Harry Potter’s Natural Villain

Chapter 325: Aging Lockhart

The first floor is the Utensils Accident Department, the second floor is the Biological Injury Department, the third floor is the Strange Pathogen Infection Department, the fourth floor is the Potions and Plant Poisoning Department, the fifth floor is the Curse and Injury Department, and the sixth floor is the tea room and shop.

Hermione thought about it carefully.

In order to avoid their worries, Professor McGonagall did not reveal too much about Arthur Weasley's condition, and Hermione could only guess for herself.

Harry's serpentine was not obvious at the time.

That's why Hermione made a wrong judgment.

She chose to go all the way up and walked up along the stairs.

Until the fifth floor.

She speculated that it was the curse, because Professor McGonagall revealed an attack.

She walked through the aisle without a nurse, perhaps because all the patients were in stable condition.

There was some vacancy in the corridor, some white curtains obstructed her vision, and some iron frames for unknown purposes were placed in the corridor.

There were also portraits of celebrities hanging in the blank spaces on both sides of the white walls. Hermione remembered that these were people who had made outstanding contributions to the St. Mungo Hospital for Magical Injury and Injury.

In the center, there is a bright bubble hanging, which plays the role of illumination.

The few rooms around her were not closed, they were slightly hidden, and there were no special marks. Hermione quickly ruled them out.

Hermione lightened her steps, walked to the end of the corridor, and cautiously pushed open the wooden door with the slogan "Critically Ill Care". In addition to the slogan, there was a pair of inexplicable bright bouquets on the door, which exudes an elegant expression. fragrance.

There is also a door on the other side, but the material of the door is made of iron, and a large iron lock is hung on the door bolt. It does not look like a hospital, but rather like a prison. It says: "No Allow, no entry."

Of course Hermione would not go in, but chose the unlocked side first.

"Is anyone there?" Hermione pushed open the wooden door cautiously, turned her head, asked first, and then took a step forward.

However, looking at the empty room, she knew she had gone wrong.

If nothing happens, there should be a big family here.

I must have inferred that something went wrong.

"Sorry, I'm sorry, I'll leave soon." Hermione bowed quickly, but after raising her head, Yu Guang saw the patient on the bed, and her apologetic face suddenly froze.

She saw an acquaintance, an unexpected person, strange and familiar.

Guidro Lockhart is wearing a simple white hospital gown, leaning on a white hospital bed, watching the latest issue of the Daily Prophet.

Familiar is because he used to be their teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Hermione's memory is good. Even Neville, who is known for his forgetfulness, can't forget the teacher who taught him.

The strangeness is because of his old age.

Frighteningly old.

The golden, wavy, curly blond hair has fallen out, and it looks particularly dazzling under the light of the crystal bubbles hanging from the ceiling, and the blue eyes of forget-me-not are full of fatigue, as if faded. same.

"Uh, Miss Granger? Long time no see? I want to change my haircut occasionally." The man smiled awkwardly, stroked his bare head, and waved at Hermione.

"Professor Lockhart?" Hermione looked at the patient in surprise and whispered.

Hermione's head is a little dizzy, that handsome professor has become so old now?

The wrinkles in the corners of the eyes are deep and dense, and the eye sockets are deep. When smiling, the muscles on the face are quite loose, lacking vitality, and supporting the smile.

The most important thing is what is hidden in the eyes.

Lifeless, without vitality.

Hermione’s parents are both dentists. She occasionally visits the elderly where her parents work. She has also seen all kinds of patients, from children to young people, middle-aged people, and the elderly. Their eyes are different. .

Children are often innocent and innocent, and the eyes of the elderly are often wise with insight into the philosophy of life, and they are also somewhat relaxed and indifferent to know the destiny.

And what did the man who had served as the teacher of their defense against the Dark Arts class experienced and fell to this end?

That is the look in the eyes, the residual candle in the wind, the look that may be extinguished at any time.

"Who are you? Who let you in?" A tall and thin man pushed the door open completely, making a creaking noise, standing abruptly in front of Hermione, condescendingly questioning her.

With a serious expression on his face and a pair of plain glasses, Hermione couldn't tell his true age for a moment.

He was wearing the same standard clothing as the therapist downstairs, and he should be a therapist at St. Mungo's Hospital.

On the white robe is a card showing the identity, written in handwriting-the main healer: Hiberkratus Messek.

Before Hermione could explain, things changed again.

"Augustus! You stole my clothes again to deceive people!" A man of medium stature broke in the door, startled the man named Augustus, and then Hermione saw it with her own eyes He pulled the card off his robe and put it on his body, yes, and the pair of glasses.

Then he smiled at Hermione.

"I'm the doctor in charge here. My name is Hibbkrat Smeysek. I hope this intern doesn't bother you."

Then Hermione saw that the man named Augustus did not know where he had touched a white gown and put it on, with his breastplate on.

Looking at her with a smile, she didn't realize that the prank was discovered.

"Uh...just this gentleman." The attending doctor glanced at Lockhart and hesitated. "Very few people come to visit him."

"Oh, he's my student, I don't mind." Lockhart on the bed squinted, nodded, and said briskly.

"That's good. Let's talk. I'm just a routine round." Hibbkrat then took the intern to another door, engraved with the number 49 and hung with an iron lock. Up.

While muttering in a low voice: "It's really strange, we've always kept it secret." The middle-aged man frowned, then shook his head, and decided not to consider this matter.

Hermione had time to spare now, and she set her eyes on the former teacher before her.

A middle-aged man who is full of grace and majesty has become very old in just a few years?

What vicious black magic did he have?

"I know, you must be curious." Lockhart nodded tiredly, as if this nod was not something he could control, but because of fatigue.

"I don't have a few years to live." He said sadly.

This reality can be seen from the face.

"Are you cursed?" Hermione asked cautiously.