With a few knights and a samurai, Luno, I came to the royal castle.

"Is Loran going to convince your mother?

Meili, with Tunorabi in his chest, looked up at me.

"I would say persuasive, but enough to keep one tunorabi, I don't think Leyte would disagree..."

I had the impression that I was drowning. She is the only surviving family and daughter.

But Luno, the samurai, shook her head.

"The queen is not allowed to spoil the aliases. Dear Loran."

"Was it"

We proceeded through a long corridor, through a hall called the Throne Room, to the front of Leyte's private room.

When Meili knocked and told her what was going on, she heard back through the door.

"Give it back. Don't treat life lightly."

When Mairi's expression clouded by her tight voice, she turned her gaze softly over here.

My turn, you mean?

"Dear Laete, I'm Loran."

"Oh, was Mr. Loran with you? Then tell me what you want."

When the door opens and Reite comes out, Luno and the knights leave with a token of courtesy.

When she went inside with Meili, she was advised to hang on the couch and settled her hips there.

It was a qualitative room when it came to the queen's private room, with a covered bed and all that was left was a table and some chairs.

"Loran, this way, this way is more fuzzy!

Meili sitting on the bed slaps the bed.

"Aliases! That's no place to sit"

"Yes... Mother"

Shin, Mairi came all the way behind me to hide from Lete.

"Shield Mr. Loran...... already. So, are you a rabbit this time?"

I exhaled my nose like Raythe was frightened.

"This time?"

"Yes. Until now, he wants to keep cats, dogs, birds, whatever he picks up..."

"I see. Once you've had it, how hard will it be to take care of it?

"That's a story if you take good care of it. I'll leave you to the samurai anyway, and sometimes you'll only do enough to feed them."

Reite stretching her neck like a peek behind my back.

"I will... properly, I will. Cleaning Usa's room, giving her water, taking a walk, feeding her... good boy, I will."

I don't think Tunorabi needs a walk...

I've knocked it down, but I've never had it just as well.

"Alias, are you an adventurer? I'm leaving the castle in the morning and coming back in the evening, but in the meantime, who sees this rabbit?

"It's... Luno..."

"That's how we leave it to Luno to take care of what was the Lord. Mostly, that rabbit has horns. It's a kind of demon thing, isn't it?

I nodded to Raite, who hoisted my eyebrows.

"Yeah, but, as you can see, the corner is short, and it's not a big threat compared to dog fangs"

As Luno said, Leiteh doesn't seem to be going to spoil Meili.

"I always tell aliases. If you can't take care of yourself, don't keep it."

"Ugh, your mother's stupid! Lorraine gave it to me. It's Usa! Keep it!"

"I don't know a daughter named Idiot or anything against my mother. Get out."


When I looked back for a moment, Meili had tears all over her eyes again.

I almost cried my little nose with my mouth as a letter to.

"Dear Laete, if you haven't had one yet, you won't even know if you'll take care of it. Meili...... Alias is a stronger core child than Lady Reite thinks. Seems like the exercise I taught you was going on, too, and why don't you give it a try. In the meantime, you just have to refrain from adventurous activities"

As troubled, Reite closed her eyes.

"Mother won't give me anything if she says she wants a brother or a sister"


Reite tells him to be embarrassed, but Mairi continued.

"Later, I'll tell you later, that's all I've been doing."

If that's what you're talking about, that's what's gonna happen.

"Dear Laete, doesn't Alias want a family? Even if it's a pet."

Exhaling loudly, Raythe shook his head loosely as he surrendered.

"Okay. Fine."

"It's true."

"However, if I think that Alias is not taking good care of me, I will return the rabbit to the field with or without it. Is that good?

"Ha. Thank you, Mother, Loran!

Meili left the room in a hurry.

"You seemed happy"

"Now I hope I take good care of you"

When I laughed bitterly, Latte sat next to me.

"From Mr. Loran, that child may look like a strong core child, but from me, she's a sweet daughter. And he hassled the castle."

"Maybe if you could have a sister or brother, you'd be firmer"

"What do you think? But the idea that you want the family Mr. Loran mentioned may be shooting at you. Alias's actions have fallen."

Calling the samurai, Leite made her prepare tea.

For once I'm still at work, so just one drink, so I'll put my mouth on the cup, too.

"The information I've heard secretly also seems to be a move to have another king. There seems to be a lot of powerful people out there who want to cow their own ears instead of having a parliamentary system to decentralize power, and it's hard to see why, it doesn't work."

Now that he is my mother and king, I guess Leith's hard work is constant.

I think so even when I'm listening to King Randolph, but it doesn't seem to be a glimmer of power struggle.

"Have you ever heard of the name of an organization called the Welger Chamber of Commerce?

"Several times. Quite a few merchants in this country are also working under that Chamber of Commerce…"

"You could be doing a job that you can't say on the table. Take care. Behind the radical movements, there may be their appearance"

Only one case of Greywolf happens to be, or is he even getting his hands on something more of a different kind, which will eventually have a report from Dee.

What kind of organization, what size, who are enemies, who are not enemies, what kind of system is that organization -.

While we don't know the whole story, we can't move in a detour.

So I needed a presence to suck up information and report back to me.

"When in danger, could Mr. Loran help you...?

"I will try not to, but if so, let me deal with it"

"Ugh. I'm glad to know that's your job,"

Then he tangles his arms, he touches my knee, and Reite peeks in.

"You didn't joke about me the other day, did you? Aliases always say they want their youngest child."

When I was worried about the answer, I was kissed.

"Don't you like women who can't be?

When the queen of one country tells you that much, it would be rude to back off or shy away here.

I get up and hold Raythe as princess.

"- Yikes. Oh, put me down. Because it's heavy."

"Lady Reite is light."

"... don't put 'Dear' on when you're alone... don't even salute me..."


Bring Raythe to bed like he's clinging to me.

I gently pulled the lace curtain and dimmed it inside.

Reite dyeing her cheeks at you for inviting me says softly to whisper with a tense face.

"I, the..., I'm sorry... it's been a long time... if there's been any misconduct..."

"I don't mind. You just need to relax."