Hated Young Lady Accepts Her Fate
Sonosaki 1
"How was it, yesterday's tea party?"
Momentum jumps into the classroom and closes the door as soon as you see the glasses waiting in front of the classroom.
But just before the door closed, a leather shoe was inserted into the door gap along with the sound of a gag.
"What's up? Suddenly it's not safe to close the door."
The lens of the glasses gleams from the gap in the door.
Google... and pull the door as hard as you can, but I never see any sign of Arthur pulling his leg.
"... good day. If you think of someone, they're not thin lovers' glasses."
Eventually I give up closing the door and stare at Arthur.
Sometimes I left home a little early today, and there are still a few shadows in the classroom.
"What, you're in a diagonal mood. Have you had a good breakfast?
Arthur also gives us a diagonal answer to the hostility from here, with a firm face.
If you're doing this on purpose, these glasses are edible inside.
"... a big favor. So, what can I do for you?
"About today's noon tea party."
"What? Again?? I showed my face yesterday, so thank you for your time, right?
Surprised by the unexpected remarks, he looks up to Arthur in haste.
But he just blinks at what he's saying, and for me, he drops a hell of a word.
"He said it's a face-to-face meeting with a member who wasn't there yesterday. By the way, Alex and Leon are absent on business."
"... what is that irresponsible, throwless tee time?"
Sigh with your fingers on your temples. I'm getting a headache.
The person in charge should come out now... No, I knew you didn't have to come out. I think of my bright red hair and immediately push it out of my consciousness.
"You haven't heard from Leon?
"Uh... no, I didn't ask."
I was in the garden yesterday until sundown, and soon fell asleep after I couldn't see my cat and was depressed.
When I saw him face to face this morning, for some reason, my brother was terribly alert to my behavior... so I ended up heading to school without a conversation.
That's why I couldn't find my cat today and came to school a long time ago. If this is also the harassment of my brother, it is a plain and effective means.
"But if you don't have a brother or Alex, why don't you try the day again?
I don't dare to go to Alex's or my brother's tea party, but it still seems better when I think about Faceko this time.
"No, that's what Leon said, but Alex said it was a study, too."
I can't afford to fix it, though my vividly trembling classmate will look at my voice like he asks.
(That shit is me man!!! You don't do really busy things every time!!
Besides, I was able to predict that it would happen, and I really don't have the personality to do that on purpose.
Too much anger, my bitten back teeth are going to crack.
"Don't worry about that. They're not here, but don't worry, I'll join you this time."
I think I heard some horrible words.
I look up at Arthur's face in awe as he lifts his head like a weight that doesn't work well.
"Let it be!
Unusual for him, he nodded with a soft grin on his mouth.
(... I'm only anxious)
Even today, outside the window, the flag is soaring in the wind with pleasure.
What makes you think that it's not going to be any more busy than yesterday?
He said he would have a light lunch this time and then head to the salon individually.
I should be talking to Esther as well, so I went to the dining room alone without making any particular noise.
(Even today, the people around us didn't stop by at all.)
I finished eating as much for the tea party and slowly walked down the road to the salon with my stomach full.
I sigh in the dining room earlier remembering the trend of the surrounding people whispering to each other in a faraway winding. Nothing. I don't have that special winning sentiment about embarrassing or sad about lunch alone.
(As of the first time, you enjoyed lunch alone for a year.)
I don't even want to have lunch with my surroundings now. But every time you see them like that, you realize the fragility of a person's emotions. And it brings a little frustration and fullness to me.
I don't know how much they believe in rumors, but I guess they don't want to go ahead and wear firepowder for me. Cash. That's true to instinct, and it's really the right thing to do.
It's a crisis avoidance ability that you need to live, and you don't need emotion there. There's nothing more stupid than being pulled off the road by emotion.
"Oh, but there were some idiots approaching..."
As I descend the stairs, I blush my head with F to a recently familiar face.
Yes, there's something wrong with them that they usually come close to me that they're supposed to avoid.
You think the spiral on your head is blowing up, or that your senses aren't normal? Is the crisis management capability dead after that?
(Why all that...... no, I'd lose if I cared)
The glasses and female monkeys in the corner of her head nodded happily and she felt even more annoyed when she said she was thinking such rude things. I wish you all the best to go home to both.
Why do those two come near me? Esther's a civilian, so I can still tell, but what about Arthur?
Are you after your fiancée's seat? No, there's already Alex there, and...
I'm sure you already have a fiancée.
I've hardly ever been involved with those glasses, so I don't know the details.
My brother in the house is just exceptional, and he should normally be around for both his age and his family.
(That means I like women with those glasses, my fiancée Ali. What are you saying?... I have a bad feeling)
Although all sorts of rumors have been flying around since then, it looks like Arthur has been adding new rumors lately because of his appearance around me.
Why should I worry myself about the advice I'm supposed to give Esther......
"I wonder if this has happened a lot lately?
Reflect on the events of the last few days in the pompous and spilled words.
Yes, for some reason, it's like I'm standing on the arrow and Esther enjoys her school life flat...
(... well, in a way, it's fine because the original purpose has been achieved)
Whoever sees it, I'm a hater now.
Though this time it is somewhat significantly out of line with the shape I had planned.
"Hello, seniors"
"Oh, hello, Master Sterling"
I just bent down the hallway leading to the salon and bowled with Theo.
I guess he was on his way to the salon just after lunch, too.
"You know what? Today's tea party seems to be compulsory... Yesterday, on the contrary, I was told that I didn't have to come."
As he is swinging, Theo says with a slightly troubled smile.
From the point of view of the person, I guess it's meant to be a public discourse that's nothing. But I'm a party, so I'm stuck in words about what to say.
"... Yeah, I see you do. Thank you very much."
"Well, the chairman's whim hasn't started yet... though it seems particularly bad lately. What the hell happened to you?
Why, is it my fault that I feel blamed from earlier?
Or is it a burdensome paranoia that is indirectly my fault as well?
"Master Sterling doesn't really want to attend a tea party?
"No, that's not true. You can read books anywhere."
... That's not what you're saying.
In his right hand, grinning and saying so, was a firm, thick book gripped.
I just talked a little bit about it. I don't know what it is, I'm very tired. I dropped a few shoulders and dived into the salon door with Theo smiling as usual.
"Ooh! Welcome, Amelia!
"What, is Theobolt with you?"
In the brilliant salon, Scott and Arthur had already relaxed for tea.
It's just the two of them indoors, and I don't see Esther.
"Esther hasn't come yet..."
It's more of an inner poison that she should be here sooner than anyone else because she's the star of this tea party.
I walk out to the table too, sideways as Theo passes by me and sits next to Arthur.
But Scott called out loud before he could get to the table.
"Oh too!! Amelia, I wish you'd been with Esther -!
I'm going to give Scott a cold gaze at pointing his lips at such a chilly thing.
Why would Scott make such a stupid statement about stepping through a mine so that he could read the air?... I wonder if my head is a chicken or one, or if it resets if I have three steps.
"If you want to see Esther so badly, why don't you pick her up right now?
"Well, um... if I pick you up now, I'm not gonna let you in."
Perhaps it's a late statement that wants me to get along with Esther.
But with that said, I start to seriously worry about Scott, or maybe I just wanted to see Esther real quick.
Let Scott go like that. Now it's time to try to get to his seat, but consciousness takes him to the sound of the door opening he hears coming from behind.
At the end of my gaze turning to see if Esther had arrived, an unfamiliar person stared at this one as surprised.
"Why is there a woman here!
When I thought I was standing there with the door open, I opened my eyes and yelled out loud like that.
A wavy haired man in golden tea who keeps his cuttlefish in footsteps and comes closer to us at an awesome rate.
(... Oh, so this guy was here this time, right? It sucks)
Watching a man of great shape, he gives up getting to his seat and turns back to him.
Walt Upson.
He's a student in the second grade of higher education, a typical aristocratic boy.
Although there is no reason to be particularly smart or have excellent motor nerves, I occupy a seat in the student council because the house is a prestigious Count house.
Well, class society is all about family than he is, and there's nothing strange about it in this school because race like him is the norm.
(Still saying it's past degrees...... there's something slightly unusual about it, isn't there, this guy?)
He is constantly nosing at the family and the student council face, and he is relentless in looking down and saying discriminatory things to students in the same school.
Subjects are mainly women and counterparts with lower titles than themselves, and…
"... you, werebelzley"
I guess you didn't know who I was at first, watching him with cold eyes.
But the moment Kachiri and I met each other, he must have figured out who I was. If you think you squealed with a surprised voice, you'll quickly come back to the gaze of disgust.
"Yeah, it's Amelia Wellesley. Long time no see, but it's a strange story."
Gently correct your posture and make a meeting. Say we won't face each other. We go to school with each other every day, so it may not be the right word for a long time.
But he didn't even want to hear my greetings, so he showered his filthy words out of his head faster than he could get his posture back.
"Ha!! The previous one was also stupid rounded up and terrible, but this time you finally became a sinner too!? Even though I say it's an eyesight for a woman to attend this school, it's unpleasant to be made such an appearance and degraded! Get out of this school fast!
Sooner than Walt finished his words, he heard a small grunt from behind.
Scott stands up blue-faced by Walt's too much rhetoric. With such a margin for him, I was surprisingly calm listening to Walt.
I guess my heart wasn't so shaken by this rambling because I was having a conversation with Alex here recently. Though I honestly didn't expect the day to come to thank him for that cursing rumor.
(... Nevertheless, Scott is a little more... no, not if you're worried about him)
It's as easy for Walt to say as ever. Is this even the word of a prestigious nobleman's son-in-law directed at women?... This is why I didn't want to see him.
His house, one of the most trendy aristocrats of the old cliché, still despises women with contempt. I have also heard that women are opposed to learning academics in this school in the same way as men.
And they still don't understand women with short hair.
"Why are you stepping into this sacred, beautiful and unclean sanctuary in the first place!! Even your brother wouldn't deserve to come in here if he were supposed to, but his brothers and sisters are the thick-faced shameless ones!!
I sneak away from his gaze of hatred that irritated and cared for the golden brown hair and made it obvious.
Before I get sick of hysterical yelling, I feel indescribable when I see my old self through.
(On the boulder, I wasn't so terrible... or was it like this all around me?)
I swear in my heart to care a little more about people's eyes when I'm guilty, although I can't pretend to see people and pretend to be me again.
(I mean, neither Alex nor your brother have given him my explanation?
I look at Arthur sideways, but he just leans his neck strangely. You can't really use glasses.
"Hey, come on! Amelia came here with your permission!! Besides, Mr. Leon is a vice chairman, so you've decided to come here!!
Apparently, the limit of patience has come, Scott, causing my body to interrupt between me and Walt.
"It's you again, Scott! If you say so, you've been putting civilians here and sheltering them during this time..."
But Walt stared at Scott without a shy eye. The very eyes of excitement are running bloody.
"If you ask me about that too, Wellbellsley said he invited you!!! What does he think this sanctuary is!!! Even though I say only the chosen one is eligible to enter here!!
Groaning exaggerated with his head, he steps on the group too full of dang power.
If I had heard from earlier, my spine would be cold at what is so radical that it is a sanctuary of sacred salons. And you feel like a sacred sanctuary, or a headache.
"You have no way of saying that! I think the Chairman's new way of thinking is good!! I think we need to broaden our horizons because we're more aristocratic or something!
"What do you say to the habit of nobility by crushing the hearts of civilians!! Like you and Leon remember one of the fools!!
Put me down, the two of you talk heats up. My presence is probably forgotten, thanks to the momentum we have in skipping each other's mouth corner bubbles.
Speaking of which, I recall that Scott hasn't said much about Walt in the meantime either. Though I thought it was unusual for him, I see. This won't get along.
"Even if not, Wellbellsley..."
But Walt didn't seem to forget me watching him relax and pull a step back.
Gunn and raised his voice towards me as he moved his neck away from Scott in momentum.
"You guys are a fake to be made up!!
A distorted grin cripples me as if I had won.
Yes, he hates the Wellbellsley family. Precisely, a growing aristocrat.
Especially since my brother Leonhardt is brilliant and has subsided on the seat of saying vice chairman, I guess he's an eyewitness.
(Well, compared to this one, your brother is excellent at everything... I can't help it)
Even if the school year is different, the fact that the patriarchal person you are looking down on is better than you may be intolerable.
(I don't know, I don't... I'm never inferior to Esther, though)
Nevertheless, if you listen to me in silence, you can say whatever you want.
I'm a person who doesn't want to get involved much, but this time I'm just trying to open my mouth to him to argue.
But before that, another voice broke in.
"That's it, Walt. Miss Wellesley is an official guest invited by Alex."
It's Arthur. I'm surprised I've rarely done a decent job.... a little late, though.
"... Shit, chairman? Damn, I got into the habit of being a civilian."
To Arthur's words, Walt loses his momentum until then and maligns himself with small words.
Did you recall that I was Alex's fiancée? Alex has a higher title than he does, and his power relationship at school is up there. A name that would work above all for a class supremacist like him.
"Are you guys good?!? Even if such a civilian ascent or a woman steps into this divine area!!
But he immediately turns his face up and now turns to water to draw Arthur and Theo into his people.
Personally, I agree strongly with Walt on that point. I want to raise my hands and agree. Though I am angry at what you are saying.
"I'm more on the side of inviting Miss Welbersley, though?
But my and Walt's wishes are also vain, and the glasses flatly return the words.
Glad you didn't have to work here...... that's really shitty glasses.
"I have no objection either."
Until then, Theo, who had decided to look aside, smiles and opens his grin with the book in one hand.
If you look closely, the book opens and you have a nearly drunk cup of tea on hand.
(No way...... I was reading a book with one hand of tea in this commotion!?
"By the way, uh... Mr. Walt Upson?
Theo speaks his name in a tone that follows me elsewhere in a deliberate manner.
You, you must be a member of the same student council as Sole. Besides, didn't you say you remember the names of all the students in this school?
"If I were you, I'd turn around right now, right here... uh, the Divine Realm? Was it?
Leaning his neck with a pure looking smile, his spine gets cold at the sounds that perhaps contain mockery though.
"I suggest you get out of the gods."
"What? What are you talking about"
I guess I got my nerves turned upside down by Theo's attitude and words, again distorting my face and irritating and upsetting my hair.
"Don't you know? Yesterday, Prince William came to this shrine."
"... what?
"It's nasty to say I'll be back, but maybe I even needed you around the entrance today."
Walt shows his fallen in love face when he suddenly hears a story from Theo that doesn't follow his understanding. I know how you feel.
But more importantly, I'd like to know why Theo knows about it. Well, to see Arthur calm, were the members of the student council informed... except Walt?
"Maybe you heard what Mr. Upson said and left?
The same serene grin. But the air released from him is somewhere limp and cold.
"He seems to think a lot about his mother."
Walt, who was surprised and concerned about Theo's words, hacked up the next moment and stuffed up to Theo's table.
I see the "ahhh" earlier was Theo's whine.
"You... no way"
"Haven't the seniors heard from Prince William, either? You must be close."
Theo comes to me with such a beautiful disregard for Walt's presence in front of him.
Though I was worried about whether to take that pass or not, this time I'll give you an honest ride.
"No, that's not what I said to Will."
Will, I'm going to put a special emphasis on the nickname.
You guessed from my mouth, Walt tenses his face and moves his body upside down and walks out.
I guess I'll go check on the truth. I'm sure I won't be able to sleep tonight.
"... don't worry about it. I will definitely get you out of here."
But disturbing words squealed by mistakes.
Caught by it, I look up at him unexpectedly. He pulled his jaw and glanced at me, and that series of streams appeared in his eyes as if in slow motion.
"I'll make you regret what pissed me off. I'll expose the secrets of your house under the sun."
He leans against the head of his nose and glances at me with his sharp, brown eyes like a vulture and goes wrong.
"... the secret of the house?
Words I can't hear pounding and falling zero out of my mouth while dropping off his back.
I wonder what the secret is...
He seemed to have something in mind, although he had no idea what secrets to hide in the house.
"Why all this trouble..."
The whining he spat out with his sigh was cancelled by the energetic weather voice he heard with the sound of opening the door.