I went up from the bath and escorted Meili to my room with the escorts.

Meili pulled my sleeve when she tried to go home.

"Stay with me until I want to sleep"

"You've become a sweetheart sometime"

"Today, yes."

Her mother, Reite, is busy, and although she has all the escorts, she probably missed her.

Lyla, who put it back in the form of a black cat, went somewhere with Roger because she thought I would be relieved to be with Meili for a while.

When Meili enters the king-size bed, as he comes next door, he slaps the bed.

Follow what the princess says and interrupt next door.

With my arm instead of a pillow, Meili closed her eyes.

"How long will Loran fight?

"I wonder how long"

I never thought about it, but maybe I'm fighting forever.

"Until you wash your feet properly," I said.

"Feet? Did you just wash it?

"In that sense...... Probably still fighting because I haven't washed enough"

Yeah, Meili's voice already seemed to sleep.

"Until I'm fifteen... are you done washing?

"I hope so."

Kuru, and Mairi, who turned to me, kissed me on the cheek.

"Good night, Chew. Lila, you said you were too."

"He... tell me something extra"

Turn your cheeks this way so Meili can kiss easily.

"Ok, ok"

When I give him a gentle kiss,

"What do I do... I'm awake..."

Supin, and put his head in the blanket and made his feet bulge.

After a while when Meili finally settled down and talked about no other love, she finally fell asleep.

Gently exit the bed so as not to wake you up and leave the room.

I decided to leave the rest to the four Beautiful Girls Squad that were outside.

When I returned to my room, there was Dee inside.

"What's up?"

"There's something Lorraine wants you to see. This..."

I received the folded paper from Dee.

"What's this?

"Bail, a letter from you. She had a little something hidden in her insurance policy when something happened with us."

I look through a letter from Bail.

Between the bed and mattress of the inn, he said, he hid a certain letter. It said to use it freely because it is unnecessary now that I have returned home safely.

"That's it. I went to the room that we used to use today and took it."

I was given an envelope.

"Is that a letter...?

As far as the envelope is concerned, neither the addressee nor the sender are known.

"You're a bad handiwork kid. I can't believe I stole it from the office of the master of the Chamber of Commerce."

There's a history of it in Bail's letter.

Says that when I brought it up, the seal was cut, and I couldn't tell if I looked inside.

I'll take out that stolen letter and look at the note, but it says nothing.

"I think it's just an envelope and a note before I write something. I didn't write anything, no address, no sender... because that kid, he had a place like that"

Before you write......? But the envelope has marks like it was cut with a paper knife.

From the note inside, there were only a few signs of magic.

I take out the note and use the primary flame magic 'match' to broil the paper, but nothing comes up.

I try some other means, but none of them worked and the note remained blank.

"I knew it was just paper..."

Whatever Dee spills worryingly, try the following:

Try to watermark the moonlight with a note.

Then the blue and white letters came to mind.

"Oh well..."

"They say it's written in a kind of special magic paint that only reacts to moonlight"

As Dee and I silently read it, I found out who it was addressed to.

The address is definitely the guild master of the Welger Chamber of Commerce. The sender didn't write it.

"I wonder who wrote this letter from..."

But I know who sent this letter to me.

Perhaps the letter was a few months ago.

"The kidnapping of Amstel's daughter and her help"

In this matter, what was involved outside the Welger Chamber of Commerce was a nobleman of the kingdom of Ferrind named Barbatos Guerreira.

"How to get in touch... especially how to encrypt and decipher the contents, just like the assassin did"

Now I think those who were escorting and watching Amstel were assassin-style men, as were the men who came after Bail to capture him.

"You have a connection to the assassin, or you are familiar with your community… or you are the assassin…"

"I wonder why the Alliance Master didn't dispose of the letter when he was so cautious."

"Maybe the Alliance Master doesn't fully trust the other side."

"You mean you're leaving it as evidence?

"Oh. We don't know if it works as evidence, but as long as we leave it, I guess so."

I go through the second and third of the few.

"Dear Loran... what is this..."


The contents were full of sparks.

"Funding," "Expansion of the Force," "Ferrind Collapse," "Steps Towards It," "Comrade Noble to Call"

"That's a sentence about civil unrest."

The Welger Chamber of Commerce is funding Barbatos Guerrera - which would be the first thing for sure because Dee used to say there was money flowing somewhere.

The point is, the Welger Chamber of Commerce is also the back shield of Barbatos Guerrera.

Its Welger Chamber of Commerce is moving to bull ear the Duchy of Bandenhark.

"Back guild requests were mostly chamber tangled. … if the Chamber of Commerce had had the back society professionals mediated through the back guild instead of providing funds…"

I found Dee breathtaking.

"This is... if you let it go..."

"There will be civil unrest in the kingdom of Ferrind"