Heaven’s Devourer

Chapter 1188: Tiangong Immortal Domain

Wu Yu, beneath the heavens and the earth, does not yet have a radish large.

In Snow Moon Valley, there are also plenty of dense cedar, Wu Yi advanced in this pine forest, he has locked in this Snow Moon Valley, the position of the 'moon spirits'.

Keep going deeper.

In front of us, there should be a river or a cold pool. Shortly after, Wu Yu saw a river in this snowmoon valley. The river melted like snowwater. Under the care of the inviting moon, it was also carrying some pink, and the waves were bright.

Some tree pink leaves fall on the river, drifting down like peach petals.

Wu Yi went along the river, and a waterfall in the mountains ahead fell into the valley. Beneath the waterfall was a cold pool, a vast pool, and the water was bright. There were some peach blossoms around it, growing on the side of the cold pool, and many petals fell into the pool.

Perhaps this pool of water has been illuminated by the inviting moon for many years. The stars have long been combined with the pool of water, making this cold pool of water a bit like the ‘fish dragon waters’ of the ancient demon world, which is of great benefit to the monks.

Wu Yiqiao's eyes, through a distance, saw under the peach blossom tree, in the cold water, there was a snow white woman, the woman had long hair like a waterfall, scattered in the water, the color was light, her eyes were pink eyes, a pink starry sky, very cute playful, she was probably swimming or showering in the water, she was not enjoying herself, and across a distance, she could hear her crisp laugh.

Snow white delicate body and clear running water combined, the water waves, the snow skin is smooth, peach flowers, indeed is a wonderful view of the world, Wu Xiao also saw the woman's face, peach small mouth, bright eyes and teeth, beautiful and cute, indeed is a rare beauty, the face is childish, but the delicate body is mature as peach, it is amazing.

“Here comes peach blossom luck again, envy you.” Chuckled.

Nor did Wu Yu expect her to bathe here so comfortably, but there was nothing he could do, and he had to know something about the Greater Gumo World. So he kept quietly approaching, choosing to do it in the closest place.

If it was the South Mountain Looking at the Moon, it would have been easier, and his heavens would have been more difficult to spot.

At this time, Wu Yi is about ten feet behind her, basically you can reach her in an instant. However, the girl is big hearted and still having fun in the water, she did not notice the arrival of Wu Yi. After all, this Snow Moon Valley is where she is closed alone, only the moon spirit can come here.

So she's totally unprepared.

Wu Yu wanted to settle quickly. After all, this beauty was naked and looked at her more and felt sorry for her.

“Sister, you can come, I..."

Wu Yu was about to act, suddenly she sensed the presence of Wu Yu, the little girl had not seen Wu Yu's body for the first time, thought it was the moon spirit but by now, Wu Yu had reached her eyes.

When she saw Wu Yi clearly, she shouted.

“Exorcism! ”

This was not the time when Xiaoyu Xiangxiang was pitiful. In order to make the soul-taking demonic method more effective, Wu Yu decided to use the exorcism to strike the seventh heaviest Yuan God in the questioning realm.

Wu Yi is now quite lethal.

Even with control, exorcism can instantly cause a stun level impact on it. At that moment, the moon's spiritual ripples feared a void in the brain, and Yuan God went into a state of confusion. In fact, this is the time when Wu Yi had better implement the psychic demon method.

“Stay calm and listen to me. ”

The Taoist spirit demon method rushed from Wu Yi's eyes into her eyes, controlling her in a time of confusion of her former gods, basically without spending much effort, the beauty in the water fell into Wu Yi's control, soft in front of Wu Yi's eyes.

“Put your clothes on first.” Wu Yu let her go.

“Okay.” The moonlight ripples are now filled with good looks.

When she put on her clothes, the two of them came to shore and stood under the peach tree. At this time, the moon spirits were dressed in a long pink dress, dressed in a dark pink veil, revealing a pair of jade feet. Though the gorgeous color was stubborn, the lovely face did not change. The face was slightly fat, but only slightly, and would only look more delicious.

“Sit down and talk. ”

She sat down on a green stone beside a cold pool, shaking her calf, staring at the cold pool, Wu Yi sat beside her and chatted with her friends, "Then I asked. ”

“Master, if there are any questions, Xiaoli will answer truthfully. ”

Actually 'Moonspirits' is her last name.

Wu Yu thought about it and said: "Invite the Moon Sword Sect, there is a passage to the Greater World of Ancient Moon, right? ”

“There is.” She answered yes.

“Where is it? ”

“Only my sister knows this, or May John knows it, and I've asked her several times, and she's afraid I'm going to sneak into the Greater Gumo World, so she won't let me know. She said we couldn't go to the Greater Gumo World, we couldn't go there, we didn't have the stars, we couldn't save them, and there were a lot of powerful people there, and most of all, after that, it was impossible to come back. ”

Although she was under Wu Yi's control, she nevertheless showed a sense of fear. Fear of the Greater Ancient World. This moonlight ripple is said to be a troublemaker. It would be more normal to ask the lord to keep her from knowing the location of the passage.

The location of the channel, which is estimated to be the biggest secret, must be taken from the moon spirit s side before it can be estimated.

Anyway, it was under control, and Wu Yu thought about it and asked her some other things.

And he thought, “What do you know about the Greater Ancient World? Tell me exactly what you know. ”

“Um, okay.” The moon spirits nodded, like little puppets, and then crooked their heads, "The Great World of Ancient Moon is a huge world, ten times more than the world of stars, even more than that. The world of stars is a small world. There are many strong men in the Greater Gumo World. There are also a lot of fairies and ghosts. Most of them are gods and ghosts from the Greater Ancient World, who have the power to stay in the mortal world for 2,000 years, and some of them are from other big worlds, or smaller worlds. ”

Wu Yu didn't want to ask anything from her.

But he didn't think of it, so he couldn't react. He interrupted the moonlight and said, "What are you talking about, the big world? Is the world of stars a small world? ”

“Yes, the Greater Gumo World, the Greater World, the Star World, the smaller world, the larger world.” The moon spirits say it seriously.

Wu Yu recalled what she had just said and said: "Do you think there are many fairies and ghosts in the Greater Ancient Mo World? Mostly local fairies, ghosts? The power to stay in the world for 2,000 years? Aren't they going to fly up to heaven after the immortal robbery? ”

Moon Spirit Rip still said patiently: "There are fairies and ghosts, I listened to my sister. Generally, the monks of the small world, whether practiced as fairies or ghosts, or demons, will leave immediately to reach the heavens, hell, or demons. Because the small world is not enough to withstand their immortality, they can destroy the small world. This is the common rule of heaven, hell and the demonic world. But the big world is different, the big world is huge and stable, so the main fairy usually has the power to stay for 2,000 years after becoming a fairy, the time has come to go, of course can fly to heaven or go to hell to become a ghost. Most of them, of course, chose to go directly to heaven. Some are meant to shelter their descendants. ”

The amount of information in this passage is quite enormous.

Listen to her, Yan Floating World because it is a small world, after all, there is only one god of the ancient emperor.

“In the small world in general, heaven will arrange for a guardian fairy. But they don't usually show up. Unless there are other fairies in this world. If it's a world of ghosts, it could be a ghost guard. ”

Moon Spirit Rip added.

“The big world, the small world...” He remembered the ancient demon world from these concepts. Why did the ancient demon world have eight demon gods and not go to the demon world? Is it possible that the ancient demon world is also the great world? But why is it so different from the Greater Ancient World? And there's a killing period?

The ancient demon world, it's a mystery.

But Wu Yu's current point of interest is the Greater Gumo World.

There are many fairies and ghosts!

“Are there demons? ”

“No, no matter where the demon gods are, they will be taken to the realm of demons as long as they survive the monster warfare. ”

The demonic realm seems to be different from Heavenly Hell.

But Wu Yu had new doubts in his heart, and he felt that the world he imagined might be a little smaller.

And he said, "Do you know how many worlds there are? How big is heaven and hell? ”

He thought there was a world of ancient demons. It was a surprise.

Then there are the star world, the Immortal Sword world, the Divine Martial World and eight other worlds, with the ancient demon world at its core.

Now, I hear there's a passage to the Greater Ancient World.

And the Great World of Ancient Mo, and the gods and ghosts of foreign gods.

So why don't he just ask a big one.

Anyway, Moon Ling Ling knows nothing. Wu Yu found that although this star world is similar to Yan Yu world, she does know a lot more than Wu Yu herself.

Listening to this question, Moon Ripple nodded: “The heavens are large, there are 8,000 heavens, and every heaven, there are many fairies. Hell is also big, it weighs 10,000, and every hell is occupied by many ghosts sitting in town. In the immortal realm of the Heavenly Palace, the demonic realm is in the mysterious place, and the eight thousand heavenly palaces are in the upper realm, and hell is in the lower realm, and the middle is the endless world. ”

At this time, Wu Yu heard an invaluable word.

It's the same word that used to confuse him.

That's the word: Tenmiya Immortal Domain!

Remember when I first got that Ruyi Golden Hoop stick, the Great Sage of Heaven called himself an extinct figure in the Immortal Domain of Heaven Palace!

At that time, Wu Yu only knew Dongsheng Shenzhou and did not know the Immortal Domain of Heavenly Palace!

Later, he knew the ancient realm of Yan Huang, he knew the world of Yan Float, but he still did not know the realm of Tiangong Immortals!

Later, he knew the world of ancient demons, the world of stars, the great world of Ancient Moon, but he still didn't know what the Immortal Domain of Heavenly Palace was!

Now he knows.

Heavenly Palace Immortal Domain, is everything.


It's the weekend. Taobao store has organized a number of dragon sets. It will appear in the Immortal Domain of the Heavenly Palace.

Currently, there are also: Left and Right, Wuxiao, Chen Sheng, Huangpu Memory Jun, Yang Wenlan, Suyang, Xingzi, Xinglin, Liu Mengxun, Xiao Zimu, Chen Shuai, Feng Continuing, Zhuo Yufan, Mengquang, Zhou Doubtful, Shuro the Night God. Wanted to leave.

Signature posters and dragon sets are also needed to open the Taobao search shop [Feng Qingyang Studio].

Next Monday, more updates!

In addition, the more immortal the name, the better it sounds, the more important the role may be.

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