Have You Ever Met Such a Cold Author

Chapter 4 A friend came to pick me up

In the dead of night, Lu Liguang lay alone in the dormitory.

Huo Miao was not there, and he was going to play with the guild in the voice-playing activity all night for these two nights. In order not to disturb his roommate Lu, he went out to the Internet cafe for the night.

However, Lu Lianguang tonight is destined to betray his kindness. It was early in the morning, Lu Lianguang was tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep, and finally couldn't help taking out the phone again, not knowing how many times he opened the album to see the latest picture.

This is the ticket information Zhu Congsheng sent him to facilitate his pick-up. The first and last name columns were simply covered by mosaics. A well-knotted, slender, clean hand was holding the ticket loosely. In the corner of the photo, a small piece of thin wrist was also photographed.

It is strange that Lu Lianguang has never secretly made up for the image of a real person like a bamboo bush. In his world, the bamboo bush has never been concretized. Perhaps among the huge bamboo bush fan group, no one can describe even a little of him. Appearance characteristics.

This person outputs thousands of words every day. Year after year, he has never stopped. He has told so many wonderful worlds and portrayed so many vivid characters. He has disclosed millions of words to the world, but There has never been a word about himself.

Someone who has good things counts the interaction records between Zhu Congsheng and fans collected in the nib forum god post "Have you ever seen such a cold author", plus his personal profile "just read the text", he debuted for eight years, except for more. Outside of the text, Zhu Congsheng said a total of 187 words on the public platform, and most of them were "thank you". After removing the repeated words, only 27 words remained.

These twenty-seven characters were made into "Quotations from Bamboo Groves" by fans, and the phone case was printed on it. Lu Lianguang bought one.

The mysterious and unspoken Supreme God, his words are turned into capital data, and he hangs high on the top of various lists. Lu Lianguang asks himself that he is the closest person to the bamboos among the tens of millions of living beings, but he still can’t Know him.

But today at least, he saw the left hand of the Supreme God.

The hand in the photo is so young, it almost looks like...

Like the hand of a young man.

Maybe it's just because the bamboo thickets are thinner? Besides, age is a matter of inaccuracies. There is no difference between forty and twenties... Lu Lianguang thought about it indiscriminately, staring involuntarily at the beautiful hand in the photo.

Over the years, Lu Lianguang has fully witnessed the promotion of this author named Zhu Congsheng. To use the "jargon" in the circle of online writers, it is the history of ascension. Since the newcomer signed and debuted, the book "Cocoon of the Universe" was enshrined in the book, and the "Landis" series laid the foundation of the "great god" godhead. Later, the golden age of copyright came and the nib expanded rapidly. Zhu Congsheng and three other authors were merged It is called "the three main gods of the pen tip"-yes, there are four people in the three main gods, which is common knowledge in the industry. To this day, the other three of the three gods of the past retreated from the circle and fell, and only the bamboo bushes stood at the top of this circle. With unmatched data scores, he achieved his "Supreme". "God" name.

Zhu Congsheng also accompanies Lu Lianguang. From a middle school boy who is very two-dimensional, he has gone through the years of struggling high school, admitted to the highest institution, and is now approaching college graduation. Lu Lianguang has a cheerful and righteous personality. He has always had a lot of friends. Although Zhu Congsheng is just a "net friend", he is the most special among his friends. He was born in a scholarly family. One of his parents is a professor and the other is a doctor. They are both respected professions. Since childhood, he has been excellent in appearance and ability. He is used to being a leader in reality. Used to being looked up as a model.

He never cares about the reasons his friends make friends with him. He wants to make his parents’ career easier, is attracted by his appearance, or really appreciates him as a person. He doesn’t care and treats him equally. With half a heart, smile and mingle with everyone.

Lu Lianguang has a proud nature, and the person who can make him willingly give all his heart has never appeared. His parents were so worried that he would die alone, that they were very tolerant of his sexuality.

It's different only if the bamboo grows thickly. When they met, Zhu Congsheng was an author with a small fan, and he was just one of the fans. Zhu Congsheng didn’t know how his family was and what he looked like, but he was still sincere and patient with him, no matter how time changed, seven Years are like a day. At first, Lu Lianguang was just obsessed with his words, but later, he became the person behind this ID.

Lu Lianguang had never seen such a person.

In private, Zhu Congsheng is restrained and restrained, low-key and humble. No matter how his own status is raised, he treats "Kataba", his fan, as sincere as ever, and answers all questions. Lu Lianguang has always been a wise person who knows current affairs. Zhu Congsheng does not take the initiative to speak, and he never tries to advance the relationship and asks what should not be asked. It's been seven years, let alone video and phone calls, they don't even know each other's first name or last name, and they don't even know how old they are.

And now, he is about to meet Zhu Congsheng.

Lu Lianguang turned over on the bed and continued to stare at the photo in the phone. Only in this way could he feel a little real. To a certain extent, he has followed the footsteps of the bamboo bushes and has been walking to this day. For so many years, he has been looking up and looking forward to the aloof god, and now he is going to meet him.

It was already the next afternoon when Huo Miao came back. He was shocked as soon as he entered the door-in the originally small double dormitory, the open box between the two beds was full, Lu Lian Guang, a gay who always pays attention to his own image, is looking for clothes with his messy hair that has not been combed.

"Are you back?" Lu Liguang greeted casually, "Are you asleep?"

"I slept in the Internet cafe for a while in the morning, and I am going to come back to make up for the sleep." Huo Miao stepped across the clothes in a place and asked in surprise, "Brother, no, stop for a while, what are you looking for, clothes in the same place? "

Lu Lianguang tried his best to pull in his box, and took out a thin coat and gestured to him, "Tomorrow there is a big event, I'm picking clothes-go to sleep, I'll pick it up, and I will pack it when you get up on the ground."

"Okay, thanks." Huo Miao said, lying on his bed, and asked curiously, "By the way, what's wrong with your hair? Writer CP was beaten?"

"My school's Sanshui God knows quite a lot." Lu Lianguang smiled, "I regret not. I just got up, and I didn't even care about combing - I lost sleep last night."

Huo Miao exaggeratedly said: "Wow, what's the big thing that caused the great talents of our school to lose sleep, you are finally going to hold the signing ceremony?"

"What's the signing meeting?" Lu grabbed light and sprayed some water on his hair, trying to comb his messy hair everywhere, without resting his mouth, "I'm afraid everyone will fall in love with me after seeing me. My face, after all, I want to rely on talent. Although my talent is already outstanding, it is nothing compared with my appearance."

"Hello? 110?" Huo Miao picked up the phone and leaned against his ear, shouting, "Come on! Someone here is pretending to be forced, the scene can't be controlled!"

Lu Lianguang made a shooting gesture at Huo Miao from the air, and Huo Miao fell on the bed, clutching his chest in response.

"My big event tomorrow is much more important than the signing event." Lu Liguang announced with a smile, "I'm going to see my idol!"

Huo Miao sat up and said, "Why don't I know you still chasing stars. Who, Lin Long?"

Lu Lianguang said, "How is it possible? I am not interested in little girls."

"Yes, you're crooked. Are there any hot male stars lately?"

Lu Lianguang shook his head and said: "You are really helpless, and you can't even report the name of a male star. My idol is a writer, not a star-forget it, anyway, you don't read novels, let alone this. Shall we go to the city center tomorrow afternoon? I'm going to buy gifts for the idols, and I lack a staff."

"No." Huo Miao said, "Tomorrow is the last day of Yaoling's new instance event."

"Yao Ling" is the hottest end game today. Huo Miao stayed up in the comfortable dormitory for the past two days, and went to the Internet cafe at night to play this.

Lu Lianguang asked, "Is the game important or the brothers important?"

Huo Miao didn't hesitate for a second, and said coldly, "Game. Besides, don't you have a date tomorrow."

"What date, I made an appointment and that was the evening."

"Well, the appointment at night is indeed not a meeting." Huo Miao yawned sleepily, and did not forget to remind him when he lay in the quilt, "Remember to bring a condom, brother."

Lu Lianguang helped his forehead and said, "Forget it, I suddenly don't want to ask you to be a staff member. Sleep with you."

After chatting for a while, Huo Miao finally couldn't hold up the sleepiness all night, and fell asleep after a while. Lu Lianguang sat at his desk. He was planning to change his graduation thesis, but he was a little uneasy. He always wanted to take out the photos sent by the bamboo bushes.

As a person with strong self-control and excellent psychological quality, this is quite rare for Lu Lianguang. He feels that he has not been so nervous for many years, and has not been so excited for many years. The eve of the college entrance examination that year was calmer than it is now, and when I received the admission notice from Dongling University's Tibetan repair building, I was not so restless.

For seven years, he has grown from a childish junior high school to a mature and independent man. No matter in reality or on the Internet, he is a man of great responsiveness, but in front of the little-spoken god who is born in bamboo, he It seems to have become an ordinary mortal fan again.

"The Supreme God..." Lu stared at the photo and muttered to himself, "What will it look like?"

A few hours later, in the early morning of the Eastern Continent, Lu Lianguang finally fell asleep, while the other side of the ocean was still daylight. At the crowded international airport, Tang Cuo was standing in a long line, preparing to check in. formalities.

"Thank you, don't bother you, I can find a place to live by myself." He said politely to the phone.

There are always many Asian faces in the airport. Tang Cuo’s front and back stations are all Chinese, but listening to his tone and words, no one would guess that the opposite of the phone is his brother.

"Okay, then." Tang Qi knew his elder brother's temperament, and did not force him at all, "Well, my mother actually wants you to live at home, but you don't have to worry, I will help you."

Tang Cuo thanked him sincerely, "Thank you, trouble you."

"Brother, you don't need to be so polite with me... By the way, you landed at Dongling Airport at 7 o'clock in the afternoon, right? I'll be waiting for you in the pick-up hall then? I just got my driver's license last year and I can drive to pick you up."

"No need, I..." Tang Tuo paused. He didn't expect that he would be able to say this one day, "A friend will pick me up."

"Do you have friends?!" Tang Qi was surprised for a while, and soon he knew that he had failed, and quickly added, "I mean, er, I mean, that would be great. Brother, do I know any friends?"

"You don't know." Tang Tu couldn't help but raised his mouth slightly, and said, "It's a..."

For a time, a lot of beautiful adjectives appeared in his mind. He wanted to say that he was lively and cheerful, always full of enthusiasm, especially sensible and caring. He has been inseparable for many years, and has given him the most support and encouragement. .

But in the end he just smiled and said: "I've known a girl for a long time."