When I had Elvi's demon sword analyzed, I taught Wow the story of the incident.

I came to the workshop to report on what eventually happened and ask for a favor.

"Huh." "The Arsenal." As far as you can tell, that sounds like a good ability.With that kind of power, my research and achievements will be completed in no time. "

The worker says as he flirts with something small at hand.

No, that's it. Pinch it.


"Of course, the results are important. But I also think it's important to remember how much work I put into it.It's attachment. "


I remembered the knife I got you.

It is a product that is everywhere, but because I have been using it for a long time, I have a feeling about it.

I started checking my bracelet this time to see if the work at hand had changed.

“Is there anything you need help with?Your arms don't work as well or move as you wish. ”

"This is not particularly true."It's doing enough work for me. "

Ah, after all?

Apparently, he knew it from a glance, and WaWork nodded happily many times.

"I thought so. I know that you will treat me politely, and if there is anything, it will be our fault, but I am fully confident about it."

Every time I ask about improvements, I tell them that there are no improvements today because they are satisfactory "arms".

"I've come across a humongous human who seems to be using a prototype."I'd like to make a few more improvements-- "

I'm more worried about cumming when it gets worse

"Must be."

Hahaha, the wow-work laughs cheerfully with a pale, blood-stained face.

What happened to that Van guy?

"Rubens was taken to the Divine Kingdom.I haven't heard about the treatment yet. "

I didn't even want you to report it to Elvi, so it might be over.

Next time, I'd like to go see a magic weapon that Van has [restored].

"Oh, it's cheap."

In the story of the Kingdom of Jørvensen, the magic weapon was the one that attracted the most interest from Wahwork, so the tedious interview began.As long as he remembers, he talks about what the power is, what the materials are, and what the shape is.

"Please don't do this anymore."


Warkow raised a childlike voice of dissatisfaction.

"I have an appointment today."

I've solved the compensation fraud case, and I've been invited to dinner by Branch Manager Iris.

Lila came back and had a schedule set for this evening.

"Oh, wait a minute! The one I told you about before, it's done."

As I tried to leave the workshop, a small box was brought to me by a worker who was chasing me in a hurry.

"Thank you."

"No. If you have time, take me to the magic weapon again."I may be able to use it as a reference.Besides, I'm not tired of talking about you. "

"Yeah. See you later."

There seems to be no end to the quest for work.

I heard that humans would have been dead by now.

It was a strange thing for a Bloodsucker, but that might have been good.