All legendary magical objects are under the control of the Ministry of Magic and the sword of Griffindor is naturally present, but Hermione obviously disagrees with this.

She interrupted him excitedly before Scrimgeour had finished.

“It belonged to Harry, it chose Harry, it was Harry who found it, it came out of the cap of the courtyard to find Harry...”

She was talking about the secret room incident that Ivan had just entered school in, where Ivan and Harry were fighting Tom Riddle's diary and Snake Monster duel.

Ivan was also an ordinary little wizard, probably a little stronger than the other freshmen in the first grade, but not too much stronger. The battle was particularly difficult because Harry pulled Griffindor's sword out of the cap at a critical juncture, beating Tom Riddle and the Serpent Monster.

Until Harry pulled out Gryffindor's sword, the sword remained missing and there was no evidence that it was in Hogwarts.

Obviously, as a special legendary magic object, the sword itself possesses, in addition to being particularly sharp, the characteristics of some kind of space magic.

But to say that Gryffindor's sword belongs to Harry, it's a bit tough.

“According to reliable historical data, the sword will be presented to every outstanding Gryffindor student.” Mr. Potter found it, "Skringer said," and that doesn't make it his personal property, no matter what Dumbledore decides, Griffindor's sword... ”

“And the sheath, the sheath that Ivan retrieved from the giant tribe, had no sheath without Ivan. ”

“Sword sheath and sword are one!” Skringer strongly said, "The sword has appeared and the sheath will naturally appear. If the Ministry of Magic knows where the sheath is, they will send someone to retrieve it. We are grateful that Mr. Mason helped us find the sheath of the lost millennium and can even award him a special contribution award. In fact, we have done so, but this does not indicate that the sword or sheath belongs to either Mr. Mason or Mr. Potter. No one, including Dumbledore, can give it to others. More than that, I wonder why Dumbledore left Griffindor's sword..."

He said that his aggressive gaze turned to Harry.

“You want to know, Dumbledore wants to give me the sword?” Harry said it sounded like Skringer asked a funny question.

“Yes, I want to know why he did it, and I want you to tell me all the secrets. ”

“Huh, secrets!” Harry struggled to restrain his fire, "he thought would look good hanging the sword on my wall. ”

“This isn't a joke, Potter!” Skringer growls, "why do you think I asked you that?! Why do you think I'm here? I'm not here to joke with you. We have to find out, isn't Dumbledore convinced that only Goldrick Griffindor's sword can defeat Slytherin's heir? Does he want to give you the sword because, like so many people, he believes you're destined to destroy the demon who can't even name it? ”

“Interesting theory!” Harry sarcastically said, "You want to know this, has anyone ever tried to ambush a demon with a sword? Perhaps the Ministry of Magic should arrange for some people to do this instead of wasting all day removing lights, studying fairy tale collections, wooden statues and blocking Azkaban's escape. ”

“You don't understand. ”

“I know everything, Sirius has told me that you've been keeping yourself locked up in the office lately, doing nothing... ah, I see, so you're doing this, Minister, locking yourself up in the office, hanging your brains out trying to open a thief? People are dying everywhere. I almost died, but the Ministry of Magic doesn't say anything about these things, does it? So, you expect us to work with you? ”

“Enough, Potter, you've gone too far!” Skringer shouted, "You, the three of you, you have no idea what's going on, you guys...”

“Sorry, Mr. Minister, I think we know very well!” Ivan said, "You don't understand the current situation, I think the Ministry of Magic is now...”

“Are you trying to command me, Mason? You think you're smart enough, like those ridiculous newspapers say, Dumbledore's successor, that you're smart enough to point to me? No, in my opinion, you and Porter are just as ignorant. The four of you have been covering up, telling the Ministry of Magic with no certainty about anything, as if you could defeat that demon with just a few of you. I know you have this idea, and you want to be famous for it. Ridiculous, arrogant, you're joking about the future of the magic world. Now that Dumbledore is dead, only I, and only the Ministry of Magic, can defeat Voldemort. You must tell me all the secrets. ”

“I am not ordering, Mr. Minister, but some reasonable advice that can help the Ministry of Magic, if you are here to look for these. ”

“I'm not here for advice!” Skringer said word for word, as if it had taken a great deal of effort, "what I needed was the secret Dumbledore had left you. ”

“Dream on, we won't tell you, you don't want to know anything.” Harry shouted loudly, jumping up.

“Potter!” Skringer stood up angrily shouting, he was so angry, his whole face turned purple, he crippled and jumped to Harry's side, poking Harry's chest hard with his wand tip: the wand burned a hole in Harry's T-shirt like a lit cigarette.

“Hey!” Ron yelled, jumping up and lifting his wand.

“No, Ron, do you want him to have an excuse to arrest us? ”

“Aha, you're reminded that this isn't at school, right?” Skringer said, breathing heavily, "You've only just remembered that I'm not Dumbledore and I won't forgive you for your rudeness and indiscretion, will you? Don't you think I dare arrest you? Potter, you can take that scar for a crown! And you, Mason, you can think of yourself as the future star of magic, and now you're nothing. I am the Minister of Magic. I know how to fight the Dark Head. It is not the turn of two 17-year-old hairy children to tell me how to do my job! You should learn to respect others! ”

“You should learn to earn respect!” Harry said he looked at Scrimgeour incessantly and angrily.

“Drop the wand, Mr. Minister!” Ivan said, "This isn't Hogwarts, but it's not the Ministry of Magic, you're too impulsive! ”

At this point, the floor was trembling and the running footsteps were heard, then the living room door suddenly opened and the Weasleys rushed in.