Heaven’s Devourer

Chapter 1628: Between the Fights

In the moonlight, Wu Yi's body now climbed out of the last thatched house and lay down on the only mule left in the house.

This mule, the last legacy left to him by Yang Fan and Liu Xiao, the three members of his family who were able to live to this day, basically relied on this mule until later. Liu Xiao went out to dig vegetables and so on, all relied on this mule.

It was also the only ‘asset’ left after their family collapsed.

Now Wu Yu lay on the mule, driving the mule to gradually leave Yang Liu Town, a place where he had been for 40 years.

If he had, he might not have felt anything at all for 40 years. He could have closed it for thousands of years. Forty years is just a blink of an eye.

But over the past 40 years, he has gone through another life, a life of sour, sweet and bitter, and he is fortunate to have Yang Fan and Liu Xiao, who are very good parents to him, and desperately have a very weak body, which even Xi Wu cannot carry out.

“Even if he dies, he will die on his way to Wu Du...” Wu Yu is resolute in his mind.

At this time, even though he was old and weak, more powerful than before emerged.

In fact, if it weren't for Yang Fan and Liu Yan, he would probably have left home early and would have gone to Wu Du anyway, but the result would not have made any difference.

Wu Yan's character is absolutely resilient. With the conditions of his life, being able to reach Wu Du has already been the final goal. He also recognizes the reality. He wants to practice again in his life, and going to Tongtian Sword faction is simply impossible.

Occasionally, he thought of some things about Thong Tian Jian and Wu Du, as well as past experiences, all of which were driving him to continue his journey.

With a mule, he traveled along the pipeline and, although slow, approached the past in the direction of Wu Du.

Wu Yu dug some vegetables along the way when he was hungry. As long as it was mule food, he also ate it. That would ensure that there was no poison. In this way, the problem of hunger was basically solved, because there were too many vegetables on the way.

When he was 10 years old, Wu Yu did not think of this approach and took the wrong route, which prevented him from going very far.

But this time, he took a step further than before.

Though it was harder than when he was 10 years old, he persisted and saw hope.

His body gradually began to gain strength. Although it was still impossible to walk down, with the mule present, he did not need to move.

At least, he wanted to see Wu Du in his life.

Along the way he passes villages and towns, he drives mules up to beg door-to-door, which for him gives him more food and does not require frequent wilderness searches, spending time.

As long as he lasts until the next town, village, there will basically be no shortage of food.

Because he is now so pathetic, some villagers are still very loving and willing to help him.

Even on the mall, he was able to meet some of the merchants, willing to take him on a ride, give him some food and drinks, make him go further, and help him in some difficult times.

In this way, Wu Yu went on a miraculous journey.

There was a deep sense of despair in his mind, but in that despair there was a state of struggle and perseverance.

The conditions of his life are really bad, but when he sees Wu Du, he also fulfills his dream when he was 10 years old.

Though not anymore, he has fought his destiny, enough to rest in peace, and Wu Yu did not even think about what would happen if he died, because it makes no sense for him to think about it now.

Whatever happens after he dies, he can't change, so let's get closer to dreaming just before he dies.

Day after day, Wu Yu went south on the business road. He asked some businessmen along the way and learned that he was indeed getting closer and closer to Wu Du.

Although many merchants still do not do business with Wu Du because it is too far away and the transportation costs are too high, Wu Yu knows that he has now taken the first step and it will be much easier to follow.

With that mule, nothing can stop Wu Yi from going to Wu Du.

One time, even along the way, a group of bandits were not interested in him at all. After all, he had no money, nothing of value, much poorer than those bandits, and the bandits ignored him at all.

But after they let Wu Yu go, Wu Yu met a merchant team on the way to the next, and he reminded the merchant team that he was going through the mountain forest.

The merchant team didn't really believe there was a bandit in front of them, but after sending someone over, the guy didn't come back within the prescribed time, so the merchant team knew it was really happening.

They chose to detour and, in order to thank Wu Yi, after listening to Wu Yi's current dreams, they actually prepared a carriage for him, as well as an old driver, who took Wu Yi with him to Wu Du.

This merchant team has some business dealings with Wu Du, so I am familiar with Wu Du's route.

Wu Yu finally got off the old mule and got into the cart of the merchant team. Now he has nothing but dreams and is not afraid of what the merchant team is trying to do to him.

Of course he will!

After boarding the carriage, the days will be a little more comfortable, but Wu Yi can still feel that life is gradually passing away on her own.

This world is too short, there is nothing shocking about it. The most common joke is Yang Liu Town, which has dragged Yang Fan and Liu Hu and his wife...

Now he's about to be freed.

The merchant driver rushed to the carriage, and from time to time he talked to Wu Yu about something. When he heard that he had departed from Yangliu Town on the border, the old driver saluted him: “Yangliu Town, that's not close! We haven't even gone that far to do business. It'll take at least three months for us to get here. You're walking that far with an old mule? ”

The point is that Wu Yi can't walk with his legs and is basically crippled, so this thousands of miles away makes the old chauffeur amaze, if not incredible.

He had a sincere admiration for Wu Yi, and reminded them of the merchant team to save them from being captured by bandits, giving him some fondness for Wu Yi.

The old driver was driving the carriage and taking Wu Yi closer and closer to Wu.

I don't know how long it has been. Wu Yu only knows that a day has passed on the street. It has been almost a year since he left Yangliu Town.

On that day, he finally saw a magnificent city pool at the end of the horizon.

Compared to Tiantian Immortal City, which he had seen before, the city was not at all eye-catching, and even less than one-thousandth of it compared to Tongtian Sword Pi Bi Bo Qun Mountain, Shu Shan and Flaming Yellow Empire City.

But now Wu Yu sees the city pool, but he is finally excited and tearful.

This is Wu Du, he finally met Wu Du, his dream when he was 10 years old, finally came true, he went through decades of despair, and eventually saw this place that haunted his soul for so long.

Wu Du, emerge from the horizon.

Wu Yu's life's energy was completely depleted at this moment. He could have persisted. He was supported by his mind. Now he also knows that even in Wu Du, he could not continue to do anything.

Being able to see Wu Du at a glance is already the biggest struggle against fate.

The old driver also had some touching eyes, Wu Yu closed his eyes, his‘ Yang Chen ’life, finally can rest there.

The world seemed a little blurred from the moment he saw Wu Du, but Wu Yu was invisible.

The rest of Yang Chen was not the death of Wu Yi.

As Wu Yu opened his eyes again, he found himself in a closed passage. Behind him was the second room of the former tomb guard, where two words of "resistance” had appeared on the door.

This is‘ between the struggles' and, like the ‘between the transcends’ of the previously mirrored space, it is indeed a test for intruders.

But Wu Yu still has some tremors to this day. The actual encounter of ‘Yang Chen’ in his life is really desperate.

“You're finally awake!” She cried in the night in the floating tower and thought Wu Yi would never wake up again.

“Really... Wu, you've been unconscious since you entered the room, and now you finally wake up. What have you been through?” Nanshan Wangyue was also like a curious baby, constantly asking Wu Yi.

Wu Yu gradually recovered from the lifetime encounter of ‘Yang Chen’, became a little sober, and then smiled.

This smile, which contains some exorcism and some exorcism after struggling against fate.

“It seems that this room is a struggle against destiny, beyond destiny to realize my dreams. No matter how hard I try, I can't learn to succeed in martial arts, my body is getting weaker and weaker, and things are always getting worse. All of this seems to be an obstacle to me in this room! ”

Wu Yu explained the matter to the people in the floating tower, then some were afraid.

He now understands that everything that happened to ‘Yang Chen' was an obstacle to him from this test, including all the things that went wrong when he went out at the age of 10, and the obstacles that the test brought to him.

If he dies in Yang Liu Town, I'm afraid he will never be able to return to Wu Yi's body.

Or, eventually, we can't fight for success. If we see Wu Du, Wu Yu may not be able to get out of this room.

Anyway, now Wu Yu has succeeded.

And he lived a very different life, a new kind of understanding of time, of life.

Even that despair of despair has been experienced, what is he afraid of now?

After listening to Wu Yu, Nanshan looked at the moon and the night, and Wu Jun was somewhat silent. The illusions in this room are so horrible that people have lived such a desperate life. If they were to enter, they would not necessarily pass the test.

This is a tremendous exercise of willpower. It is too demanding. It is difficult for ordinary fairies to persevere, and to fight against destiny and fulfill their dreams.

“Anyway, it's time to go to the last room.” Wu Yu came to the end of the aisle, and in front of the last room, the color of the divine became a little complicated.