Heaven’s Devourer

Chapter 966: The Great Terror

After serving the broken soul, he was still too weak. Even if he had a huge desire to support him, Wu Yu was still in a coma during the flying of the royal sword.

Amid obscurity, he heard the heavy footsteps. The sound woke Wu Yi in a flash. He sat up abruptly. Right next to the bed of this cabin, Wu Yi saw Sun Wudao.

Gray hair, rickety shape, calm face, a little stubborn feeling, deep eyes, this is the deepest memory of Wu Yu. Meet again, he's the same as before.

“Uncle Sun! ”

Wu Yu couldn't bear to get excited, even forgot that neither of the two people knew each other at this time, and called him directly.

Sun Wukong frowned slightly. "How do you know my last name? ”

“I..." Wu Yu did not know how to answer well. No matter how windy he used to be, now that he saw him, Wu Yu still had a feeling of returning to his youth, he had tremendous respect for Sun Wudao.

Sun Wudao didn't mind the matter. He walked into the side room and took a bowl of medicine to Wu Yu shortly. "Drink it and do something later. ”

“Okay." Wu Yuqiang endured his physical discomfort. In fact, at this time, he drank medicine and wept.

“This is the Immortal Gate, and now that you're here, you'll have to nail it here forever. In order to live here, you must know the rules of the Immortal Gate. It arranges for you to come to me. You must work diligently, keep your mouth shut, follow the rules, and keep me out of trouble. ”

Sun Wudao said the most familiar phrase in Wu Yu's memory.

It was he who made Wu Yiu understand that his status is now a chore.

“Yes, I know, I will do well.” Wu Yu nodded seriously.

At this time, he saw the Ruyi golden hoop stick hanging around Sun Wudao's neck, which was a sense of five-flavoured delicacy.

“Must get it before I can...”

Though unsure what was going on, his instincts told him that he would be in trouble if he lost the Ruyi Golden Hoop.

“You're quite honest, call me Uncle Sun. What's your name? What's your name? ”

“Wu Yu. ”

Although slightly different, but generally similar to the original meeting, the Sun Wudao, though harsh, is still a complicated root Wu Yu discusses the precautions of Xinmen.

Here it is, Thong Tian Jian Pi.

In my memory, I haven't been back for a long time.

In introducing him, Sun Wudao stressed that Wu Yan had not listened much. His eyes had always fallen on Sun Wudao. For him, Sun Wudao at this moment was the most important.

On the way, he also saw Su Yan leaving. Sun Goku reminded himself not to look more.

Everything was the same except himself.

After arriving at the fairy garden, Zhao Chuan met them. These little figures, while still mocking themselves, did not care about them.

After experiencing the initial shock, he has now calmed down a little, and he knows that everything will happen when the next Shi Jin arrives. Just tonight, he'll get the Golden Hoop.

“With the Ruyi golden hoop stick, with the beginning of everything, no matter what the situation is, whether or not I die or not I have a chance to start over, I have to get the capital. Otherwise, we'll be in trouble. ”

Now the most confusing thing is that he doesn't know what he's going through.

His eyes, from time to time on the Sun Wudao's Yi golden hoop stick, I don't know why, I'm actually a little nervous at this moment.

“It's still good to know nothing at the time, Ruyi Golden Hoop got it. Now I know, but I'm nervous. ”

The closer you get to Stu, the more nervous you feel.

Finally, when this group arrived, Wu Yi remembered Shi Tuojin's name now, and the others forgot his name.

Previously, he was in awe of the group, but now, these people are all rallies for him, and the only reason he thinks they're a little important is because of their presence, which makes him get the Golden Hoop.

In the awe of a group of miscellaneous servants, Shi Jin and them went to Su Yan to teach fairy law. Wu Yu worked while talking to Sun Wudao. This was a long-time feeling of kindness. After doing their work as last time, they lay on bluestone boards.

Wu Yu, like the last time, told Uncle Sun about his experiences. Sun Goku began to sympathize with him.

“Son, forget everything that happened before, come to Bibo Mountain, put away the previous resentment, focus on work, maybe you can get the pity of the fairies, if you can give you some fairies, you can break away the poison, maybe you can solve it, then there will be a chance to practice, maybe there will be a future, and you can also be the head of the domestic service.” Sun Wudao.

Although he seemed a little harsh, he actually cared about Wu Yu and was also trying to find a way out for Wu Yu, but it also seemed like a very ordinary, kind old man, not related to the Great Sage of Qi Tian.

To be honest, Wu Yu really wanted to ask him if he had anything to do with Great Sage Qi Tian.

Of course, it's hard to ask, especially before he gets that golden club.

He looked at the mountain from time to time and became more and more nervous. When Stu came down to them, it was a time of conflict, and that was his biggest opportunity to get the Ruyi Golden Hoop.

The more nervous Wu Yu was by then, he knew that he would not be nervous at this time in memory. This feeling of knowing what was going to happen was amazing, but the real experience, that feeling of being underwater, destiny existed, was really scary.

“Why are you a little nervous, as long as you step on the officer, the immortal will not discipline you. ”

Sun Goku warned.

“Well, I get it. ”

He's a little astringent, but he's still watching over there, which is out of control.

Finally, Stu Jin came out, Wu Yin closely watched them return to the fairy garden, and then, as fate had been designed, one of the fairy cranes went wrong. Zhao Chuan, as they remember, blamed Sun Wudao. Stu Jin became angry, and that anger poured on Sun Wudao and Wu Yi.

“It's none of his business. I did it all.” Wu Yu endured severe pain. This is remembered, and he has to do it. This is completely different from the last time.

“An asshole, too, is embarrassed to pretend to be a man in front of me.” Shi Tu's face was cold. The iron whip rose again and pulled toward Wu Yu. This time, Wu Yu could clearly see the trajectory of the whip coming towards his head. Remember, this is the whip, breaking Wu Yu's head. Then he died in a coma, and finally dreamed of Ruyi Golden Hoop...

The feeling of death, so close.

This is perhaps the most critical moment.

However, when the whip arrived, Wu Yan's consciousness made some moves. After all, many experiences in memory made him avoid death in many cases, and he made a life-saving move in the face of death, especially knowing death.

He knew the direction of Shi Tu's long whip well in advance, and he was afraid of the feeling of a brain crash. Especially before he knew his skull would crumble.


This whip broke his arm and hit his head again. Wu Yu didn't know if he had succeeded. The subconscious action just now surprised him. Luckily, however, he felt that he might still be dead. After all, his arm alone could not stop the whip of Shi Tu Jin.

He finally got what he wanted, in a coma, or death.

In memory, Sun Wudao would bury him and give him the precious iron at the bottom of the river that day.

The whole world is dark at this time.

Before consciousness disappeared, there were tears in Sun Goku's eyes when he fell.



The brain was a little torn, just a little conscious, Wu Yao grinned his teeth as if he had dozens of needles stuck in his head. Painful and heartfelt.

He sucked in a breath of cold air, struggled and opened his eyes with severe pain.

“Wood... cabin...”

He was lying where he woke up last time.

All right, the scariest thing is the headache, which at this time seems to be still torn, and the mind is completely confused.

He could feel it with his hands, now he was wrapped around the gauze, and the gauze was stained with blood. He saw that his fingers were miserably white, indicating that he had lost a lot of blood.

“I...” He looked at the cabin and remembered that it was Sun Wudao's cabin.

“Do you want to see Uncle Sun immediately and then go to Fairy Beast Garden...” Wu Yu remembered that he seemed to have come to Bibo Qun Mountain.

But at this moment, his head was more tingly and he felt suffocated, because he remembered that he seemed to have been to the fairy garden, that he seemed to have met Shi Jin, and that he was also struck by Shi Jin.

“Where's the golden hoop? Where's the golden hoop?” His face changed dramatically and he was rushing to examine his body, and he couldn't find the Ruyi Golden Hoop.

“I never dreamed of that golden hoop! ”

Scary, scary!

Ruyi golden hoop stick, it was so important to him, he didn't even think that he saw Ruyi golden hoop stick in the dream, but woke up directly in this cabin.

Wu Yu finally realized what terror was.

He doesn't have the Ruyi Golden Hoop now, which means that if he continues to survive and loses the Ruyi Golden Hoop, he will be nothing!

It was an inner disaster.

Wu Yu struggled weakly in this bed, and his heart was caught in the cold ice. Although his head ached, his heart was colder.

“Are you awake?“ Suddenly, Sun Wudao came in through the door, he probably worked all day, very tired, but after coming in, he sat next to Wu Yi, sighing: “Thank you, if you hadn't blocked me this time, my old bone would have died. ”

He looked at Wu Yi with regret.

But Wu Yu's focus is not on gratitude at all.

“This shocked Su Yan left the fairy and gave you the fairy spirit, which saved your life. You're lucky you didn't die. ”

Turns out, it was probably his arm that blocked the relationship. He didn't die. Then Su Yan left to give himself a fairy spirit, so he wasn't buried in the earth...

At this time, he saw the Ruyi golden hoop stick on Sun Wudao. It was nothing special, it just looked like a piece of scrap iron... but at this moment, he found himself so far away.