The caves in the valley are powerful with water spirits. However, the presence of the Fire Dragon, Banning, strengthens the power of the Fire Spirit and enables the Spirit Magic to ignite a flame.

This is called "antagonism," and if the power of a particular Spirit is strong within a certain range, the power of the Spirit of a conflicting attribute is weakened. Spirit magic users must always be aware.

Sphere uses the magic of the "Warm Heat Ball" to warm himself with the heat generated by the Spirit of Fire. Irina didn't hide her wonder when she saw the magic split between the unconscious crewnes and the magic of the light.

"Sphere uses all sorts of magic... at the same time. I have only the magic of the Spirit of Water and I can master it."

"Father and mother can use a lot of magic, so I can use a lot. I'm good at maneko."

"No, it's not a imitation anymore, it's being used perfectly. Can your father and mother be presented as famous wizards?

"Well, Dad keeps it small, but the mothers are very famous."

"That's right... you're such an extraordinary user, but deeply itchy. I wonder if Mr. Sphere's father is such a fine sage."

(Fufu... Dad, you're a wise man. Does it have to be?

(Something seems to inflate my strange imagination...)

When I was with Julius, I was tough because I had invaded an enemy country, but if I wasn't hostile, would this be the case - or would the charm of attracting Sphere people work again?

"Um, why was Irina running away from Krune?

"... I'm sorry, but as Elsein's demon kingdom will be classified, I can't reveal it to the civilian Sphere..."

(Sphere is the rider of the Fire Dragon and goes to the Dragon Ride Fight on behalf of Albain. The defeat of Krune will tell us what this child is capable of. I came down to this valley today... and if the Knights of Elsein were fighting there, I can't help but ask. If you can't tell me, I didn't mean it, but you will come to King's Landing.)

"Ah... well, I... if it interferes with His Majesty's desired dragon battle, there is nothing else to atone for with death. If you really want me to tell you something, I'm here right now...."

Irina puts her hand on the self-defense knife she wore on her waist. But Sphere grasped the hand and did not let the blade come out.

"Don't ruin your life. Life is important. Never let Irina's father and mother grieve."

(... Sphere)

An astonishingly powerful voice. After staring at Irina's face, Sphere laughed innocently as usual.

"... please talk to me thoroughly. I have amazing fathers and mothers. I'm sure you'll be able to solve any serious problems."

"... even though she's younger than me... how strong would I be if I were to be like Mr. Sphere..."

"Don't cry, girls cry in front of people they like."

"S, someone I like... I haven't even thought about it since I was this age... Does Mr. Sphere have such a person?

"Eh... uh, that's fine... if your father didn't hear about it, but now I'm embarrassed. I was born for my father....."

(... okay, sure, if you don't tell me when I'm gone... well, don't get irritated)

"Ah... fuah, don't listen to Dad!

"... fufufu. I lost my father early and I was with my mother... so I envy Mr. Sphere. It's a strange form, but I've been with you all along."

I would like to be able to return to my body in a little while, but I wonder what the current situation is. My body, which is warmed by everybody's skin to replace me, is worrying, and as a young man with a healthy spirit, I cannot deny my endless interest.

"...... nh......"

"Ah... Dad, it looks like Mr. Krune is going to wake up. What am I supposed to do, be okay?

When she saw it, Kleune, who was lying on Irina's cloak, was walking around. The cloth armor is dry, but it has a tight body shape and is poisonous to the eyes.

"I am also responsible for my family's problems. I'm watching to make sure that Krune doesn't harm Sphere."

"... please"

(Don't worry, Krune only has a little magic. Even if you challenge it, there is a way to stop the movement.)

(Yes, thank you, Father)

Sphere is nervous, waiting for Krune to wake up. As she slowly woke up, she lifted the hair on her cheeks back and showed her how well she looked.

"... why didn't you kill me?

Words of rejection that do not resemble voices with clear sounds. Klune looked at Irina and said, looking at her dagger.

"... why did you... why did you let His Majesty Julius' Black Dragon drink 'Snouli's Poisonous Liquor'...!

Snouli's poisonous liquor - a liquor made from the fruit of Snouliard, a tree monster that only inhabits frozen soil and rarely found in Albain.

Snouliard quickly sends toxic ingredients into the fruit when he comes to take it in self-defense. If you can stop it and get fruit, you can taste soft fruit as sweet as melting, but whoever eats the fruit that has been poisoned runs wild with magic and causes confusion, leading to death.

The poisonous fruit may be brewed, and the potency changes when alcohol is consumed. The bad thing about it is that it starts to 'twitch and run slowly'.

What happens if you let the Black Dragon drink such a thing from now on - if you adjust it, the Black Dragon may run wild during the battle of the Dragon Rider.

(... incite Demon King Julius to fight the Dragon Rider. So why do you want me to lose?

"... from where, my voice... from the direction of this child... spirits... no..."

"This voice is your father's voice. Is your father right? Why did Krune do that...."

"... His Majesty Julius has trusted Mr. Kluane so much since he became a new Kintetsu Knight. You yourself said you would swear loyalty... was that a lie!?

Even after Irina hit him, Krune didn't move and laughed slightly.

"Why do you think Lord Julius believed me? That's because the Rokumoku and his people admire him more than Julius, who is still young... Verlaine. Julius wanted someone more than anyone to support him."

"Hmm... it's rude to call His Majesty the King that way!

"Irina, you are also loyal and follow Lord Verlaine's decision. Aren't you relieved when Lord Julius moved to get Verlaine back?" The Real Demon King is coming back to the country. "

"That's... that's not true! I am the Guardian Knight... it is I who protect His Majesty Julius..."

Irina swallows words because she can't finish.

Krune is not just talking about imagination. Irina couldn't deny it because she became a member of the Kintetsu Knight and talked about what she felt with her own eyes.

"He's stronger than me... but his strength is not enough. Without Lord Verlaine's help, my country... will perish like this."

"Destroyed... by the country? Krune-san, what the hell are you doing...."

"Krune is a dark elf. But I'm not from Elsein's demonic kingdom... yes, my father said."

Krune does not deny it. He just smiles and looks at Sphere - he looks at us.

"... no way... another demonic kingdom that was divided from our country in the past..."

Irina snapped. Krune nods and looks somewhere else than here. As if you were thinking about your distant homeland.

"Yes... a hundred years ago, when we broke up with your country, we created a new country in the south. The safe haven we finally found... was the wilderness at first, but it was enough for us."

(... what happened to the demon kingdom of Ratochris?

The demonic kingdom of Lattice is a threat to its western neighbor, Berbekia. I bump into a problem that I didn't think I could easily interfere with - waiting for Kleune's answer, feeling like it was going to happen again.

"... Ratchris is invaded by a few humans... controlled by them. Originally by people who were adventurers in the Kingdom of Albain."

Why did Latochris suddenly threaten Velvekia and ask for a contribution?

It was all connected - the man who seized the throne of Ratchrist was waving tyranny.

Verlaine said that the Devil King of Lattice has the power of S-rank. At the same time, it means that it is not impossible for SS-ranked adventurers to take control of the country by themselves.

"...... why didn't you make an offer to His Majesty Julius as a formal request for rescue from Ratclis from the beginning......?

"... because he doesn't have enough power. I was aiming for Elsein with all my heart to see Verlaine... but it was an unreliable boy sitting on the throne. Verlaine's brother... I know he's strong. But I am weaker than Master Verlaine. I will not admit that you were subordinate to the weak King without Verlaine... you may say that you hate him."

"Ah... ah, why do I have to tell you so much... that you kept everything secret?! I... we thought you were one of us...!

Krune's goal is to save his country. I don't know exactly what the SS ranked adventurers who robbed the country are doing - my network does not extend beyond the country. But I realize that it wasn't enough to make my ideals a reality.

(Dad... Krune knew about Verlaine's mother and tried to get her help.)

(Yes, but you've gone a little too far.)

Krune thought he could not save his country without Verlaine. That's why we asked Julius to return Verlaine from Albain.

"... Mr. Krune, don't be surprised, will you listen?

"... I think you've often acquired that kind of power with your youth. But not as good as Verlaine...."

Apparently, Verlaine has been deified in the Krune. If you met Verlaine as a demon king when you were a child, you would be impressed - Verlaine, who is well equipped for demon kings, still has the style to stand at the top of the demon kingdom.

Dad, can I tell you something?

(Oh, good. I'm a little scared of the reaction, but... you might attack me angrily because you're making fun of me.)

(I see... Mr. Kluane, even though he is a really nice person, he seems to be forcibly strong. I'm sure you'll understand if I talk to you.)

It's strange that Sphere would say that.

But I think so. After all, Sphere contains the magic of Creone's revered Verlaine.

"I am... the daughter of Verlaine's mother."


"... Verlaine, before the demon king... um, daughter... can you give it to me as a princess...!?

Krune held her tongue too close to surprise and Irina opened her eyes. Well, it's not obvious that Verlaine in Albain already has a daughter of this age - it hasn't been a year since she came to my guild.

"... if you've ever met Mother Vale and you remember her magic. I think Mr. Krune will understand..."

In the end, let the momentum prevail, and Sphere leaves in front of Krune. Krune puts his hand on his chest as if he had noticed something - yes, Sphere touched it and gave Krune magic.

"... I... I didn't even realize why... Verlaine's... young lady helped me..."

Tears appeared in Kluane's eyes and the cheeks fell off several muscles. She shakes her shoulders and begins to cry as she holds Sphere's hand and holds it with respect.

"Oh, really... princess... I'm sorry, please forgive me for the rudeness I've never noticed before...!

"No, I'm not a princess. I think your mother would say that's not true."

"No... you are the princess who will inherit the power of Verlaine. Please forgive me for being hostile..."

(... Krune. Can you tell me your real name? With that strength, you're not just a demon tribe.)

"... this voice is the voice of Princess Sphere's father... that is, of Verlaine..."

(No, no... not really, but I know Verlaine very well.)

Irina and Creone's attitude towards me is softening all at once - on the contrary, it turns into respect.

From time to time I can see how much Verlaine was admired as a demon king. I'm sorry I took Verlaine from them, but I'm also proud of it.

This promising demon king is trying to stay with me. Once again, we must do everything in our power to ensure that Verlaine remains in the guild in its entirety.

(... Father, I love it. When your father gets back, you'll be all right.

(Well, I guess that's fine... so please.)

(Father, that's how your moms tell you to be cute.

I can't say anything back, so I won't say anything. Just because Sphere revealed her identity, Irina and Krune are completely convinced - the magic inherited proves that there is no more parent-child connection.

"I can't believe you and Verlaine can make a princess out of your mental body... this Irina Buffon, 17 years old, knows the size of the world."

I have been mistaken, but it is difficult to correct, so I will leave it alone for now.

Sphere wipes Creone's tears with a handkerchief. For the first time, Krune smiled like a girl with her red eyes on.

"... my real name is Melmea-Latchris... the princess of the demonic kingdom of Latchrist. I am truly sorry for naming a false name and disrespecting His Majesty Julius."

(... she's a real princess. I see... so you knew Verlaine.)

Mermaire nods honestly. The first stubbornness seemed to be a lie, and Sphere unexpectedly flashed her face.

Another demonic kingdom, divided into Elsein demonic kingdoms. The princess dived into Elsein to ask Verlaine for help.

If Albain's adventurers continue to take the throne, the demonic kingdom of Lattice will truly be destroyed.

A black dragon who drank snori's poisonous liquor, Princess Mermaire asks for help. While there are more problems to be solved, not all of them will ever be solved.

We need to hear from Krune a little more. Now that you've earned her trust, you should be able to hear everything without hiding it from her.