Harry Potter’s Natural Villain

Chapter 290 Magic Wand Shop (Part 1)

At this time, the sharp-eyed shopkeeper noticed that both of them were wearing a magic wand.

"That doesn't seem to be a customer, so how about come in and see?" the man said enthusiastically.

This is a rudimentary and somewhat messy shop. What is different from its simple appearance is the wide variety of wands inside. All kinds of wand boxes are almost piled up in the whole room, making people unable to step down.

"Although the magic wands in my store are not very popular, I can say that I am the shop that collects the most magic wand materials in the whole of France, not one of them." The man said proudly.

"Compensation?" Malfoy raised an eyebrow.

"It seems to be someone who understands the inside story." The man laughed again, not evading this.

"What's the compensation?" Furong asked in a low voice, but he was still heard by the man, and he explained with a smile:

"My poor grandfather used to be obsessed with silver linden wood, thinking that it was the best material for magic wands. He was deceived by a businessman and went bankrupt." The man shrugged and said with a smile."The wood hasn't been used up until today."

"Of course, now we all know that there is no best magic wand material, only the most suitable wand for the wizard himself." The shopkeeper said slowly.

"So I try to avoid his old ways, um... my father showed me many books about magic wands. Out of a compensatory mentality, I studied the nature of the wand wood quite deeply."

"Surely you can't think that apple trees can also be used as magic wands?" The man said triumphantly, and then drew a delicate box from the cabinet beside him, opened it, and took out the magic wand.

"Well, fourteen inches, apple wood." The man raised his wand and looked at it carefully. "Suitable for wizards with great power and lofty pursuits." He nodded and said, apparently admiring his work.

"There have been many failed works before this." The man curled his lips, seeming to be a bit distressed by those magic wands.

"The nerves of the dragon, the beard of the giant monster, these cores of apple wood are not too good."

"The former is very suitable for black magic, it is powerful, but it is completely incompatible with apple wood. As for the giant beard, it is too bulky and not light enough." He muttered.

"Phoenix tail feathers are very good. I bought a phoenix feather from the black market at a big price and added it. It looks good. They are easier to identify with a righteous wizard."

Malfoy and Fleur listened to the man's explanation politely and patiently. His story was not boring, even a bit interesting, even Fleur listened with gusto.

"Sorry, I was too fascinated for a while." The man said with a smile, then he came back to his senses.

"Does your wand need to be replaced? Or do you need maintenance and repair?" He asked only then.

"I need a wand of the same material as this one." Malfoy suddenly drew a wand out of nowhere and handed it over.

"It's a peculiar request." The man said in surprise, then took the wand, looked at it carefully, and waved it incidentally.

"The whirlwind swept!"

A moderately strong wind blew up from the store, making a "swish" sound, and then swept across the shop, sweeping all the dust outside the door.

"Elderberry? Dragon's nerve?" The man exclaimed after only casting a spell, that the power of magic is stronger than he thought.

"I think I know who asked you to come? Is he sure he wants to take this magic wand back?" The man touched his short stubble, the thoughtful look in his chestnut pupils.

He then said: "This magic wand is older than me, and according to my father, it was given to him by a respected wizard."

"Yes, sir." Malfoy nodded.

"Well, when I look for it, it should have been placed at the bottom by me. I thought that no one would ever come to pick it up." The shopkeeper murmured, put down the apple wood wand in his hand, and turned to the end of the shop. Go.

"Does this magic wand have any meaning?" Fleur asked in a low voice at this moment, looking at the wand made of elderberry on the glass cabinet.

"A shoddy little thing, just a token, maybe it also entrusts a person's longing for another person." Malfoy shrugged and explained to the girl.

"Oh, I found it. Don't look at me. Although the display here is a bit messy, I still know where the things are." Soon, the man raised a long and narrow box and walked all the way to the two of them. Put it on the glass cabinet.

A black wand with strange patterns on the wand is lying quietly in a simple box. It is completely different from other wands in that it does not pursue beauty, and its shape is asymmetrical. There are protruding short branches and slight bulges.From this it may be possible to infer the uncontrolled temperament of the owner of the wand.

It's just that now the wand is covered with dust and it looks like it hasn't been used for a long time.

Few people would know that he once belonged to Gellert Grindelwald, the dark wizard second only to Voldemort.

"It's also made of elderberry..." Malfoy thought, whispering to himself.

Obviously, this is not a coincidence.

Grindelwald's first wand was the rare elderberry.

The cherishment of elderberry itself is one reason, and another reason is the superstition of wizards. Most of them believe that people who possess this kind of wand will incur great misfortune.

The old superstition says "Elderberry wands will never thrive" because of their superstition and fear of such wands. Similarly, wands of this material have extremely high demands on wizards.

As a result, wand makers will not favor this kind of high cost and unsellable wand.

A magic wand can reflect a wizard’s character and even future encounters. For example, the fir-tree wand is called the survivor’s wand. Because of his tough and special design, it can often turn the wand holders into danger. The beech and the knowledgeable and mind-free human nature Even better, many Ravenclaw students use this kind of wand, and ash wood is more suitable for those who are good at duels to hold. More simply, it is the heart of struggle.

Grindelwald, in his pursuit of power, in his career as a wizard, he may be interested in the most famous of the elder wands, which led him to change from the holder of the old wand-Grigovich The old magic wand was stolen there.

At that time, Dumbledore's sister Ariana had already died in the melee of the three. The two had completely turned (divided) their faces (hands) and parted ways.

This dangerous dark wizard second only to Voldemort began to form his own army, create chaos, and sacrifice many innocent people for the so-called "revolution."

In the end, the most powerful white wizard in the world and the black wizard held a duel to symbolize the righteous side. Dumbledore won, and the loser was imprisoned in a prison made by himself-Newmondgard.

The old wand and the first wand that he snatched were naturally also captured by Dumbledore in the battle of the century.

"Then what is the material of Dumbledore's first wand?" Malfoy's thoughts sank below the sea level of thinking, and he was somewhat interested in it.