Heaven’s Devourer

Chapter 1293: Where Is He?

“Wait for me to come back.” Wu Yu looked over the ‘high ground' and was there.

“Act calmly. I'll wait for you.” The sound of Qiu always brings strength to Wu Qiu.

She has also seen the world, and today's humiliations may not really shake her beliefs.

She just saw Wu Hao and they were so bullied, it was really hard on her.

“Are you worried about him?” Night gauntlet asked.

“Not much to worry about, he's been through a much bigger test than he is now, and he's won.” Smiled.

“Young, not easy.” She glanced at Wu Hao in white, "she said,“ and the young people can learn to calm down. ”

Wu Hao Ruoxiang thought.

In their sight, the Dragon Emperor Purgatory is the first to open.

On the mirror of the Dragon Emperor's Supreme Square, a yellow swirl appeared, and all the combatants were in this position, at this time sinking directly.

Once all the combatants are inside, the mirror returns to normal and the Eye of the Dragon Emperor can be seen moving.

Suddenly, the mirror appeared as if it were a real environment, and one could clearly see the heavy yellow fog in the Dragon Emperor's Purgatory.

In the fog, there is a dragon that is falling and then stabilizing the body. That is the "Dragon King of Heaven". The eyes of the Dragon Emperor locked him from the beginning, which is the most important concern of many dragons.

On this mirror, with this‘ stereoscopic ’image, you can see almost everything that's happening around him.

And then the purgatory columns flashed, one name on top, from top to bottom.

At this time, everyone's 'Dragon Emperor's Fairy Array’ has not changed, so it is arranged directly by realm and estimated strength.

As you can see, the name "Heavenly Fate" is high, and at that peak, the mountains are small at a glance.

And looking down, you can see the penultimate place, which is the 'jade abyss’ from the fairy spirit world. Had it not been for the countdown, Yumanyuan was the worst recognized strength.

And first and foremost, undoubtedly, is the only Tianxian ‘Wu Yi’.

From the realm of the realm of the realm god to the Nine Yuan Tianxian, this time the dragon emperor purgatory span is almost the largest.

This ranking also made people laugh, because everyone's name was preceded by their ‘realm’.

For example, the first dozen, you can see a series of heavenly, shadow, and imperial realms.

First, the kingdom of heaven, destiny.

At the end of the day, two fairy spirit realms in a row, and a dozen more, can find another 'fairy spirit realm', Starling.

In total, four people, three of them are counting down. The fairy spirit realm is also quite eye-catching, that is, Ye Xuan 15 He Xuan Xian, there are dozens more below, not too prominent.

He's kind of the only hope in the fairy world.

Of course Wu Yu doesn't care about this giant pillar of purgatory outside. He was not influenced by off-site factors, and when he came in, his only thought was to find the presence to speak to him.

Dragon Emperor Purgatory!

When they came in, they were separated. Wu Yu is now alone, and there are no other dragons around.

This whole dragon emperor purgatory is submerged in the dusk fog, which is a bit rotten and a little dirty, of which the fairy air is very rare and a disgusting dry place.

Under this dusky fog, it is also difficult to see the distance, and the sky seems to be drifting with countless dust.

He landed on the ground, basically a deserted mountain, with many deep pitch-black trenches, deep unseen bottoms, and some lakes where black water converged, or rotten, sea filled with carcasses, which was unbearable.

It's a place of death. It's purgatory.

But it does seem endless and endless.

Wu Yingzhang Fa Tianxian Dimension, his body is just like ordinary people's little thumb, and he is so fast and horrible, compared to those giant dragons, he is now too small to be seen.

This makes it easier for him to move.

He looked around the world and said softly: "Senpai, I am the heir of Qi Tian Da Sheng in your mouth. I have come to the Dragon Emperor Purgatory. Where are you? Where can I find you? Or, can you give me any instructions? ”

After he had finished, he waited quietly for a response.

If the other party is anxious to wait for him, there should be a response at this time. In the face of such existence, Wu Yu was a little nervous.

“Senior? ”

But unfortunately, we waited half a day without responding.

This makes Wu Yu a little confused, let himself come here, why not just show up, do you still want to find it?

“I'm already here. What do I do next?” Wu Yu continued to say to the surrounding area that he didn't know where the other party was anyway, so he said to the air.

However, after hundreds of attempts, there was still no response while moving back and speaking.

Yet, the voices of other dragons and ‘death row' fights can be heard implicitly.

“The 'prisoners’ of the Dragon Emperor Purgatory are trapped in the 'Dragon Emperor's prison'. The Dragon Emperor Prison is hidden. The first thing to find the hidden 'Dragon Emperor Prison' is to see the prisoner's life, boundaries and fighting power. It can estimate the strength of the other party's 'Purgatory Immortal Array'. If you think you can deal with it, open the prison with 'Dragon Emperor Immortal Array’ and go in and kill the prisoner. ”

“If you kill a prisoner, you get 'Purgatory Fairy Array’ and grow the Dragon Emperor Fairy Array. ”

“If the inmates beat, the inmates' Purgatory Fairy Formation would grow, and they would escape from the Dragon Emperor's prison and start hunting ‘participants'. They do not know what size their Purgatory Fairy Formation needs to reach, so in order to get out of here, they would need to constantly look for combatants over the course of the year. ”

All the dragons who believe in coming in are now searching for 'Dragon Emperor's Prison'. Dragon Emperor's Prison is truly hidden and difficult to find. But what Wu Yu is looking for now is the presence of that voice, so he doesn't pay attention.

Otherwise, in his 100,000 capacity, the probability of success is definitely greater than everyone else's.

Extrajudicial identities are terrible divine talents, each of which is equivalent to Wu Yi's body, able to manipulate freely, equivalent to Wu Yi's 100,000 eyes everywhere.

Of course, now he doesn't care about the Dragon Emperor, so he doesn't split up 100,000, because that's too high-profile.

A day has passed.

Wu Yu knew that there might be no hope just waiting for the other party to respond.

“Guess I'll have to find it myself. ”

So he started going, after all, there was still a year left, and he wasn't in a hurry, he didn't do the work at the bottom of the box, he was wandering around.

Fire eyes, flip up and down, look everywhere, just pass by, clean up.

The next day, Wu Yu found a 'dragon emperor's prison' in a cave in an abyss.

Inside, a woman, a ghost god, is the realm of the Seven Yuan Tian Ghost. According to the description, it seems to have intercepted the children of the Dragon clan.

For the Dragon clan, intercepting young children is a felony, and the other party seems to have killed a lot, specializing in the body of young dragons to cultivate some kind of pharmacy.

It is indeed a great sin. After all, the Dragon Clan also cares about public opinion, and if they were not true prisoners of death, they would not have put them in this Dragon Emperor Purgatory.

In fact, this trial is also the trial of the most criminals, but it also gives them the chance to escape.

Wu Yu didn't touch her, he doesn't have much thought in the Dragon Emperor Immortal Array right now. He thinks, "Why hasn't the one who waits for himself in Dragon Emperor Purgatory come along yet?"

He keeps looking.

Occasionally he encounters the Dragon Emperor's prison, and he is too lazy to go in.

Although all the other dragons are crazy, looking everywhere for prisons, after all, there are many immortal realms that they can deal with.

In fact, there are a lot of people looking for Wu Yi, for a Genesis Dan. However, to find Wu Yi, it is much harder than to find the Dragon Emperor's prison. Even if Wu Yi quickly passed from their face, they would not necessarily see it.

On one occasion, Wu Yi also saw Tianjing Dragon King. He seemed to be killing with a very strong dragon, but Wu Yi didn't look closely and went straight away.

A little upset.

“Where the hell is he? ”

Ten days, I looked everywhere, even the Dragon Emperor prison met several, but I still haven't heard anything.

In 20 days, even the 600 dragon fighters, Wu Yu met a lot, he looked for a lot of places, or nothing special.

He went on to look, and his patience disappeared every day, because he felt a little fooled.

Where exactly is the man who knows he is the heir of the Great Sage of Heaven?

“Now that we're here, we can't give up. Continue...”

He moves fast, his fire-eyes are hot, he sweeps through a lot of places, after all, what do we say now, it's a long time.

A month.

He sat on a rock thinking.

“What does it mean to let me in without showing up? Or are you stuck somewhere, just talking to me, not now, just waiting to find him? ”

“Is he a prisoner in the Dragon Emperor's cell? ”

“However, this is the first priority of Dragon Emperor Purgatory. It will only imprison the existence of the realm below the realm of the main god. How can you know that I am the heir of Qi Tian Dasheng? How can I be able to do this? In this Dragon Emperor Purgatory, send me a voice to come in? ”

Wu Yu can't figure it out.

However, he was not discouraged and decided to look again, anyway, there was still time!

He just stood up and suddenly a killing machine arrived. He was spotted.

Quickly dodging the attack, looking back, a middle-aged ghost stared at himself and muttered: “Can a fairy escape my assassination? ”

The ghost repair was covered in blood. Obviously, he had just experienced a battle. He appeared to have been killed very severely. Luckily, he escaped and began to hide. But he seemed to see a Wu Yi appearing here. He wanted to grow his‘ Purgatory Fairy Formation ’, and of course, he targeted Wu Yi.

This is a trio of Xuan ghosts with three ancient fairy patterns, good strength, but some injuries now.

However, he still refused to spare himself, carrying an 'ancient fairy' and killing it immediately.

“Go to hell! Dragon clan! ”

He actually thought Wu Yi was a dragon clan, thought he was a changed human form.

Occasionally, Wu Yu also wanted to see how the Dragon Emperor Immortal Array was enlarged. This guy came to the door, he was welcome.

After 10 breaths, Wu Yu swallowed him.

The other party's 'Purgatory Immortal Array' was integrated into Wu Yi's Dragon Emperor Immortal Array. Indeed, the Dragon Emperor Immortal Array became more complicated.

“Others are working to grow this immortal formation.” Wu Yu's sentiments.

Suddenly, the two dragons flashed ahead and saw the immortality of the Emperor Wu Yilong.

“You stole our prey?” Those two dragons stared at Wu Yi with anger.