Harry Potter’s Natural Villain

Chapter 380 Employment Consultation

Malfoy walked through the corridor, feeling the hotness of the double-sided mirror in his arms.

Just now in class, Dumbledore kept sending out signals to look for him.

Obviously, this mirror must be carried close to the body, and when talking with him, it must not be exposed to the public.

The location Malfoy chose was the House of All Requests.

He came all the way to the eighth floor, across from the tapestry where the giant stick beat the silly Barnabas.He concentrated on thinking about the site he needed. After wandering in front of him a few times, a very smooth door appeared on the wall.

Malfoy pushed in.

He found an empty space between the two abandoned bookshelves, and finally took out the mirror.

"Hello, Mr. Principal, what do you want me to do?"

Malfoy placed the mirror in front of his eyes, stared at the old man, and whispered.

"How about, are you used to it? Draco? Life at Hogwarts should be easier, right?"

Malfoy looked cold.

"I hope you didn't find me for such a trivial matter."

"The student's mental condition is not a trivial matter, especially if your task is so heavy." Dumbledore still smiled.

"It's really not light." Malfoy did not deny that the work to be done in the future is a bit difficult.

The work that should have been done by Snape was now done by him.

"Thank you." Dumbledore coughed suddenly..

"If it's nothing. I'm going to do my homework. Professor McGonagall has assigned a lot of homework." Malfoy said coldly, pretending to retract the mirror.

He didn't want to listen to an old man being long-winded.

"Oh, exam? I guess it won't help you."

"I don't want to listen to your nonsense, Mr. Dumbledore." Malfoy resisted his impatience, and Dumbledore's leisurely attitude made him feel inexplicably anxious.

Although he also knew that the old man's performance was completely inconsistent with his heart.

But I just can't restrain my irritability.

"Well, let's talk about our results first, we are lucky." Dumbledore said ruddy.

"We got Snake's approval first."

"Is the snake wood from the Ifamuni Academy?"

"Yes, I guess Voldemort might have made this his goal."

"You took it away?"

"Well, it took a lot of effort to keep it temporarily."

Malfoy believed that this was just his humility, and that one of the two old mages could stir the wind and the rain, let alone act together.

"I don't care about this, I just want to know about your Horcrux...what do you want to do with it." Malfoy's tone was low.

"That basilisk, I will find a way..."

"Not a basilisk."

"I still have time to think about it." Dumbledore's smile narrowed.

"It's not the Dark Lord who can't afford it now. If he realizes that the Horcrux has been almost destroyed, then..."

The question before the Dark Lord is:

That disobedient old magic wand.

The reason for disobedience is simple.

Dumbledore had previously "lost" the wand to Grindelwald.

Voldemort did not really defeat Dumbledore at the time..

Moreover, even though, the owner at the time was no longer Dumbledore, but Grindelwald.

This is also the reason for the abnormality that Voldemort noticed during the confrontation with Grindelwald.

Of course he didn't know the complicated logic, and thought there was something else in the old magic wand.

But even so.

And only when fighting against the master will be unfaithful

Most of the time, Voldemort was recognized as a wizard with superb power and master of the old wand.

At least he will not be resisted, as for now, he is still trying to explore the secret

He wanted to find Salazar's wand back then, that is, the snake wood of Iphamuni.

This is one of the reasons why he left.

Moody's life-saving deception at that time indeed interfered with his decision to a large extent.

The unknown magic power contained in the wand makes people feel itchy.

Even let him temporarily forget the great cause of unification.

"Take time to think about that snake, Dumbledore, I can't see it in school now."

"Voldemort has disappeared without a trace now." Malfoy said in a quick voice.

"Albus, look what this is?" Grindelwald's old voice sounded from the end of the mirror.

"I may have to end this conversation first." Dumbledore frowned, and there seemed to be something wrong with him.

"I have no opinion." Malfoy said flatly.

A dialogue ended without a problem, and no constructive results were discussed.

Soon, the exam is coming.Every student was called to talk by the dean of their college.

About employment counseling.

Their future ambitions.

Obviously, the results of the exam will largely determine the future direction.

As a wizard "policeman".

The police in the Muggle society are equipped with guns, and an ordinary person with ambitions has undergone professional training, and guns can also cause suppression

But for wizards, the application of magic is obviously to determine the direction of a battle.

Occupation that greatly demonstrates personal abilities.

It is also the occupation with the highest risk factor.

"Professor Snape is still that way."

"He read all my previous grades to me once, told me to think about it, and then let me go."

"Really irresponsible." Pansy whispered to Malfoy.

"By the way, he told you to go now, and I will talk to you again when you come back."

Pansy seemed to remember something.

In the dark room, a candle flickered and flickered.

"Professor Snape, hello."

"Hello, Draco." Snape sat, hiding himself in the dark, and started a very polite opening.

"I have passed the latest information for you."

"But the Dark Lord did not respond."

"Of course he won't respond, he is in America now," Malfoy said heartily, nodding in agreement.

"Employment counseling has no meaning to you, are you right?"

"You go first..."

What an embarrassing conversation.

After Malfoy came out of the office door, Pansy leaned in immediately.

"Why do you talk to him for less time than me?"

"Maybe he thinks I'm more promising, don't worry." Malfoy smiled and said nothing.

Compared to Snape, who let the students "five for themselves".

Professor McGonagall in Gryffindor seemed to worry a lot.

"Longbottom, I suggest you give up your potions. It's probably difficult. Just try not to make it so ugly on the transcript. Your herbalism is good. Professor Sproutlaw said she would be happy to see it in the sixth grade. you."

She pointed to a piece of parchment with all of Neville's achievements and said seriously.

"Potter, if you want to develop the Auror path, you must have a good enough report card."

She pulled out a small black leaflet from under the pile of things on the table and unfolded it, "I know, certificates and grades cannot be lower than'good'. Then you have to experience a series of strict personalities in the Auror office. And the smart test. This is a difficult career path, Futte, they only accept the best. In fact, I remember that no one has been hired in the last three years..."

"You have to learn advanced potions..."

"It is necessary to defend against the dark arts, but I am not worried about you in this course."

"There is also a transformation class, I hope you can get excellent."

To Harry, Professor McGonagall also said a long time.

"Granger, you are the student I don't worry about the least, but I still hope you can defend against the dark arts from good to excellent."

"Remember my agreement." Professor McGonagall's bark-like dry face gave a rare smile.

"Good Professor" Hermione nodded seemingly obediently. Even Professor McGonagall didn't know what her favorite student was thinking.

Student after student entered her office, then smiled or left dejectedly.

Professor McGonagall did his best

As for Ron, it was the latter dejected.

"As a prefect, your grades are very unsatisfactory, or even if you are an ordinary student, your grades are quite problematic."

"If you can't guarantee certain progress, I think it's time to change the prefect."

Ron was scolded for a while, and then left dingy.