Heaven’s Devourer

Chapter 679 Deep Sea Crazy Sharks

This is the magic of Do-Yun Shen Tong, as if Wu Yu really had a pet.

Wherever it is, the clouds wrap around him or simply hide in his clothes and run around.

It beat the plume and laughed.

However, Wu Yu raised it as the first goal now, so that it can be considered the first real deal.

The hardest part, Wu Yu has understood.

This cultivation of the Divine Spirit also requires certain resources. Among them, Avenue Yuan Shendan is available. Wu Yugang just got a lot of Dan medicine from the young princes. At this time, in order to cultivate the muscle cloud, it is not stingy at all.

Resource is only a small part of it, a larger part, or Wu Yi's own understanding and grinding of the divine talent, which requires a long time of thinking, research, and outstanding enlightenment.

Deep ‘way’ levels are needed.

Wu Yu stayed in the floating tower and grew more and more sharp.

As anticipated, as he grew up, when that Jindu cloud turned into a white cloud, it was enough to accommodate Wu Yi sitting on it. This has proven that Wu Yi put the 4th Gate of Divinity first, cultivating success.

Because it is in the floating tower, the time spent is reduced by half, mainly due to the timely realization, so not much time is consumed.

Nothing happened in Dongsheng Shenzhou during this time.

Nor was he in a hurry to go, but he continued to think about the second of these clouds.

The second of these clouds is a bigger jump, a bigger jump than the first.

Listen to the meditation, you can jump out of the barrier of Wangxiandai, even in this world, all the constraints of the legal battle and so on, even many walls can't stop Wu Yi.

He understands, "This is what happens in an instant, jumping into another world, then moving back into the Yan world. Maybe it's a world of nothingness, maybe it's just for a moment, but this kind of jump can really save your life. ”

“It takes me to know Little Dou like no other. Talent merges with it to the point of escaping from many constraints. If it's just the first weight, it can only go faster, but it can't get out of jail. ”

Xiaodou, is Jindu Yun himself, Wu Yi still needs it, Wu Yi has the most fundamental understanding of the path contained in ‘Jindu Yun’.

There was no shortcut, and it took him a lot of time to figure it out.

At this point, Wu Yu is ready to go. He needs to use more ‘muscle clouds’ in order to really merge into one.

Time to get out of here.

Actually, this day is long overdue.

Dongsheng Shenzhou has always been quiet, but Wu Yi got it from the princess of Phantom. What happened in Yellow Empire City has actually spread all over the world.

However, after thorough investigation, there was no movement of the Swallow Demon Journey, and most people still believed that Swallow Demon Journey could not have lived to this day.

“Goodbye. ”

He sat on the muscle cloud, flew on the cloud, fused the muscle cloud with the cloud mist, and started moving forward!

Wu Yu now has the map of the whole Yanfu world. It was also obtained from the young princes and several of them. There are several copies, each with details. By contrast, Wu Yu probably knows his way forward.

And you know how many sea demons you'll experience along the way.

Generally speaking, it is safest to pass from adjacent locations of the demons' lands in both areas, and the most dangerous to break into others' lands by mistake.

The muscle cloud hid above the cloud, and the movement was very small. Wu Yudi sat on it without having to move his mind at all, let alone take much effort. The muscle cloud rushed towards the northern underworld empire at an unprecedented speed.

In front of us, it's all white.

The first time he rushed, 'Little Dou' was very excited, he tried his best to whistle in the cloud fog, Wu Yu fleshlight, can not see how he jumped shuttle, for him, he has been floating the world.

Also, you can feel the muscle clouds bending forward.

However, even if bent, it is still the fastest and even the most incredible way forward.

Wu Yu simply closed his eyes to experience this kind of shuttle change in the muscle cloud. Soon, he felt that he was moving forward, every moment, in fact, beating. That speed was so fast that Wu Yu had a hard time feeling it clearly.

“What you need to grasp is this feeling of the cloud. This‘ way 'is really too deep, but you do the magic trick, you just need to understand the fur a little, when you can understand the fur a little, second, the problem shouldn't be that big. After all, the effect of both is not exactly the same, but the second is actually the first weight of the square, the biggest jump. ”


To grasp the ‘Way’ contained in this change, to understand and find the meaning of this change!

The way to go, indeed, is boring.

Wu Yu is fully committed to it, Jindu Yun is responsible for catching up, and he is responsible for experiencing every slight beating change, and more importantly, for finding, truly feeling the space or the world that Jindu Yun can travel through.

“So what is it exactly? ”

“Shuttle only if it corresponds to the world we see today. Or..."

This is not one or two times, you can get the answer. Wu Yu enters and comes out of it hundreds of thousands of times a day, but he is temporarily unconscious, he just feels the speed of the muscle cloud, it seems really fast.

Day after day, day after day.

“The test is enlightenment and perseverance, both of which are indispensable. Enlightenment, no perseverance, no perseverance alone, but a fool who can't understand himself, that's not possible. ”

Fortunately, Wu Yu is both excellent.

He is confident that he will be able to bring his muscle clouds to the second place and impress with his eyes.

After all, to reach the Northern Underworld Empire, it is a long way from here.

Wu Yu has given orders to the Princess of Phantom. When Wu Yu arrives soon, the Princess of Phantom will wait for Wu Yu at the main harbour 'Far North Cold Fairy City' on the northernmost coast of the Northern Pluto Empire.

The time on the road, he intends to use it to rush the road. If he doesn't want to figure out the second of these clouds, he needs to know more about clouds, he can let clouds move forward with floating towers.

As Pluto said, it would be hard to understand if you think of the muscle cloud as a god, and if you think of it as a little beast, you would be closer, invisible, and you would understand it better.

This was the experience of the Pluto.

She probably took a lot of turns, and at first, she just thought of the muscle cloud as a magic trick.

With the guidance of the former, and the endurance and enlightenment of the top, Wu Yu gradually found some laws in the hundreds of millions, even billions, of jumps.

He seemed to see a gray world, chaotic and disorderly, with him every time, instantly entering, instantly coming out.

This countless times, gradually constructed a ‘different world’. What Wu Yu wanted to do was to control the muscle cloud and let himself stay in that world for a while.

Jin Douyun can, but Wu Yu can't, because it doesn't seem to be a place where he can survive, all he needs to do is stay for a moment and feel the passing of life.

That kind of death is horrible.

But fortunately, Wu Yu persisted, and the insistent method was to merge himself with the muscle cloud, or it was the muscle cloud that blended into his skin, forming a cloud film to protect him, so that he could stay in the world for a little more time, and a little time, at their speed, could not transfer the distance.

Turn your head, a thousand miles!

The more proficient it is, the more 'Little Dou' is like a little beast, even it takes Wu Yu as its father. In Wu Yu's heart, Jin Dou Yun is like a clever and strange child, and he is not even a little beast anymore.

In the second trick, in the enlightenment, constant implementation, forward, understanding is deeper, and the connection between the muscle cloud is tight, that "Xiaodou" does not exclude the integration of his body into the skin of Wu Yi, let him merge with the muscle cloud.

Turn your head around, set your eyes, and look at it. It's really beyond incredible distance. Although this second double cannot be carried out frequently, it consumes a lot of energy, but think carefully, even when fighting, you cannot escape the attack of the other party, this turning head disappears in front of the other party?

No wonder Takeshi said that when Wu Yan succeeded the second time, his chances of survival increased tenfold.

The second one is not yet proficient, so Wu Yu continues to be covered in this white cloud and honed under it.

The clouds are very low, and beneath the clouds, the ocean is dark, and the demons of the sea often move deep into the ocean.

Wu Yu moved forward rapidly according to the map, and far above the clouds, walking in places where demons of the sea are scarce. In order to avoid unnecessary entanglement with demons of the sea, he has already spared a great circle.

But fortunately, the clouds are fast and not delayed.

On this day, Wu Yi still persisted in practicing this magic talent, suddenly heard that the movement under the cloud was huge, he stopped moving forward, opened the cloud fog and looked down, only to see the sea below. At this time, the whole sea was rolling in a storm, fierce eruption, hundreds of millions of sea waves wildly swept up, rushing to the sky, all about to fall into the cloud.

When he looked under the turbulent sea with his eyes of fire, he could clearly see that in the deep sea, there were thousands of giant beasts, those giant beasts, all demons of the sea, huge in shape, in groups, their teeth sharp, their bodies like arrows, penetrating the deep sea, loud, if unexpected, should be a group of shark demons.

This reminds Wu Yi of the immortal shark!

“So many demons, where are they headed? ”

Seeing this magnificent scene, Wu Yu was extremely curious, mainly because there were too many shark demons, and if he acted now, he might still attract the attention of the strong ones.

Not without the best of these thousand demons.