Heaven’s Devourer

Chapter 1369: Mixed Wars

Of course, Wu Yan knows that this‘ blank area of Immortal Array 'is definitely the‘ designer ’, specially designed.

Otherwise, this group of people will not really have any chance of getting the "Nine Pints Immortal King's Seal".

Of course, before this Immortal King puppet hid in the depths of that pit, they wouldn't have any chance.

A few years later, the Fire Dancer King feared that he could not have predicted it at first, but could have attracted it with the seal of the Eight Pints Immortal King.

Before that, she had actually seen people use the Six Pints Immortal King's Seal, but it didn't work.

Why is the Immortal King Puppet attracted to the Seal of the Eight Pints Immortal King? This actually doesn't make any sense. All I can say is that this is the design of the designer. He is the one who is qualified to induce changes in the Immortal King puppet. He has had eight Immortal King seals.

Otherwise, the ‘brain circuit’ would have been completely unexpected, and it would not have been until a few years later that the Immortal King puppet was lured out.

Now, there are more than 100 Immortals, almost all of them Nine Kingdoms Immortals, who are surrounding the Immortal King puppet!

The frequency of outbreaks of the Three Immortal Arrays of the Immortal King Puppet has greatly increased!

The Thousand Kingdoms Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-

And the 'Million Star Infinity Sword Array' is projected onto the ground around the Immortal King puppet, at which point, around the diamond spider, there are 10,000 starlight points, and these light points are moving rapidly, transforming, wherever someone moves, it can be said that it is shadowy, and then constantly burst up the 'Infinity Infinity Sword Power', once struck by the rapid sword, Even the Immortal King of the Nine Kingdoms had to be badly wounded. They had to defend the Nine Quartets of the Thousand Kingdoms while dodging the defenseless swords. Then the Immortal King's puppet rushed, as soon as someone approached him, he immediately carried out the 'Xuan Guang of the Ling Tian Emperor', and for a moment the light covered the whole field. Under this light, the closer to the Immortal King's puppet, the more it burned, which is also to date. The reason why nobody could kill that Immortal King puppet below the belly, blank area.

Even the commander Xianjun, or Zhao Yuanshen, backed by a large number of Nine Kingdoms Xianjun, could not rush into the blank area, because once approached, the Immortal King puppet was particularly anxious to crush them more like crazy, forcing them away completely.

These are Emperor Fairy Generations!

“Don't give up, it's the best chance! ”

“To get the seal of the Nine Pints Immortal King, this time, hold on, this Immortal King puppet must have limits! ”

Even if it is difficult to get close, under such a good opportunity, no one is willing to give up. Their eyes can clearly see the Nine Pints Immortal Seal, which is clearly visible in the belly of the diamond spider, and it must be true.

“The legend of the Nine Pins Immortal King's seal merged, and there was the foundation to become the Ninth Place of Too Virtuous Immortality. It would be easier to practice to the Ninth Place of Too Virtuous Immortality by then. Then with my mother's ability to guide me into the realm of immortal immortality, my whole life, there is hope, to be that immortal existence! ”

In front of the Seal of the Nine Pints Immortal King, the Fire Dance Phoenix also has a red eye. Even if she's already got the seal of the Eight Pints Fairy King, she's still not satisfied. And of course, think about the Ten Pints of Immortal King's Seal, because she knows very well that's not what she can get.

“This is an experiment, no one is expected to get the ten pints of the Immortal King's seal, and the next time it will be exaggerated. The Immortal King's seal competition in 5,000 years will definitely be full. By then, the number of people of the Imperial Immortal descent coming to the war will be more than ten times higher. After all, there are still most of them now. They have prepared a good Immortal King seal for their children long ago. They don't have to come here to compete. ”

The Phoenix of Fire knows very well.

So she's more determined in her goal, is this Nine Pints Immortal King's Seal! She dreamed of it!

However, she is quite distressed. She is too young. In fact, it would be more appropriate for her to enter the next Immortal King's Prize contest. By then, she will certainly be no worse than Maggie and the Commander's Immortal King. She will also be able to be a pioneer like them, and now she can only rely on her people!

“No stranger, wait and fight for me! ”

The Fire Dance Phoenix watched a group of people eagerly surround the Immortal King puppet, this battle range, if she went in, she could easily die.

Then it won't be lost.

“Who's that? ”

Suddenly, she saw a middle-aged fairy monarch dressed in a white robe, long blue hair, very floating, blue eyes, quite handsome, albeit young.

Few people knew him. After all, he must have been a lone fairy monarch. A hundred million fairy monarchs came in this time from the Eight Thousand Heavenly Palace. In addition to those of the fairy descendants, there were some top fairy monarchs, ordinary fairy monarchs. Few people knew each other unless they had met before the opening of the Fairy Road.

The reason the Fire Dancer noticed him was because he had been watching beside him for half a day and had not participated in the war. Suddenly, he disappeared and the Fire Dancer did not see him.

Nowadays the scene is so chaotic that, in addition to their competitors, people on the battlefield are too lazy to focus on others.

“Close! ”

Commander Xianjun used the power of the world to sacrifice the Too Vain Divine Device, blocked the glow of the Emperor, and then tore on. At this time, the long legs of the diamond spider had been clearly seen.

He also saw the blank area and was in a very excited mood!

“Nine Pints of Immortal King's Seal, it's mine! ”

In ecstasy, he stays calm and continues to kill!

At this moment, the Immortal King puppet was incredibly grumpy. He actually had to abandon the seal of the Eight Immortal Kings and move quickly. The direction should be to return to the deep pit, and at this time, he made a sharp hissing sound, mixed up in the Nine Quartets of the Thousand Kingdoms. The Immortal King was stabbed in the head and raised. In a moment, he let the Immortal King puppet cross over his head.

“It's going back!

“Stop him! ”

In the midst of chaotic scenes, I don't know who shouted.

The commander of the Immortal King suddenly shocked, in the scene of chaos, the Immortal King puppet swept past his own eyes, and he suddenly saw that there was a blue haired immortal hanging beneath the diamond spider, just in the blank area, where he died, blocking the diamond puppet like a fairy sharp long leg piercing, and then holding a short sword, he was digging the diamond spider's abdomen!


“I saw it! ”

“He's about to be stamped by the Immortal King! That blue hair! ”

At one time, not only did the commander Xianjun see Wu Yu, everyone else saw him. After all, everyone's eyes were good. Even Wu Yu's appearance at this time was very clear to them.

“It's him!” The Fire Dancer was furious, and she didn't want the Nine Pints to be imprinted in the hands of the outside world!

However, at this time, the diamond spider felt dangerous, it was no longer affected by the seal of the Eight Pints Immortal King, but the Kung Wang fled, to return to the deep pit, with its ability, to flee back, no one could stop it.

However, as you can see, the Blue-haired Immortal is still hanging dead beneath him.

“Kill him! ”

Of course, people are worried about Wu Yu's success, so at this time, all of them are attacking the blank area. Wu Yu is under tremendous pressure for a while. Not only is there the diamond spider using his body to stab himself, but there are also other fairy talents, who almost swallowed him for a while. At this moment, he faces a death threat and has to flash away directly. A shadow shift between his eyes disappears in front of everyone!

When Wu Yu was forced away, everyone finally relieved!

But it didn't occur to me that the diamond spider was still particularly irritable, rushing straight back into the cone-shaped deep pit, hiding at the bottom, and then opening the three great fairy arrays to arrange the pit into a restricted area, so that he would only have to face opponents in one direction, much easier to deal with, and no one would suddenly run down to him.

“Come on up! ”

The Fire Dance Phoenix arrived in front of him and waved the seal of the Eight Pints Immortal King, but I didn't expect the diamond spider to be scared. Though he wanted to go up, he endured it again. For him, it should be safer to hide under here.

“Shit! Who was that guy? ”

“How did he get there? I don't think it's that powerful. ”

Zhao Yuanshen was furious and asked everyone.

“It seems to be the Xianjun of Yukoku. What did I think before? He almost died in battle. How could he live a tiger?” When a cactus recognized the Snow Fairy King, everyone asked him about the background information of the Snow Fairy King. This is a lone fairy monarch who has been practicing alone. He has not joined any organization, and his personality is quite isolated, so not many people know him.

“How could he be so good at this? ”

“Now, where is he? Get out?” Zhao Yuanshen was actually a little panicked. He wanted to kill Xianjun in Snow Field, because Xianjun in Snow Field was a Xianjun who could reach that blank area that he couldn't reach.

Even everyone wanted to kill the Snow Realm Immortal King first. At this time, no one was going to control the diamond spider below. The Immortal King puppet is now safely hiding below. Tiger looked at the people above and protected himself.

He is now in the sharpest position of the cone, with limited space below his abdomen! And for ordinary people to get here, they have to go through the positive trials of the three great fairy arrays.

For the time being, the fighting stops.

People are all around here looking for the Snow Realm Immortal King.

At this moment, all of a sudden, the diamond spider is agitated, whistling, screaming again!

That's because at this time, Wu Yu aimed directly at the shape-shifting of the Shentong muscle cloud and appeared beneath it in that small space, which is also actually a blank area!

“What's going on down there? ”

“I don't know! ”

People looked down in horror, and their gaze passed through the Immortal King's puppet diamond-like body, and they suddenly saw beneath it, as if there was a Blue-haired Immortal!

Everyone was shocked, angry, silent, and rushed down.

“Never let him get it! ”