Heaven’s Devourer

Chapter 744: Emperor Lobster

Wu Yu doesn't know how wide this‘ shadow sea 'is yet.

But how deep, he now knows, from the beginning, he leaned down, not very quickly, but it took half a day to finally reach the bottom of the ocean.

Spacious waters, difficult to hide in, and this shady, hellish seabed has plenty of deep trenches, undersea forests, alpine valleys just like the outside, and plenty of hiding places.

So most demons, most of them, are at the bottom of this deep ocean, and theoretically, the further down you go, the higher your chances of encountering demons.

Wu Yu also arrived at the bottom of the sea at this time.

This location has deep black sludge, it is very easy to hide many demons. After Wu Yu arrived here, he began to search with fire eye gold. In fact, most people are in the search state, the demons are very deep, and this is still the beginning, it is not easy to find demons.

Most of the time, demons have to come looking for themselves.

However, the closer it gets to six months later, the crazier the demons will be and the more often they come forward.

“In fact, the weaker the combatants, or the weaker the demons, the easier it is to encounter opponents, in my realm, as long as I pass by, the demons will notice me, and the fierce demons and monks, their opponents, all flee with the wind. ”

Therefore, Wu Yi feels that his chances of encountering demons should be higher than others, and he also has fire-eye gold.

It is said that some fierce demons may have several copies of the "Dead Soul Screen", which is also possible and is the rule that has just been changed a few times recently. The rule used to be that all demons have only one Dead Soul Screen, but now, where appropriate, more Dead Soul Screen will be given to the fierce demons, otherwise nobody will be interested in the fierce demons.

In fact, Wu Yu looks like only the purple palace of the sea. He is such a realm, but he has never appeared in the 'shady sea of souls’.

Even with the golden eyes of fire, the range you can actually see is not far. After all, this deep sea is too dark. Underground plants, sandstones, marshes, cliffs, they're all pitch-black.

He has nothing to be afraid of. Others are afraid to bring in a fierce demon. Wu Xiao is not afraid at all, so he directly sacrificed ‘the world's countless dragon sticks’ and increased them to dozens of lengths, such as an Optimus Column. He hugged this huge dragon stick with his hands, inserted it directly into the sludge and began to roll.

“Where's the demon? Let's get out of here.” Thousands of people are being watched here, and the highlight is that even if he's messing around right now, he's not being watched.

However, such a big move is a demon within a certain range of Fang Yuan, you will definitely notice him.

It is said that there are still many demons in this shady sea, it is difficult to find them, or because they have hidden them, they have spent ten years here, to find a way to hide them, so long to prepare, how can they be easily found?

But when I saw Wu Yi in the high-profile past, I actually held a spiritual instrument! And the Purple House is still in the sea, there must be demons, start to move, some demons, it may take ten dashing lights to be enough.

Wu Yu, this method of seduction, no one else can learn, and it does have a strange effect. The other side has just begun to feel demonic, there is a great demon at the bottom of the sea, and it is already close to him.

Head up, in this dark sea, he sees the mud in front of him, suddenly drilling out a pale man, who is demonized and hidden deep in the mud. If he doesn't come out, it's really hard to find him.

In fact, demons are basically huge in shape, and in the process of hiding, they're basically human.

This person's skin is actually kind of like 'armor'. It's like a sea demon of crustaceans. There are many creatures in the sea, and many of them are demons.

At least, much more than the demons in the Huanggu domain.

“The land of the Purple Mansion? Spiritual Taoist?” The demon sounds like he hasn't spoken in decades, his voice is very dull and his eyes are very cold.

It was difficult to see a demon. Wu Yu was not in a hurry. He took the dragon stick back into his hand and approached the demon as he weighed his opponent.

After all, the other party is the kind of demon from the fierce ‘Dead Sea', and has been locked up here for many years. Even if the other party is suppressing it, it can clearly feel the brutal evil.

Without prejudice to the rules, they naturally want to kill Wu Yu and these people.

Without an answer, Wu Yu turned his eyes to this demon's eyes.

“Ready to break the lights?” The other party measured Wu Yi, the sound of the dull voice, which sounds like a knife scratching on the eardrum, especially painful.

“It's up to you to light up.” Wu Yu forgot that there is indeed a black net wrapped around him. If there is a shady soul wrapped around it, it should be a dead soul scrotum.

“Huh." The demon smiled and instantly took the shot. It was still fairly fast and came directly towards Wu Yu. At that time, he had not changed into the main body.

The other party underestimated himself, Wu Yu slowly laid back a stick, seemed slow, but just before the other party arrived, hit him directly on the top of his head. This sudden force made the demon jump, rushed back, but was still swept by Wu Yu.

“Strange, how did you hide your realm?” The other person's paler face was obviously quite shocking, but it had not yet frightened him, only at this point he had changed his body directly.


The calm seabed, the dark tide.

Appearing in front of Wu Yi's eyes was a giant pale... lobster.

This white lobster is huge, a tentacle is just like Wu Yu's changing Optimus Column, a huge pair of pliers, and a huge weapon, and its whole body is surrounded by heavy armor, that white crust, suddenly has the feeling of a propeller, even its defensive ability, is stronger than a lantern.

Dongyue Wu Guo is a seaside country, lobster this thing, Wu Yu has seen a lot on the dining table, also saw a very huge lobster, but when this lobster became a huge demon, this kind of, is really quite horrible, like the domination of the deep sea, killer.

Fortunately, the demon's boundaries are not high, which is one of the lowest levels here, so he doesn't get a lot of broken lights.

“I'm an ‘emperor lobster’, intelligent. Light the dazzling lights quickly. Don't make me do it, then you're fucked.” After the other party changed into the main body, I still wanted to intimidate Wu Yi.

Of course, this is of no use to Wu Yu.

At this time, something unexpected happened.

That is, on their battlefield, a third person suddenly appeared.

The man arrived here quickly, apparently after hearing the movement.

This is a young woman wearing a long blue dress who, although shocked, can also see her delicate face. Her long blue hair is very bright and she feels a deep chill after only a glance.

Of course, there are thousands of people who come into the 'Shadow Hell', and there are 300 of them for women. These 300 women, the most prestigious young men of the North Pluto Empire, are the proud daughters of the heavens on one side, more than 300 people, fighting each other, are all great beauties of the Dungeon City.

However, of the 300 people, the woman is also quite good. She is upstream, whether it be her temperament, beauty, body, strength, realm, is at the top of the list. Especially that body, even and tall, is definitely a very ‘big’ beauty.

Wu Yu did not know his identity.

It can only be seen that the realm is probably the eighth most important realm of the Yuan Shen realm. It belongs to the existence that Wu Yi is not yet able to cope with. Especially after the gradual loss of the physical advantage, the huge gap in the power of the purple government made it more difficult for him to cross the seventh level of battle.

However, he knew the purpose of the other party. At the moment when the woman first appeared, she basically did not look at Wu Yi, but stared at 'Emperor Lobster’ and then directly attacked her.

“Robbing my opponent?” Wu Yu is depressed.

Of course, she has the power to rob, which is one of the points of view of the Northern Mediterranean. It attracts attention every time. Only those who end up killing demons will get their 'dead soul scrotum'.

The ‘Emperor Lobster' saw each other earlier than Wu Yi, after all, he was facing the woman, and when he saw the first moment of each other, he turned and fled.

Apparently, he knew he was not the opponent of the woman and had to flee quickly.

However, it was clearly too late, and although he had fled first, he was so close that he had exposed himself and it was obviously difficult to get rid of a rival so much stronger than him.

Turning her eyes, the woman turned into a blue light and had rushed to the front of Wu Yi.


Wu Yu never worried about losing to others in speed. Although, he started a little slower, but the magic trick alone, and the Fa Tian Tian Tian Di became smaller. Combined, he instantly overtook the woman and instantly appeared on the head of the 'Emperor Lobster’.


Wu Yu is rude.

Fa Tianxian changed, as can be clearly seen, he directly changed into a giant, and the Million Dragon Stick also grew bigger, longer and heavier!

Fa Tianxiang Di directly increased Wu Yu by a factor of three.

Without violence, with the power of flesh and purple power alone, a fierce stick, that spiritual instrument directly hit the demon's head!


The heavy crust ’Emperor Lobster’ snorted, the shrimp-headed crust was smashed directly, and the Emperor Lobster died instantly!

Wu Xiao easily took the 'dead soul scrotum' from him and placed it in the bag of Sumiya. When he turned around and watched the emperor lobster's body sink to the bottom of the sea, the woman had just caught up.

Wu Yu's performance this time was too fast and too powerful, and the blue-haired woman did not react at all.

The two looked at each other here, and Wu Xiao smiled slightly. “Sorry, you are too slow." Dead Soul Yin, "I took it first. ”

It was meant to take Wu Yiu's opponent, but the other party was surprised that this happened.

But Wu Yu's words now provoked her.