Harry Potter’s Natural Villain

End of this testimonial

Finally finished the book slightly.

I started writing in May 2016. There is no starting point. It has been more than two years and only one million words (profound proof that I am lazy), but there is still a beginning and an end, which ended this book.

At the beginning, I looked down on my colleagues. After all, it was the role, worldview, and structure of others (now also, so I am often ashamed to tell others what books I write)

But I wrote it out of love, after all, HP was also my childhood.

At that time, there was another reason that I saw a lot of relatively not-so-good colleagues, which gave birth to the idea that I can do it too.

The last thing is to earn a small amount of money to subsidize myself. After all, I feel that I have spent a lot of energy on this book. It is not too much to take some money (Aunt Rowling has traveled across the ocean to tell me and I will pay her back the unjust benefits. Bar 233333.)

I have watched the first four movies at least N times, and I often go to various related websites to read a lot of related settings (it’s a half-student 233333)

As for the question of breaking the change, it was written that the one-month break was due to schoolwork problems, and I was too lazy to write, after all, it was not full-time.

The eight-month break was even more due to a blow from a certain aspect, and it hasn't fully come out yet. That blow was a blow to the spirit of struggle. It was an extreme, and I was lying in bed all day long.

The sudden update was because of another blow, but this time it was turning grief and anger into strength.

By the way, if you have a girl, you can introduce a few more to me. The few days I was rejected was super efficient, and I was dying painfully at the same time.

From November 2017 to the present, there have been two major blows, and it is really troubled.

Even though I have waited so long, I still have a pretty good ending to readers, right?

After all, the normal operation, the author of the broken relationship will abuse the protagonist (I will not say anything about the green death gift.)

Okay, I talked a lot of nonsense.



The new book will definitely be written. The visual inspection is an original and ordinary urban essay, probably the results will not be as good as this one (this is the reason why I still have a prejudice against my colleagues, even if you write No matter how good it is, the basic fans of the original book have a bonus, which does not reflect your ability. No matter how poorly written, it may also be a good result due to a large base.)

Now the new book is probably still in the word, and I don’t advertise anymore. Goodbye everyone....

First set a small goal, such as 1 second to remember: Reading website of Shukeju mobile version: