Not long ago, the result of the trial of Lucius Malfoy's appeal to the Ministry of Magic showed that the plaintiff's appeal was not passed based on the testimony of the witnesses in court and the jury's vote.

However, Albus Dumbledore, as the principal of Hogwarts, did not fulfill the responsibilities of the organizers in the Triwizard Tournament, because oversight led to vicious kidnapping incidents, especially the victims were foreign friends who participated in the competition. , Caused great damage to the image of the British wizarding community, and also damaged the friendship between the three famous magic schools.

According to the investigation, Albus Dumbledore established an unofficially recognized organization in private, the Order of the Phoenix. What we know is that Mr. Dumbledore’s patron saint and pet are both Phoenix. Does this mean this organization? Is it his private soldier?At least for now, their organization is still independent of the Ministry of Magic, which claimed that they did not know the composition of its members.

The principal of Hogwarts didn't seem to be as indifferent to fame and fortune as everyone thought.

Without Rita Skeeter's fancy brushwork, the Daily Prophet still acts as the mouthpiece of the Ministry of Magic, keen to add to Dumbledore.

Malfoy’s father took the blame for his behavior and took the initiative to apply for suspension. He recovered quickly. I have to say that Umbridge played a big role.

"He is just a poor father. There is no evidence that their father and son are related in this accident. Mr. Lucius is completely buried in the dark. His wife is now in tears all day long."

This is a tendentious report in the Daily Prophet.

"Boom..." The oak door in Dumbledore's office rang at this time. It was near the end of the term, and I wonder who would come to his office.

"Come in, the password is "Mountain Top Steak.""Dumbledore put away the bronze double-sided mirror in front of him and put it on his desk.

Then a girl with corn curly hair pushed open the door and walked in. The silverware was puffing out phantom white smoke, and she couldn't see her expression clearly.

"Huh? Miss Granger, it's a coincidence that I just want something to find you." Dumbledore's silver eyebrows were raised, and the smoke did not prevent him from recognizing the person, and then he gave a kind smile.

"A disgusting hemp wizard." The portrait on the wall opened his eyes untimely and woke up from his deep sleep and said.

"Phineas, if you can be quiet, I want to be good to all of us." Dumbledore glared at the old man with his sharp blue eyes.

The portrait shut up immediately.

"He is the former headmaster of Hogwarts, but maybe his brain is a little awkward." Dumbledore explained to Hermione.

"I know, I saw a picture of him in "A History of Hogwarts"." Hermione glanced at the portrait quickly, then whispered.

Phineas glanced at Hermione contemptuously, but he closed his eyelids and seemed to fall asleep again.

"Professor Dumbledore, I want to ask..." Hermione hesitated for a while before speaking with difficulty.

"Is there any news from Miss Delacour?" She took a deep breath, and then struggling to say, her eyes filled with hope and panic, longing for the truth, and afraid of the truth.

"Huh?" Dumbledore raised his eyebrows, and then stared at Hermione with a slight squint, without directly answering her question.

"Miss Granger, I hope you can see this?"

"Appointment book?" Hermione whispered after taking the parchment.

"I may not stay at Hogwarts next year. The Ministry of Magic has assigned me a false position..."

"Of course this is different from their usual practice. When Fudge was in power, he doubted that I would fight for his power, so I tried my best to suppress me, but now it is completely different."

"I suspect that there have been some insiders in the Ministry of Magic, or that some high-level people are controlled by Voldemort."

"Forget it, these matters should have nothing to do with you." Dumbledore shook his head, and then changed the subject.

"You know Harry gets headaches from time to time. It's the scar to be precise, right?" Dumbledore asked Hermione.

"Uh...huh." Hermione nodded slowly, and Harry even fainted from a headache that time.

"The scar was left by Voldemort. I guess that Voldemort could be connected to Harry's thinking through a mysterious connection. There have been many examples to verify my guess. It is not worth it. Good news"

"These are very secret things. Tell me, don't you be afraid of me..." Hermione didn't continue speaking afterwards.

"I originally wanted Professor Snape to teach Harry." Dumbledore paused here, "He is one of the most proficient in brain defenses I know so far."

"But as far as I know, Harry's grades in potions are not good, and they don't get along well, right?"

Hermione nodded again.

"Harry might be very resistant to Snape's teaching..."

"Why don't you teach him yourself?" Hermione asked courageously.

"Indeed, I think so too, but you have seen this appointment letter. I may not expect to spend too much time in school next time, and there is a more important reason-I cannot behave right now. Harry paid too much attention. If Voldemort knew that the relationship between Harry and me was much closer than the relationship between the principal and the students should be, he would seize this opportunity and use Harry to spy I.".

"Then what do you mean?"

"You teach Harry as a friend."

"Yes, but I don't know Occlumency." Hermione stammered a little, lowered her head, looking dodgy at the rotating silverware aside.

"You are the smartest witch I have ever seen, Miss Granger." Dumbledore smiled, not hesitating his compliments, then got up from the old wicker chair and walked not far. In front of a black cabinet, he bent down, took out a book, walked over to Hermione and handed it to her.

"Barriers to Thinking-Introduction and Mastery of Occult Cerebral Art"" The cover of the book is a slightly yellowish old color, and the title is written in large gilded letters.

"I hope you can learn from Leah this holiday, and then teach Harry, as compensation, I may be able to help you reduce some of your holiday homework, Miss Granger."

"No, no, Professor Dumbledore, it's okay." Hermione shook her head quickly and said anxiously, as if she was afraid that her homework would be cancelled.

"I have to apologize. In fact, Professor McGonagall originally recommended you to be the prefect of Gryffindor, and I agreed, but maybe for this reason I have to put it aside. How about sixth grade?"

Hermione nodded.

"If you don't understand anything, you can write to me with an owl. In the last few days, I can help you." Then Dumbledore closed his eyes, sat back in the chair, and rubbed it. The eyelids looked a little sleepy.

"As for the question you just asked me, you don't really want to know the situation of Miss Delacour? Maybe it's not that urgent, right?"

Hermione's face, who was said to have been on her mind, flushed slightly, then turned pale in a moment.

She was a little scared to learn the truth.

"This answer may be known after you learn this magic. It may be good for your previous memory recovery." Dumbledore stared at Hermione gently with his azure blue eyes, and said meaningfully. .

Only then did Hermione remember that there had been a gap in her memory before, and she subconsciously thought it was very important, and tried to recover to no avail.

"Does it really work?" Hermione was suspicious.

"It's just possible." Dumbledore smiled, staring at Hermione with azure blue eyes, but only gave her ample confidence without a trace of pressure.

The time now is near the end of the Hogwarts semester, and soon they will have a long summer vacation.) !!