pale.

At home, the elves kept their heads open for a moment, and their heartbeat accelerated sharply, but they could still hold on. But Ron couldn't help but scream when that gloomy green ghost fire appeared in front of him and flew at them.

Dumbledore waved his wand so hard that all the ghost fires went out.

“Interesting, interesting.” He softly said that something interesting seemed to have been discovered.

“What's funny, Professor?” Ivan asked.

“Do you know what magic is? Do you remember the magic?” Dumbledore asked back.

“No impression, Professor.” Ivan thought about it and said, "It just feels weird. ”

Yeah, it's just weird.

The last time he came, he felt strange, whether it was the fluctuation of the magic around him or this magic.

“Strange, of course, because it's not magic by a wizard.” Dumbledore said.

It's not magic from a wizard. What do you mean?

Is it the magic of a Pokémon? Or the demon's magic down there?

After a hearty sound, the entire shelf slides to the right to reveal the space after. They walked in successively. Dumbledore was the first man, and his right hand, covered with strange spells, held the wand high and raised it. The wand emitted bright white light and dispersed all darkness.

Behind him, Harry, Ron, Ivan and Hermione and Elaine walked at the end.

The stairs keep going down, and the ground, the deputies on both sides, and the surrounding walls are all massive black rocks.

The rocks are painted black, cold, and extra shady, and they seem to melt together to absorb all the light.

But Dumbledore raised the right hand of the wand very smoothly, and the light at the end of the wand grew stronger.

The darkness is being driven away, but the surrounding temperatures are getting lower and unblockable.

Soon they will all breathe white fog.

It is already close to the center of the Devil's Altar, surrounded by a thin layer of ice on the ground.

It's not just the ground, it's all touched by an odd pale green glow.

This is the color of frost, this is the world of ice.

Ivan can't help but wonder if the source of the cold air in the ingredients freezer above is this place.

Although it is December and everyone's robes are thick, it seems that this cold leads directly to the mind.

Ivan's wand was rowed over himself, Hermione, Elaine, Harry and Ron in turn, using magic to heat them up.

Dumbledore didn't do anything, he didn't seem to feel the cold, just at the end of the stairs.

There, everything was shiny, the black rock was covered in thick ice, and the ice formed a strange shape.

It's an ice wall, accompanied by intense magic fluctuations, and the blue halo behind the ice wall flashes from time to time.

“Careful!” Dumbledore said, go on.

Ivan's last entrance was covered with ice again, leaving no trace.

At the end of Dumbledore's wand there was a white mist, and soon the thick ice wall melted into an entrance and exit.

Inside, the Devil's Altar shines blue and appears to be made entirely of frost.

The altar is made up of dozens of giant stones that form a concentric circle that looks extraordinarily magnificent.

Each stone is a huge rectangle, standing upright on the ground, about ten feet tall, between adjacent stones, connected by another rock across the top, in different quantities, in different directions, or across two fast, or three to four pieces, arranged together in a peculiar pattern.

Stones are also not smooth and complete, with irregularly distributed grooves of varying shapes.

Each groove is embedded with gemstones, divided into blue and blue with dim glow.

Closer to you can see clearly that there is a complex magic tattoo of light blue between the gems, and from time to time there is light gleaming over it...