Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1528 Biography

Hermione reads it, and Effias Doge's narrative is basically true.

This is Dumbledore, the greatest wizard in the world.

For many people, this may be the first time they've heard about Dumbledore's past, and what people are familiar with today is Dumbledore.

Years of high morality, silver, and Hogwarts for many years.

With regard to Dumbledore's early years, very little, if any, has been said about his extraordinary achievements.

Ivan knows more about Dumbledore's past, and Dumbledore's greatness is not only reflected in his glorious achievements, but also in his noble qualities.

In his long and wonderful life, he had the opportunity and the ability to gain more, whether greater rights or greater strength, but Dumbledore finally gave up everything, the Minister of Magic, the Holy Art of Death, the Immortality, which Dumbledore once had in his hands, but he gave up everything because it was not in keeping with his quest.

For the greater good, as the obituary says.

At the Nurmengard Wizard Prison, Ivan saw the words engraved on the gate.

That's where Dumbledore stayed, the photograph of his life, and he truly gave everything for Hogwarts and for the better development of the magic world.

Dumbledore, great man!

The more you know about his past, the more admirable it is.

But not everyone thought so, and soon Hermione turned over the latest issue of The Prophet's Daily, featuring a photograph of Dumbledore walking in a hurry with a slightly smaller title and introduction.

“Effias Doge's obituary is good, but there are a lot of places that aren't too specific, and apparently Rita Skeeter's haters have different views on Dumbledore's past.” She said, "Evan, listen to this, Dumbledore, the truth is clear! An astonishing biography emerges next week, featuring the flawed genius, many consider him to be the greatest wizard of his time. Rita Skeeter stripped away the beloved silver-white figure of a wise man, revealing Dumbledore's turbulent childhood and chaotic youth, his lifelong enemies, and the sinful secrets he took to his grave. Why is this prospective Minister of Magic content to be only one principal? What is the real purpose of that secret organization called the Phoenix Society? How the hell did Dumbledore die? Why didn't people see his body at the funeral? The answers to these and more questions were explored in Rita Skeeter's latest explosive biography, Albus Dumbledore's Life and Lies, and an exclusive interview with the biographer, Betty Braithwaite, is available in the thirteenth edition of this newspaper. ”

Ivan blinked and looked at Hermione, suddenly angry.

“Don't be angry, Hermione, she likes bullshit, you know. ”

Ivan made some adjustments to Hogwarts Magic's business this summer, simply moving overseas and underground.

After Dumbledore's death, Voldemort's rise to power was inevitable.

So Ivan has to be ready early.

He could not have expected Voldemort and the Death Eaters to turn a blind eye to a hostile newspaper on the bustling streets of Diagonal Lane, and adjustments were necessary.

After the adjustment, Hogwarts Magic began to compete over the old Daily Prophet, and the increasingly agitated magic world was changing.

In the wake of this change, Rita Skeeter, while not completely flipping with Ivan, started writing again for The Prophet's Daily, writing some articles about Dumbledore, and then disappeared for a while, holding out such a big move.

In her opinion, Ivan is no longer a threat to her.

And the truth is, Ivan and the Phoenix are just now ignoring Rita Skeeter.

It's not as realistic to expect a journalist like her to have a maneuver and a bottom line at this time as to expect Voldemort to get better.

“You're right, it's all worthless bullshit. ”

Hermione turned around for a while and threw the newspaper in a paper basket.

She promised to help cook dinner, and after she left, Ivan walked over to the latest issue of The Prophet's Daily and turned to the 13th edition.

He's wondering what Chirita Skeeter has to say. Is she going to write a biography for Dumbledore?

After all, this woman is still good at digging up some news.

What did she know about Dumbledore's death?

Of course, there's a lot to look at in Skeeter's article, and you can't believe it all.

In the newspaper, Ivan was presented with a familiar face: a woman wearing a pair of jeweled eyes, a blonde hair turned into a delicate roll, her teeth revealed, an apparently attractive smile on her face, her fingers swinging open towards Ivan.

Ivan tries not to look at this disgusting picture and continues reading it.

Rita Skeeter's writing is famous for its sharpness, but she herself is much more enthusiastic. In her warm and cozy home, she greeted me in the hall, led me straight into the kitchen, drank tea, ate a cake of heavy sugar oil, and, of course, had a hot, hot conversation.

“Needless to say, Dumbledore is a biographer's dream.” Skeeter said, "For such a long and rich life, my book is the first, and I'm sure there will be many more to come. ”

Skeeter was undoubtedly a fast man, and this 900-page biography was completed only four weeks after Dumbledore's mysterious death in June.

I asked her how she could be so fast.

“Oh, if you've been a journalist like me for so many years, grabbing time becomes second nature. I know that a wizard is hungry for a complete biography, and I hope to be the first to meet that need. ”

I refer to the most widely circulated comment by Effias Dodge, a special adviser to Wesengamo and a longtime friend of Albus Dumbledore, who said, "The facts contained in Skeeter are not as good as a chocolate frog card. ”

Skeeter laughed heavenly, disdainfully at this statement.

“Lovely old slipper! I remember interviewing him a few years ago for the benefit of the mermaid. God bless him. The whole old fool seemed to think we were sitting at the bottom of Lake Windermere, constantly telling me to watch out for salmon. ”

However, many media outlets have reproduced Efias Doge's accusations of biographical errors.

Does Skeeter really think that just four weeks is enough to describe Dumbledore's long and extraordinary life?

“Oh, dear.” Skeeter smiled and clapped my hand gently, "You know as well as I do, with a bag of golden gallons in Burma, a momentum to break the casserole and a beautiful and sharp shorthand feather pen, how much intelligence can you put together! Besides, people are lined up to talk about Dumbledore. You know, not everyone thinks he's that good, and I must say, he's offended too many important people. However, old Slippery Dodge can get off his tall eagle horse with wings, because I found a source that most journalists would like to exchange with the wand: a man who had never spoken in public before but who was closely associated with him during Dumbledore's extremely troubled youth. ”

Skeeter's new book ad for the biography makes it clear that for those who believe Dumbledore's life to be flawless, it will be a strong shock to wait for them. So, what's the most amazing secret she's discovered?