Heaven’s Devourer

Chapter 1360: White Light Balls

For the next few moments, the fairy monarchs were defending themselves with vigilance.

Many scattered immortals, gathered in teams of more than a dozen, more than two dozen, to protect each other.

At present, there is no sign of the Nine Pints Immortal King. They can't commit suicide at this time.

Wu Yu is on the Phoenix side of immortality, and there is no need to worry about safety.

People who don't talk and worry about a little sound will affect them and miss the sound of the flying insect winging.

This wait, after a few days or so, did not reappear, within a few days, a number of fairy monarchs chose to leave this place to explore other places.

By then, there were still no flying insects, and many people naturally believed that flying insects were gone.

“Go." The Fire Dance Phoenix also made a decision, choosing one direction, and the whole team went in that direction, vigilant and leaving.

Zhao's Immortals and Sitian Immortals, about the same time, leave here and go in the other direction, anyway, it's all a dark, so bet, who's lucky enough to find the Nine Pints Immortal King's Seal.

Anyway, they all know that the test here is definitely not just as simple as flying insects.

If it hadn't been for the sudden appearance of a ten pint Immortal King seal, the nine pint Immortal King seal would have been the toughest competition in the whole of the Fairy Fairy Road.

Follow the team of the immortal Phoenix. The darkness is vast. Wu Yu is not in a hurry, but there is a constantly noisy Tao Yu Phoenix next to him, which is different.

He regarded Wu Yi as her wife. Of course, he wanted to be close. Although people were everywhere, the action and words of Tao Yu Phoenix made Wu Yi uncomfortable and even creepy.

Long time ago, naturally irritable.

“Flying Bug! ”

Less than a day after the start of the operation, the divine flying insect reappeared, clearly indicating that there is not only one wave of divine flying insects in this dark space.


Fortunately, the immortal Phoenix did not give up their vigilance, so after the appearance of the Goddess Flying Bug, they could still withstand the impact of the paved land, but this time it was a little rushed, and the number of Goddess Flying Bugs was a little more than their number, at one time several people were not resisting, all died tragically here.

There will surely be casualties in the battle for Too Virtuous Immortal Road, especially the Seal of the Nine Pin Immortal Kings, dare to come in and plan to die, so no one will blame the Eastern Holy Emperor.

Of course, I dare not blame you.

After sustaining this wave of attacks, the Fire Dance Phoenix rushed to let everyone go. This time, it shows that there must be, and may even be, endless flying insects. Who knows if there will be thousands of them last time?

If so, then they're screwed.

Faced with this horrible god of all things, it is still necessary to find a safe place early. It is dark and there is always a safe place.

After experiencing the second flightworm, they go back on the road and become more alert and ready to save their lives at all times.

“Don't worry, someone else will. Maybe their losses are worse than ours. ”

“Yes, we have hundreds of people to protect each other, and even if they were a temporary team, there would be no battle lines, no pact, no support at all. ”

“In this way, we the Fire Dance Phoenix are more likely to get the seal of the Nine Pints Immortal King. ”

They, of course, are still proud.

Moving on, Wu Yu had nothing to worry about his life, but he was also upset. On the one hand, he had no idea and no way to solve Nangong Wei's problem. He could only watch the fire dancer jump in front of himself. On the other hand, the Eight-world Immortal King Tao Woo Phoenix had been beside him, shuddering cold and warm, nervous, making Wu Yu very eager to slap him and let him go.

“To be honest, the Fire Dance Phoenix is protected like this. Her people are everywhere. Your chances are too small. You have to arrest her, you have to imprison her, you have to study her alive, so that the dot may change, but with all due respect, I think she may be dead, completely hopeless.” Pluto.

”Okay, I get it. ”

Wu Xiao was in a heavy mood. In fact, he knew that he was right, but he was unwilling. So he was resolute, and he wasn't even afraid to go against the daughter of such an ancestral phoenix.

Kind of gave Nangong Wei an account, but also gave him an account of his past.

So, whenever no one pays attention, he actually looks at the Fire Dancer and his eyes are red. She is exactly the same as Nangong Wei, which is exactly the same, actually makes Wu Yu very angry.

Next, in the process of finding a way out, they were attacked again by several waves of scythe flying insects, the biggest wave being the last wave, flying close to 500 scythe flying insects, this time they stopped completely to fight, of which the Nine Kingdoms of Immortality, like the great enemy, killed in the front, and finally, although there were some casualties, did not harm the very essence of their team.

Of course, death is a tremendous blow to them. Many immortal Phoenix are frightened, do not know when it will end, do not know when it will die.

“You said that we came to participate in Too Virtuous Immortal Road and did not have any advantages. The Imperial King is someone else's seal. We are not here to die...”

Someone in the team is already complaining.

Of course, I can't hear it from Phoenix Fire.

Fortunately, at this time, the immortal Phoenix finally brought in the dawn, and they saw a ‘white light sphere’ in front of them that did not shine. The light sphere was about ten feet in diameter, and it emitted white light, but most of the light must have been devoured by darkness, so they only saw the light sphere when it was close to about hundreds of feet.

Despite seeing the light sphere, people were more vigilant, slowly approaching, and when they approached, they found that the light of the light sphere covered a range of about fifty lengths, and they entered the range, and everything around them became much brighter.

“Flying Bug! ”

All of a sudden, there were winged voices flying in, and there were many more, and the crowd was shocked again, hurried to form a protection near this light sphere, and experienced so many shocks, they already had experience.

But there was an accident, and those god flying bugs, when they approached the white light sphere, suddenly turned back, and did not fall within the white light sphere.

Then, the flight disappeared into the darkness.

“Are we safe? They dare not enter the sphere? ”

The everlasting Phoenix can't bear to cheer and remind them to hang for so many days that they can find a safe place.

“You can't take it lightly. White stranger Phoenix, split up some people, formed a defense within the sphere of light, and the other part, with me, studied the sphere of light and saw if there was a passage to the seal of the Nine Pin Immortals. ”


She was very powerful and tall, and the phoenixes bowed to her eyes and listened to her dispatch. This superiority over all beings was formed for 10,000 years, not overnight. It can only be said that she has been noble since childhood, this is where she and Nangong Wei are different, Nangong Wei does not have such a dominant attitude.

Next, there was another flightworm, but it still didn't reach the light sphere.

Although it is basically certain that they are perfectly safe, Fire Dancer has made special arrangements for the defense of others, and their elite group is mainly studying the light ball.

Wu Yi is also nearby. This light sphere is similar to a fairy array and may need to be deciphered in order to appear its original face.

So they were all studying it, and Wu Yi couldn't see it clearly for a while, but he wasn't any worse than those people when it came to fairy formation.

“Marriage, what's wrong with you these days? Why don't you give me a little credit?” Tao Yu Xianjun was relaxed and found Wu Yu again.

Wu Yu was depressed and knew that he had eaten someone else. Now there has been this person bothering him, giving him a headache, and staying here, the Fire Dance Phoenix is completely protected by a group of Nine Kingdoms Immortals, there is no way.

So he decided to renounce the identity of the Garden Marriage Phoenix because it proved useless.

A great deal of the reason for giving up is because of Tao Woo Phoenix.

Between them, he shifted, instantly disappeared, left the sphere, alone in the dark. Of course, he was not far from the sphere. If he was in danger, he shifted the sphere and could go back.

After he came out, he was supposed to act like himself, but think about it. After all, he might do something to the Fire Dance Phoenix. He simply simulated himself as an Eight Kingdoms Immortal King, a middle-aged Immortal Monarch with a fairy wind tunnel bone, who didn't look at all here.

After becoming this person, Wu Xiao wandered around, wondering if there was any other secret in this dark space besides this light sphere.

Once again, he has a great advantage, which is the split, when he splits up hundreds or so of them and lets them act on their own in this dark space, and maybe something else can be discovered.

Identify yourselves, wandering in the dark for now.

Wu Yu discovered an interesting thing.

And that is, the flying insect, seemingly uninterested in his body.

“Also, the divine flying insect likes to bite the autonomous world and the fairy god, my identity, there is no autonomous world, two, there is no real fairy god, its source of power can only be a fake fairy god, there is no real soul and memory, so the divine flying insect is not interested. ”

In this way, his identity is in this dark space, there is nothing dangerous, so Wu Yu differentiated more, with more eyes, look around, first, more familiar with this place than the Fire Dancer King, helps to control her, second, he may not be interested in the Nine Pin Immortal King's imprint.

On the Phoenix side of eternal life, Wu Yi's body is here. He found that the Fire Dancer King did not have many ways to decipher the immortal formation, so he is still thinking about it, it may take some time to really decipher it.