Lupin’s defense against the Dark Arts class has aroused widespread discussion among all the students in the third grade, because compared to the teachers of the previous two terms, Lupin has brought them an excellent experience, even some "dislike the poor and love the rich." "Slytherin also admired him very much. Of course, compared to other colleges, they couldn’t behave more obviously. They knew that their dean had been spoofed in class, and it seemed that the relationship between Snape and Lupin was not good too.Bayi Middle School? Wenwang ㈠?

Being able to not guilty on either side is naturally the students' choice.

What does it matter whether it is poor or rich?Slytherin, who pursues power ambitions, doesn't mind being a pragmatist. This new teacher is really good.

His next few lessons were as lively and interesting as the first.After Bogut, they studied the red hat, which is a kind of unpleasant little guy like a monster. Wherever someone bleeds, they are lurking somewhere, in the main building of the castle, on the deserted battlefield. In the potholes, they waited to violently attack those who lost their way.They went from the red hat to the Kabbah, a crawling aquatic animal that looked like a scaly monkey with webbed hands, busy trying to strangle the waders walking in their ponds without knowing the depth.

Since the lesson that left "Snape" with a bruised nose and swollen face, Snape has begun to target Neville in the Potions class. Even Harry, who he usually hates most, has no time to deal with, and Neville has also begun to fight. Getting up, it made the Gryffindor students look at this little fat man more and more. For example, several times Snape asked Neville to experiment with his pet. Neville immediately pushed back and said: " The medicine has absolute confidence. If you insist on experimenting with me, let me drink it myself."

All the students present can guarantee that it was the darkest moment of Snape's face they had ever seen.

"Fight against the teacher, deduct Gryffindor ten points." After leaving this sentence, Snape gave Neville a vicious look, and Neville glared back.

"Why has Neville changed so much?" Ron asked in a low voice. To be honest, even if he defeated Bogut in class, he would still feel frustrated if he was told to see a big furry spider now.

"Maybe the blow was too big, after all, his pet died, but the final result is good." Harry took the conversation, his tone was a little cheerful, very happy for Neville's change, and he also saw Si Nep's languid excitement.

"Neville's toad is not dead." Hermione glanced at Snape, and then whispered when he realized that he was not looking here.

"That's really good news, then why is he changing so much now?" Ron said excitedly, but a bigger question arose, but soon he gave a way: "Wait and ask in person Him."

"Yeah." Harry nodded, also a little curious about it. He was also annoyed by his fear of Dementors recently, maybe he could get some experience after asking Neville.

Hermione kept silent. She felt that she should know the truth. For some reason, she didn't want to tell Harry and Ron the real reason.

After class, the two of them also ran into a wall at the same time. Neville said that he had promised others to keep secrets, which confuses them even more, because the original Neville is only non-committal, except for some principled issues, you can hardly hear him refuse Reply.

"It seems I can only find time to consult Professor Lupin." Harry thought weakly.

The next course made Harry even more troublesome. He had to endure Professor Trelawney’s unreasonable predictions and the pitying eyes of a few female students. Parvati Patil and Lavender Brown liked to be in I went to Professor Trelawney's classroom at lunch. When I came back, I always felt an upsetting sense of superiority, as if they knew something that others didn't know.Whenever they talked to Harry, their voices became softer, as if he had been mortified on the bed.

Not to mention the Magical Creatures Conservation Class. Hagrid has been downcast all the time. The beard on his face looks like he hasn't been sorted out for a long time. Ron will definitely not prosecute Hagrid, but there seems to be another organization. Hagrid was taken to Wiesengamao court for endangering public safety, and on the grounds of Hagrid’s teaching accident, he hoped that he could step down from the position of the Magical Creatures Protection Division, and there may be additional sentences.

Ron ran to apologize to Hagrid in private, but in return Hagrid’s self-blaming words. Now Hagrid has also replaced the teaching object with harmless creatures, which leads them to learn how to do it lesson after lesson. Taking care of the Flobber caterpillar is boring.

Time flies so fast, it's early October in a blink of an eye.

Harry feels that he is under great pressure. The captain of their Quidditch team is in seventh grade this year. He is called Oliver Wood. He is a sturdy 17-year-old. He is eager to win the Quidditch in his final school year. Of course, even for their own sake, the players of Gryffindor’s Quidditch team are eager for a trophy. They practice very hard. The weather is getting colder and wetter, and the night is darker. However, no matter how much mud there is, whether it is wind or rain, Harry’s good foresight cannot be shaken: their team will eventually win the huge Quidditch Silver Cup.

They will face Slytherin in the near future. The last match gave them great confidence. Even the seven new smooth wheels 2oo1 have no way to deal with their seekers, Gryffindor’s Quidditch team members are extremely confident.

Compared to the self-confident Gryffindor, Slytherin looked sad and bleak, and Malfoy was overwhelmed by Pansy. Pansy kept talking about "being a man with words and believing." , And said that Malfoy taught her all, which reminded Malfoy that he seemed to have indeed made some promises.

"I will help you." Malfoy said, "but only for the last Slytherin game this year. This time I guarantee you will win the trophy and you will participate in my special training after Christmas.

"Didn't you say you want to play in person?" Pansy was a little dissatisfied, she still remembered that he didn't say that.

"Compared to you who have participated in a lot of training, are you not as confident in yourself as I am an outsider?" Malfoy asked rhetorically.

Pansy was speechless.

"In addition, this tactic can only take effect once. Next year and beyond, I hope you can truly rely on your own strength." Malfoy finally gave the players another shot.

The current Slytherin students still trust Malfoy very much. In all respects, he has enough capital and prestige to be the leader of the current college, regardless of age.Strength and attitude are the best proof, which makes the players full of expectations for his method that can only take effect once.

"Let's practice." Malfoy stood on the court and commanded. "If someone is lazy because of their hopes on me, I will give up."

As a result, the training intensity of Slytherin did not decrease but increased, and the morale of the players was also boosted.(To be continued.)