At the end of the day bar in Isalia, the king's capital, I came alone after work.

The Dade glasses I always wear at work were removed, my hair was properly disturbed, and my clothes were wearing crude objects.

Guests varied.

Men who drink cheap liquor chiseled, young people who make silly laughs. A light-hearted woman on her ass came running around, but ignored her.

"There you are. Make it what?

The clerk called me when I got to the counter.

"Recommended, anything?

"... wine, I guess. Lately, something warmed up is trendy."

"Well, let's get some milk"


The clerk glanced at me, looked convinced, and gave me the milk I poured into the glass.

Under the glass, there was a piece of paper.

"Sir, the bathroom is that way."

"Oh, thank you"

That's what I was asking.

Victor's story of a fight during a fake Mairi kidnapping says this guided toilet leads to another entrance.

Open the glass and open the pieces of paper. There were three numbers lined up: four, five, one.

Put the money on the counter, take a seat and head to the bathroom.

The toilet has two private rooms and one is locked or cannot be opened. When I knocked the number of times it was on a piece of paper on the door, it sounded creepy and unlocked.

It must be a kind of magic or junction that reacts to sound.

No one opened the door, and when I went inside, the door was automatically locked again.

A dim staircase is in front of you, and it creeps down.

When I opened the crappy door, it was a big room.

Many unfamiliar men drink alcohol or stare at the paper stuck out on the wall.

One man shakes his head, another strips the paper from the wall and takes it somewhere.

Is that the quest vote here?

"Brother, you're an unfamiliar face. Is this your first time here?

A poorly toothed middle-aged man has spoken to me. The exhalation is sober.

"Yes, with an introduction from a dead Victor"

"... Victor's?

I hear you have a name in this neighborhood, Victor.

He says you can't get to this room without basically introducing someone who's on a quest here.

Well, I guess that's the case at a time when we need a word for it.

"Victor only told me, so don't worry about me."


As we observe what's going on in the room, we'll look at some quest votes on the wall.

Killing, stealing, kidnapping, fraud, poaching, intelligence...

The contents were classified in these several.

There is no name for the client. The amount of compensation, the details of the request, and the number of participants are stated.

That's exactly the back guild. Quest votes are very similar.

"Oh? Brother, are you concerned about this quest?

"No...... not like that. Who's on this quest?

"The one you're good offices with? I don't know. Ouilla, just do the quest that's stuck out here and get paid, that's all."

Someone must be there. The Back Alliance Master who is mediating this Back Quest.

Exactly. The adventurers behind the end don't know that much, do they?

"You don't understand, do you, brother? Ouilla won't tell you anything."

A good man. That's what I want you to do to survive, because the more you die like that.

A man pointed and said a different place.

"Isn't this' Assassination of the Shipping King 'a good idea?

The assassination of Vescoda, the king of shipping.

Speaking of Vescoda, he is a man who made a fortune in seamerchants who often hear his name in the kingdom of Felindo.

Five million in rewards for results?

"You two are appropriate."

"What do you say, brother, don't you and Oyla?

Victor tells me that there are still many opaque things about fine systems and ways to do them.

Let's just be generous and sweet this time.

"Nice. Please do."

"That's settled."

Billy and the man peel off the sticker and head to the back.

"Oh, you didn't name it. Ouilla, I'm Vix. Say hello."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Bicks. I... in Slade for now"

"Slade, that's a good name. Say hello."

Shake hands with Bix and enter a private room with several. Looks like we're getting more details here from the back guild staff.

An official on the strong side who showed up sat across the street from Doka.

"Wow, Bix. How's it going?"

"Fair enough. This one, Slade. Let's come here with that Victor introduction."

An official looked straight at me.

"Heh. That Victor's"

"Guys, I'm surprised, what's wrong with that?

"Rookie won't know, but only certain people can get in here. So the one you introduced cares about Ments"

The official's words were supplemented by Bix.

"Oh. I'll introduce you to the guy with the arm, and it involves the ticket on the side I introduced. Not only does it resonate with us, but it also resonates with his assessment. Conversely, if you bring an awesome one," Is there a connection with that one ", the referring side will also be appreciated. Well, he's dead, so no mentions, no ratings, no shit."

"Victor is the highest rated man here. I've never brought anyone or taught them here before. He was a bastard on the nose, but his strength was picky."

Victor seemed pretty good as a back adventurer.

If that skill, what else, something like that?

"The day before Victor died, you said they broke his skills for the first time..."

"I heard about Oyla, too, that story. I was interested in how to break that" absolute defense, "but I can't even imagine that."

"No way... you said Slade. Is that you?"

The official question seems to have spoken Bix's words as well, and the two of them stare at us with curiosity.

Exactly, but if you say so, don't let me be the killer of Victor.

"Slade, that's okay. If you had killed Victor, I wouldn't blame you. Instead, it's the most appreciated place here."

I see. That's the back guild.

If you kill the strong one, will that be appreciated?

"First of all, I'm not the one who killed him. But I'm pretty sure I broke my skills before I died."

"Oooh......! Well, even Victor's gonna want to teach us this place."

"I didn't think Slade was such an awesome guy. I didn't even throw out the voice-over eye."

I was surprised to see that the eyes of the two people changed only slightly.

"Well, here's the point. Bix and I are gonna do" Assassination of the Shipping King, "okay?

We nodded at the same time.

"Um, one, check, okay?


"The reward for results is five million - isn't it too cheap?

"... what?

Officials seeped through the killer and were awesome in a low voice.

Whoa, and Bix pokes me with his elbow.

"Slade, this is more expensive"

Bix is making his face pull, but I ignored it and went on.

"Vescoda, the king of shipping, is a man whose name is sold in various countries. … assassination is more than just killing the subject. Evaluated in terms of social impact after erasing.... and yet the rewards are low. And rewards for results. If you split the reward for the necessary expenses for two, there's a good 2 million left on hand."

Van, and the staff slammed the desk and stood up. He suffered from eclampsia.

"Rookie's not a squid cancer, Oi."

"Sit down. You can't talk."

My eyes were frightened when I turned to the staff.

"... eh"

The official pressed silently and slowly lowered his hips in the chair.

You noticed my intention to kill me for a moment.

"I don't compromise because it's a life risking job. I'm just not going to be unscrupulous, either. 300 for advances and 700 for rewards for results. It's my first job here, so why don't you do something like this?"

"............... I'll ask you something. Wait."

The official man held the quest vote and took a seat.

"That's lame, Slade. Please... I thought I was going to die... I've never seen Oyla negotiate a price before..."

"No, it's obviously not right."


"Yes, it's too cheap to think from the market,"

"You're the market... you've been working on this."

I kept not answering.

"I've seen other rewards, but not just in this one case, but there are people who are getting too much delicious juice."

If I had been on active duty and had asked to assassinate Vescoda, the shipping king, I would not have received a total reward of more than 100 million. That's how socially influential they are.

There are those who gain when the subject disappears. If you consider the profit rolling into him, it's as cheap as it gets.

Immediately the staff returned. With an unconvinced look, I sit in a chair with Dosun.

"Slade, let's swallow your demands. 300 in advance."

Three banded bundles of bills were arranged by officials. Oh, and Bix raised his admiration.

"700 for reward for results. That introduction to Victor worked. But if you fail or run, you know what I mean?

"Of course."