"Mr. Loran has Tuesdays and Fridays off next week. Please take a rest."

Miriam, my mentor, said.

Tuesdays and Fridays off?

"... does that mean I don't need it"

"Huh? Huh? You're off, aren't you? Everyone's waiting."


The rest of the day means I'm not needed.

"After all, I'm not a newcomer to war," he said... I am often confused because this is my first industry, but I intend to encourage myself diligently "

"Hey, something heavy!? Rest assured that I am well aware of Mr. Loran's hard work. It's a fun, fun holiday."

Fun? Fun?

............... 'Fun' what?????

"Is it 'fun' to leave work?

"Yes... I am, though. Sleep in bed in the morning, sleep twice, or stay up late the day before that!


"Oh, that...? Pi, you look like you haven't come pin!? I slept twice! I'm not allowed to sleep on a day when you have a job, twice!

What are you so powerful about...? And 'fun'......

Is Nidone that awesome?

- No way, like drugs......!?

You look like a representative of my town daughter.

But people don't look like it, so much as I didn't like it in my previous job. Even if it lacked persuasion, I have no choice but to be convinced.

On a day when I do have a job, I can't kick Nidone's ass. Dangerous.

We need to find out which route you're on.

You can't make a 'normal' town you've just arrived in a drugged town.

"But if you rest, don't you get paid less?

"No. This guild employee is on a monthly basis, so I've folded in my Tuesday off week."

"Rest doesn't lower my salary......!?

"... that sounds like something is shocking"

Miriam's eyes are on the dot.

"You don't have to work Tuesday..."

"Yes. Clean work is' normal ', I suppose?

I see. That's common sense here......

You don't have to work to get paid...... that's an incredible system.

"So, Mr. Loran, rest in peace. Resting is part of the job."

"I understand. As an official professional, I will rest well."

"Huh. Do so."

"Sometimes, Mr. Miriam, drugs erode your body. I suggest you cut your hands off with Nidone as soon as possible."

"Huh? What are you talking about?? Sleep twice, sleep twice, right?

The misunderstanding was solved in an instant.

- That day, I went home and told Lyla about the holiday.

"Hmm. That's totally strange. You may rest… and your treatment will remain the same."

"Oh. But that seems to be common sense here"

Seriously face to face, we learned another thing about 'normal'.