Hated Young Lady Accepts Her Fate
What lies ahead
"You haven't done that yesterday. We need to talk."
"... I'm not a stalker after all"
Coming out of the rest time restroom, there were glasses standing arm in arm.
He instantly runs his eyes around him and walks right past the side of his glasses when he confirms that he has no eyes.
A man ambushes in front of the restroom...... and a student council officer. If they see a scene like this, they won't know what to rumor about again.
"Wait, I came all the way out here looking for shame."
Something you should keep sneaking... I mean, I'm surprised these glasses were equipped with shame.
Walk in ignorance of Arthur. He seems to be talking about something from behind, but honestly, I don't want to hear anything about him.
The fact that there is nothing wrong with these glasses is so stained that I said I don't like it in one case yesterday. Let's keep rolling in the smoke.
... but I was immediately reminded that the idea was sweet.
"... I have no choice"
With that word, the airway closes with an enormous force pulling the collar neck from behind.
When I stopped my leg, my neck was loose, so I hurried away from Arthur and looked at him with seeping eyes of tears, and his hands were fitted with white gloves.... again.
"... you'd better learn how to treat women from scratch."
"Unfortunately, you don't have time for that. Communicate the requirements for now"
Now you might be able to sigh deeper than the sea......
As always, Arthur continues to talk at his own pace. I honestly want to go back to class like this, but I don't know what I'll be doing again if I leave you alone.
It was only a few moments before I went on tour, and I eventually decided to listen to Arthur. If you're going to use so much wasted effort, you might as well have listened honestly from the start.
For now, move further away from the restaurant room and into the less popular hallway.
That said, it's a crossing between the West and East Wings. As always, people don't get by at all, and here students in the school year don't really care if they're talking to each other.
"So, what can I do for you?
"That's what Alex told me. He told me to come to the salon for lunch break today."
To Arthur's words, meditate your eyes and suppress your eyebrows. I still wish I hadn't asked......
For some reason, I guess I was being spotted trying to make the salon thing aye-free. The escape was blocked in an instant.
"What's up, you don't look very happy. We've all been called up for tee time, and you can be happier."
"There's no reason to be happy with this situation. … really, how can you"
Arthur's words give me a headache. I can't think that way... do you dislike it? Or does he know exactly what he did?
To me sighing and staring, Arthur blinks one straight face.
These glasses are no way...
"... this is happening because of you. Around there, do you understand?
There was something about my surprised look, he tilted his neck for a while and nodded as if he had thought of it.
"Oh. That said, you said something about not wanting to go in and out of the salon."
"Yeah, you're right. That's exactly what I was going to tell you..."
"I guess I was reluctant to do that, huh? This is my good intentions, don't worry about it."
"Did you know that the push of good intentions is malicious? Thanks to you, we have heard some very nice rumors here and there this morning."
"Uhm. That was unexpected money"
"What the hell!?
For a moment, I wondered if you had returned it with disgust for my disgust. But I can't read those intentions from Arthur's expression, and apparently I'm serious about it.
Money making?...... where the hell do you say money making. I thought it was about Alex or Esther making a profit from that rumor...
"Maybe that rumor was circulated by Master Alston?
Arthur likes it when he says that Alex and I are from the student council and that Esther is cute. There must be a rumor that I ran it for them.
But he returns a pale word without moving a single eyebrow to say that he is suspicious.
"No way. That rumor would be the work of Daimyo Alex"
I'm not surprised by the name that came out. Rather, it's enough to convince me that it still is.
But Arthur narrowed his eyes and clasped his mouth...
Straight into the window in the corridor, gazing softly.
I can only see enough blue skies outside the window to feel good, though I look at you unexpectedly too.
Arthur stared straight out the window for a while, though he returned his gaze to Arthur from a window without any weirdness.
"Well fine. So, attend the noon tea party."
Would it be about ten seconds in time? Arthur, who inadvertently turned his gaze back here, continues to talk as if nothing had happened.
"... would love to send me to the salon."
The discomfort has been attached since Arthur said yesterday that he would be present at the discussion.
He says it's good intentions, but is that really true?
"Really?... No, you're right"
"Maybe you're up to something?
Still can't grasp the glasses. Whatever you say is going to be lazy, so I'll try to provoke you here with a straight ball.
Now be angry or deny it, I was a little interested in what response Arthur would give me.
"Planning, huh?... If you say so, you just told Miss Wellesley that you want her to get along with the student council face and that young lady too"
Surprisingly, I get an unintentionally loud voice.
Regardless of the affirmation, I didn't expect you to tell me to get along.
"How dare you say that to me..."
"I didn't mean to sound weird, did I?
"... you will see our first meeting with Esther Monroe. We talked about rubbing with Alex, and you were there for yesterday's discussion with your brother."
"Oh, yeah"
"Didn't you also say that the source of the rumor would be Master Alex?
"You said it."
"I know that and why did you think I could get along!? … I don't understand."
Normally, wouldn't you guess if I didn't have to say this far? What makes me sad and must I explain this to Arthur all the time?
"Well, it's going to be difficult in the mood. But it doesn't mean we can't get along."
"I just went to the salon and we can't get along."
Rather, the relationship would get worse. How it gets any worse, though it may be a sight to see.
"Besides, where we got along, it didn't do me any good"
We can't get along, but ruin is inevitable and the loop never ends.
Rather, trouble is bigger when we get along. … myself, and the percentage of people who get hurt.
"If you think at a loss, Alex or Leon will be a relationship you won't be able to take off in the rest of your life. Isn't it better to improve the relationship, get it?
I wanted to laugh with my nose at Arthur's words. Alex and Leon will leave me anyway.
There's nowhere else in this life for me. The only person who can help me, support me, and protect me... is me.
It's no use.
Arthur stares at me.
Suspicious, but not surprising. From that look, I still don't see any emotions.
"... Hmm"
Arthur glasses back on, nodding somewhat convinced.
And looking at me, I said clearly this time.
"It's okay, I'll help you, too. I've decided to be nice to women. Tea party, good luck."
"... your goodwill and kindness are too much to show where you don't want them."
It's a big favor.
Anyway, give me what I need when I'm looking for it. And the gentleness of it is a terrible lie.
My voice must not have reached Arthur, who walks back on his heels.