Harry Potter’s Natural Villain

Chapter 328: Prophecy of Turning Point

"He still wants to know that prophecy?" In front of a large mahogany table, Dumbledore sat upright, put the fingertips of his hands together, raised his head, and looked at the station with blue eyes. The man in the black robe beside him asked in a deep voice.

There was a bit of exhaustion in his tone that could not be hidden.

He is a little tired these days.

The bad news came one after another.

The attack on Arthur Weasley not long ago at the Ministry of Magic made him even more nervous, which may mean that Voldemort's hand has now reached the Ministry.

Their plan must be accelerated, otherwise more innocent people will be sacrificed.

The cruelty of the Dark Lord is now only the tip of the iceberg.

Dumbledore rubbed a piece of gray parchment with his powerful fingers, with dense black letters written on it.

What the letter says is news that has not spread and has not been reported by the Daily Prophet.

Durmstrang’s current principal, Igor Karkaroff, died, in his office.

Died by the life of Avadaso.

He fell on his desk, his chest was completely pierced, and the blood all over his body was drained.

The Killing Curse didn't have this effect. What can be guessed is that he died after being tortured crazily and was killed by cruel methods.

When a teacher went to look for him, he thought he was just asleep and didn't dare to disturb him, and then left quietly.

Because there is no bloody smell.

It was completely discovered at least three days after his death.

But the news did not spread.

In order to maintain stability.

Even if Durmstrand's address is kept secret, it is obviously impossible to hide it from a wizard of Voldemort's level.

Dumbledore’s schedule was intensive. Not long ago, during the time he left Hogwarts, Snape could not even find him to report information. Owl mail was not safe, and no one could guarantee the information. Not to be intercepted.

To this day, the two have the opportunity to meet.

This is the new office of the Ministry of Magic's Emergency Security Department, which is where Dumbledore often stays.

For now, he is alone here, and so is this division. Now he is actually a polished commander.

Now he raised his thick silver eyebrows, looking vigorous, forcibly suppressing his sense of fatigue.

He thought about the reasons why Voldemort pursued prophecy and what kind of influence it would have.

Voldemort is a contradiction. He believes in his own power and is obsessed with the power brought by the power above all else, but he is also superstitious about prophecy.

If you are truly fearless, you will definitely sneer at such things.

His superstition eventually led to his failure in the first Wizarding War.

In the original situation, Voldemort was in full swing in both mana and power. Only Dumbledore was the wizard who could resist or even defeat it, but this was meaningless.

Dumbledore couldn't kill Voldemort at all.

His advantage may only lie in his age and a deeper understanding of magic.

But this doesn't help much in the battle, because Voldemort can equalize this disadvantage in other ways.

For example, Avadasuo Ming.

This is the spell that Dumbledore would not use but he could use unscrupulously.

Voldemort has more subordinates. Even if the strength is uneven, there are still several powerful subordinates, and they are equally unscrupulous.

So most of the time, the Order of the Phoenix and the Auror are in passive defense.

Voldemort was still in his prime at the time and made seven more Horcruxes.

If he really could stand his temper, and tolerate enough, until Dumbledore died naturally, perhaps the history of the wizarding society would be completely rewritten.

But everything about him was ruined by the prophecy of an unknown witch and Snape's unintentional promotion.

A witch who often made false predictions, a guide back then, changed the process of wizarding society, which she might not have thought of.

Trelawney's prediction at the Pig's Head was heard by Snape, and he informed Voldemort.

And Voldemort believed it too.

After reasoning, you will find that the details determine the outcome.

After Voldemort decided to kill Harry, Snape pleaded with him, letting him just spare Harry's mother, the person he loved most.

Voldemort agreed, and for this informant, he felt that he could give alms to this request.

A subtle difference appeared.

If he killed the Potters straightforwardly at the beginning, then maybe everything would be over, but he gave Lily a chance to sacrifice.

If you kill it directly, it means that Lily has no choice but to lose the meaning of sacrifice.

It was this point that changed the final outcome.

"Don't kill Harry, please, be merciful, I can do anything you want, kill me." This was Lily's last sentence before she died.

The slight difference appeared, and it was Lily who died for her child, the protective charm of love was formed, and Voldemort's deadly spell was played.

The great maternal love made him fall from the clouds, and the invincible demon king turned into a lingering remnant, not even as good as a maggot, only wandering in the jungle.

"Yes, he is eager to know the reason for his failure, maybe in the second half of the prediction." Snape said blankly.

"There is no secret reason." Dumbledore shook his head, his silver hair swaying along with it, and said in a sighing tone: "It's not a secret, and I told him directly. He only pursued his own power, but ignored some other things, but unfortunately he didn't believe it."

Snape remained silent and was silent. His whole body was hidden in a black robe. His body was tight. He quietly looked at the old man in front of him, perhaps falling into boundless painful memories.

An atmosphere of unspeakable silence and sorrow suddenly filled between the two.

They are all people who have been hurt for the so-called most powerful weapon and have become powerful.

"Do you want me to tell him that?" Snape made a rare joke, his dark black eyes staring at Dumbledore.

"Of course not." Under Dumbledore's azure blue eyes, a ray of wit flashed.

"You find Professor Trelawney for me and tell her..." Dumbledore slowly laid out his plan.

In the prophecy class on Monday, Professor Trelawney started her very hazy and difficult to explain course.

In a room full of incense, the light from the lamp covered with the cloth and the not very busy fire emitting an unpleasant smell were very dim.

Trelawney was sitting at a round wooden table and placed her hands covered with shiny jewelry on the table.

Some students guessed that it was too heavy and she wanted to take this opportunity to take a break.

The female professor always wore a thick shawl and a pair of glasses that could magnify her eyes several times.

She is now in class.