"I solemnly swear that I didn't do a good job. August 1st Chinese website?? W?W㈠W?. 8㈧1??W㈠.COM", Malfoy in his pajamas, lying on his little bed comfortably, He took out his magic wand and lightly touched the parchment.

Of course, before that, he had applied a layer of magic that could absorb light around his bed, so as to ensure that the fluorescent flicker would not disturb his sleeping roommate.

Almost for an instant, ink lines as thin as spider webs immediately began to appear from where the wand had just touched.These lines merged and crossed each other, extending to every corner of the parchment; then writing began to appear on the parchment, in large curved green letters, they were:

Auxiliary Supplier for Magic Prank Makers

Moon face, Wormtail, Bigfoot and Prongs, gentlemen

Proudly offer

Live map

These writings faded quickly, and then new writing appeared on the parchment:

Mr. Moonface welcomes the new owner of the map and hopes that he can make good use of it for the right way.

Mr. Prong stated that he was unwilling to accept a Slytherin user.

Mr. Bigfoot said that he doesn't mind the holder's identity and only hopes that the holder can continue the great prank career.

Mr. Wormtail agreed with what they said.

After these few words flashed above the parchment, the writing disappeared completely, and the ink seemed to have been dissolved, and it was immersed in the gap of the live-point map.

Looking at the map painted in black ink and related to the detailed details of Hogwarts Castle and the various venues, Malfoy could only use genius to describe the maker of the live map.

Perhaps the usual impression of wizards is that they have the templated existence of mortal powers, and no one can deeply understand the preciousness of the map of the live point, no matter how powerful it is, it is just a map.

However, in various senses, this magical item showed more than just a map.

What is the first step to draw a normal map?

Of course, it is to be familiar with the place that needs to be drawn.

The predator’s exploration of Hogwarts has surpassed all the students in the past, and the three Animagus’s adventures in Hogwarts are just as powerful as a tiger. The registered and non-registered animas in the 20th century Gus had a total of eleven people, and they accounted for a fraction of them.

No one would doubt for no reason that a rat or a black dog is an Animagus, just like a Muggle walking on the street and no one would see him as a wizard. This provides great opportunities for their exploration and adventure. Much convenience.

When they were trying to help Lupin on the night of the full moon, they might not know how many related secret roads they had explored. Just through the village of Hogsmeade, they found seven.

Except for the rooms with special magic protection like the House of Requests, and the large lakes that are too difficult to explore, the map shows the entire Hogwarts Castle in detail, from the stadium to the forbidden forest, from the auditorium to the stairs. , Can't be perfected anymore.

Only for the concept of maps, no one can do better than them, and the landscape paintings above are also very beautiful. The smooth and powerful lines outline the beautiful outline of Hogwarts, and the complicated sections of each intersection are also clear. And strive to be concise, reflecting a high aesthetic.

"Weird tentacles." Malfoy sighed slightly, once again sincerely admiring the map maker.

Not to mention the ability to display names on the map.

The Ministry of Magic uses traces to track the location of minor wizards. This is already a huge project. It is impossible for a predator to collect the names of all the wizards in the world and then create a live-point map.

Then the solution is ready.

They may have set up a kind of existence similar to Zongsi in every inch of the castle. When someone steps in, those similar existences will be automatically detected, and their names will be displayed on the map.

This magic may be called a tracking spell.

Even so, this is an extremely huge project. Maybe they spend a lot of their spare time, except for pranks, to ensure that there is nothing left out.

"Is it confined again?" Malfoy suddenly saw that the two small dots symbolizing the two Weasley brothers did not appear in their bedroom, but stayed in Filch's room.

After turning his gaze, he cast his gaze on Ron’s bedroom. Not surprisingly, apart from Harry and his roommates who are still in the hospital, there is a small ink spot marked with tiny letters: "Little Dwarf Peter."

"For many years I slept in bed with an old man, and it was a bit disgusting to think about it." Thinking of Malfoy's chills, he couldn't help feeling sympathy for someone.

"Can't be distracted." Malfoy suddenly became alert and reminded himself.

Spy on others is an extremely satisfying behavior. Just think about it. You only need to stare at the map with your own eyes, and you can know the movements of anyone in the castle. You only need a trace of reasoning. You can know what he wants to do, go to the classroom or read books in the library, everyone's behavior, as long as you want, you can grasp it.

This will give you the illusion of being in control.

As long as you want, you can show a mysterious smile in front of someone and say: "Hey, what did you sneak out of the dorm room with Judy last night", and then enjoy the surprised look of others and the look of fear at you , Taste the satisfaction that should not belong to me.

If people with unhealthy minds mastered how to use it, it might really be a disaster.

After correcting his mentality, Malfoy concentrated on finding his goal-Sirius Black.

"It's too obvious." Looking at an ink spot that moved extremely fast, Malfoy gave a faint smile.

He was obviously trapped in the level of the password, so he could only choose to give up and return from the original path dingy.But on the way back, Black's speed slowed down compared to the swiftness he had when he came. Now there are many Aurors in the corridor walking back and forth from time to time, raising his wand, releasing a glowing magic spell, looking at it. Around, do not miss any suspicious corner.

What is shown on the map is a lot of small ink dots that symbolize the name of the Auror.

Whenever it seemed inevitable that he and the patrolling personnel would meet, he could always find another unexpected secret road, turned over, and shuttled through the narrow path hidden in the dark.

Malfoy watched the small black spot rushing from the left to the right in such a quiet way, finally out of the range of the map of the live spot, to the village of Hogsmeade.

"Next time you won't be so lucky." Malfoy murmured softly, tapping the parchment in front of him with his fingers.(To be continued.)