Calvin was sealed with a magic seal by his master so he couldn't use the "Curse Print". The "Curse Print" is a spell that activates magic, meaning that it is a little known magic technique for Albain.

We returned to King Alvinas from the ruins of the Northern Valley, and Miralka once returned home with Fran.

Lower the banning raw near Miralka's house. I also went down to the front of the Mansion - I thought I was too worried, but I was still worried about what just happened.

"You are one of the heroes of the Demon King Crusaders... Dear Dick Silver, master of Silver Bottle Pavilion. I've always heard from Miss Miralka."

"Ah... well, I don't think I've talked that much... Dick, I've just talked about you taking on a lot of trouble while saying you don't want to stand out."

Fran - no, I should call her Fran because she's older - she's wearing three linen hairs and a maid costume.

Verlaine's clothes are also different in shape, and I'm sorry to Verlaine that Mr Fran looks more chaste - and Mr Fran, who was escorted by Miralka, walks towards me.

(I mean... is the distance too close...?

A little smaller than me, Fran looks up at me with his eyes closed. So I finally understand - she didn't see me well enough to get this close.

"... the young lady said she should be more careful with her grooming. It's a cover, so I saw it."

"Fu, Fran... you're like my sister..."

"I used to be arrogant, but I thought I had to protect the little Miralka. But Miralka grew up healthy and I protected her... all because Dick supported her without shadow."

Is Miralka illuminated or something? Her face is bright red and her mouth is pounding and moving, but she doesn't have a voice. I'm flattered, but Fran's gratitude should be taken honestly, and I shouldn't give a false reply.

"I often get help from Miralka. I'm not a very good person."

"... you really are..."

Miralka tried to hold her mouth as if she couldn't stand it, but when Fran looked at Miralka on the way, she couldn't say anything.

Fran takes a step back and smiles - and puts his hand next to his face. I noticed that technique, but it seems that she always wears glasses. I didn't wear it when I saw it before, so I wonder if it is used for repairs.

"Thank you again for seeing Miss Miralka."

"I'll take care of Miralka. I think Mr. Fran is a little worn out, so let me check on him at one of our guilds. There's a good doctor."

A good doctor is a master, but for most of the diseases currently known, the master knows how to treat them and can cure them with a magical approach. In Mr. Fran's case, the magic is depleted by being mediated by the "Curse Print", but it will also heal easily.

My Master taught me the magic of healing, but it's possible to replenish the magic. Even in the magic supply to maintain Beatrice's materialization, there is an implicit understanding, but the body needs to be touched in order to exchange magic - if you supply magic separately, it will cause attenuation and disturb nearby magic fields. As a result, the magical information network (network) stretched over King's Landing becomes irregular.

"... I didn't hear this from my daughter. Dick-sama seems to be very itchy."

Where did you look at me and think that? When you saw what was bothering you right now, did you realize that I was worried - in this case, regardless of Adventurer Strength, it seems that you can't beat older women.

"Now... I will return to the Mansion. Miss, are you sure you want to come back later?

"Yeah... thank you, Fran. I'm really glad you're safe...."

Before Miralka finishes, Fran hugs Miralka.

After a while, Mr. Fran gently walked away and wiped away the spilled tears. When I look at the two of you laughing with your eyes moisturized, I'm moved too.

Miralka urged Fran to enter the Mansion first, and when she looked at me, she raised her chest as if she was not crying.

"I was late for Calvin once, but that won't happen again. I'm not going to let anything grow over time."

"Ah... I haven't changed, but Miralka went in the past... hmm?

I noticed while I was talking - Miralka's ears were pierced.

"I was back sometime. Since you gave me pierced earrings in the past, I wonder if it will connect to me now... Time magic still lacks research."

The past and the present are connected. The pierced earrings that Miralka has delivered to Miralka in the past are 'what should be here'.

"I don't know what the principle is, but pierced earrings are here in a repaired state anyway. But now Miralka doesn't seem to have to rely on pierced earrings."

"Yes, because I fought you... I must apologize for being manipulated into a fight..."

If we don't fight strong opponents, we won't be strong. It's hard to do everything I can to help each other, but I felt that way about training with Cody and Eileen. They would have been the same.

Miralka thought we were "envious" because she wanted to be strong. There are only a few magical users who can grow her destruction magic, assuming that they are SSS ranked.

"I incorporate magic into my battle, but I can't do the same as Miralka. It's fundamentally different from the Wizard, because it's an auxiliary magician."

"... but only you can imitate my magic. That's why I...."

"That's right... that's the trouble. Can you help me think about how to make Miralka's magic stronger and how to maintain her fighting instincts? If we don't fight seriously, we can't be stronger, so I don't want either of us to get hurt."

Miralka's "Destruction of Nothingness" is a sharpened means of attack. I used everything I could to offset that power.

But if you lose your mind, you shouldn't fight with each other. Naturally, we should stand by and avoid this in the future.

"... you never really tried to attack me. That would never have been possible without your help, but I realized it in that battle. It's not dressed up, it's Dick Silver."

"No, I mean it. It's just...."


If you say that, you may be told that you were thinking about it in battle. But today Miralka didn't seem to pull it off.

"... if you don't do something very important, I'll destroy you."

"Okay, okay. To put it simply... I didn't want to hurt Miralka's skin. I was thinking about something like that, so I don't really mean it, so please don't think about it...."

I am telling you as a serious idea, so there is no need to be ashamed of anything. Even if I knew, I couldn't keep an eye on Miralka.

Miralka doesn't seem particularly angry when she looks scared. I smile, but I don't know what kind of nuance I can accept that smile - I think it's a gentle expression.

"... if that's what you really want, I'll have to say thank you for facing me. You really weren't a strong enemy. The enemy of the world."

"What do you mean... it's like I'm a demon king or something."

"Fufu... I can't think of any words to describe how strong you are."

"It feels like a compliment killing... well, it's an honor for Miralka to say that..."

While I was talking, I felt something in my gaze and looked back - Mr Fran stood by the window of the room facing the garden of Ellis Mansion. He is looking at this while holding his hand against his mouth and smiling elegantly.

"I've only known Miralka for a long time... and I don't think she's gonna make it."

"Yes, if you knew what she was capable of, you'd think it was someone the Alliance wanted. Calvin was a bad opponent, but he's better than me in body surgery."

"Really... when I disturb you again, will you tell me what's going on around here?"

It is too optimistic to let Calvin's defeat move the "Hegemon's Seat" - leaving us alone.

Are we going to come out or intercept this time? Either way, I'm not going to let them like me.

"Well then... give my regards to everyone. I'll apologize again for my worries."

"Oh, that's good. Rest today."

Miralka nodded and entered the Mansion. When I saw him off, my master and Sphere, who was supposed to be waiting a little further away with Banning, walked right up to him.

"Dean, do you practice magic with Miralka? Shall I help?"

"I would like to say when I need it, but I would like to do it eventually. Maybe we should hire someone who wants to stay at the inn."

"If you're with your father, I'd like to go too. I want you to teach me more swords and magic."

Sphere takes my arm - this time, she helped me a lot.

"What about everyone who was waiting for you in King's Landing? I'd like you to gather at Beatrice's mansion, but Glasgow is in therapy."

"Even I'm tough on Eileen and Shelley... I'm glad they're safe. It looks like the damage is huge, so can you rest and heal them?"

"Dee, do you want me to cure you? It's going to deepen our understanding."

"Using healing magic isn't so bad in itself, but Master is better... wait, his eyes..."

Master's smile - as it has always been - is a prelude to her whimsical activation.

And I still haven't lost my conditional reflex. My master approached me and turned his hand from the front to the back of his neck - and he was drawn and buried in his chest. Normally, you're caught without resistance.

"... even though I shouldn't say this, I can't stand it anymore. Dee, you're getting bigger and more serious."

"Well, seriously... Master, in front of my daughter..."

Sphere also hugged from behind and was pinched by her mother and daughter. You don't have to wonder what you're doing in front of Miralka's house, but it's hard to do if this happens.

"Rim, is Mom and Dad cute?

"Yeah, it's so cute. There is no other boy so strong and cute. Ver said the same thing."

(Ah, he's talking to Master more than I thought...)

I'm supposed to live under the same roof, but I try not to interfere with private conversations, so there's a lot I don't know about - that's not the case.

The feeling is clearly conveyed by wearing fabric clothes with magic resistance processing instead of the leather armor you always wear in battle.

Master told me to make up his mind that I would never see Master as a woman, but it is impossible to be unconscious with this. If she could allow herself to behave honestly, she would be happy as an apprentice, but if she was made to be conscious too strongly, it would be troublesome.

"Shi, Master. That's why I'm not old enough to be treated like that anymore..."

"Yeah... that's why I know, but I can't stand it anymore. Dee, Miralka and I seem to have made some progress, but it's going to take some time next time."

"Dad, did you get along because you were with Miralka's mom? Tell me if something good has happened.

I will have to answer Sphere's innocent questions honestly as soon as possible. When that happens, all we have to do is learn how everyone reacts, but we don't lie.

"I look like I'm ready for something. When you look at me like that, I want to bully you this time...."

"Dad, Lim, is Mom bullying you? Then I have to be on your side."

"Ah, thank you..."

Well then, should I look at it? Dad and mom have to work this out. "

My daughter is amazing - just like Sphere said, she doesn't make a sound.

Nevertheless, it seems that Master has been admonishing himself for a long time, but has there been any change in mood? I'm worried about that, but I thought it was a good enough trend just to show a bright expression for now.