Heaven’s Devourer

Chapter 1725 Changmei Luohan Saint Buddha

When Changmei Luohan St. Buddha arrived, Wu Yi had been hiding in the nearby void and had not appeared.

At this time, when Longbrow Luohan St. Buddha wrapped those two giant eyebrows around the black swirl and wanted to tow the unformed St. Fuchsia first, Wu Yu was a little nervous, afraid that he could really take the St. Fuchsia directly away.

You should know that Wu Yi wants to see what St. Fuchsialie is, and you don't know if you can find some traces of the current state of Tianbu Immortal Domain.

If Changmei Luohan St. Buddha directly wrapped around him and took him away, wouldn't that be a sudden soup?

But soon Wu Yu knew it was impossible.

Because the longbrow Luohan Saint Buddha wrapped two huge eyebrows around the black whirlpool, and when he wanted to tow them away, he found the suction was too horrible, almost ripped off both of his eyebrows!

Longbrow Luohan Saint Buddha then let go of the black whirlpool, contracted back the two giant eyebrows and waited anxiously.

In the waiting process, Longbrow Luohan Holy Buddha was constantly vigilant around, afraid that other Holy Buddha would bring in, let alone seize the Holy Buddha Sherry.

St. Fuchsia is too important for the Holy Buddha, and it is almost impossible for any Holy Buddha to give up, even with the presence of such a level as Longbrow Rohan Holy Buddha, other Holy Buddhas may not dare to do so.

If there were more Holy Buddha, there would most likely be a great battle, and even if the Buddha of Longbrow Han could finally get this St. Buddha, it would have to pay a considerable price.

Over time, the black vortex shrank, and that intense pull gradually flattened, eventually forming a pitch-black star with an incredibly intense aroma.

This fragrance emanates, almost covering the vast world of stars surrounding it. If you wait a little longer, countless Saint Buddhas will definitely come to compete.

When this St. Fuchsia was finally formed, the Longbrow Luohan St. Buddha finally stopped waiting. His huge black Buddha opened his mouth and wanted to swallow St. Fuchsia directly and exclusively in the mouth of the Buddha!

And that's when several shadows suddenly appeared around.

Three Holy Buddhas actually arrived nearby in the meantime, in a moment of St. Buddhist shaping!

Before they hid it, neither Longmei Luohan St. Buddha nor Wu Yu found it.

But nowadays they burst out and the vast black Buddhist realm burst into flashes, opening their big mouths and swallowing the past towards the St. Buddha's.

Wu Yu is also reluctant to lag behind.

He was almost at the same time as the other Holy Buddha. At this critical moment, he had no time to observe what the other three Buddhas were like. He could only perform the divine communication between moments, Fa Tian Tian Di!

He changed his body the size of a small world, as if a fifth Buddhist realm had appeared in the field, except that his body was not pitch-black, so it was remarkable in the field.


Wu Yi changed his body into the most gigantic state, and suddenly opened his hands and wrapped around the St. Fuchsia.

Immediately thereafter summoned the clouds and vanished from the field in an instant.

His speed far exceeded that of any other Holy Buddha at the same time. Even the Longbrow Luohan Holy Buddha was a step slower. He could only watch Wu Yiu ride from their front in a muscle cloud and the shattered void disappeared.

Seeing that St. Fuchsiali was taken away, the three original hidden Buddhas immediately chased after him. The Longbrow Rohan St. Buddha did not want to show weakness, and followed him closely towards Wu Yi!

Unfortunately, Wu Yu Jin Douyun fled so quickly that they could never catch up.

Soon, Wu Yu only had a long eyebrow of Luohan Saint Buddha behind him, and if it still appeared, he would soon be completely rid of it.

“Is Earl the Emperor of the Temple Immortal Domain? Leave St. Buddha's Shelley soon, otherwise this Buddha will definitely report to the Supreme Buddha, issue a Pursuit Order, and hunt down this immortal who has invaded Tian Buddha's Immortal Domain! ”

Longbrow Luohan Holy Buddha is furiously threatened. He is one of the eighteen Luohans under the throne of Supreme Buddha Xuan. He is considered to be a fairly high status Holy Buddha in the immortal domain of Buddha on this day. He also has the right to meet the Supreme Buddha directly.

So he threatened Wu Yu and wanted Wu Yu to hand over St. Foscheri.

But how could Wu Yu just give up St. Fuchsierie?

Originally he thought that St. Fuchsia had little effect on him. After all, he was not a St. Buddha, but an Imperial Immortal from Heavenly Palace Immortal Realm.

But when he really took St. Busherri, he found that St. Busherri also had a huge effect on him because he was a giant beast!

Perhaps this St. Fuchsia would have been of little use to him if it hadn't been for the ability to swallow a giant beast.

But the ‘swallowing’ of the heavenly giant beast can devour even the power contained in St. Foscheri, turning into the purest power in Wu Yi's body, giving him an opportunity to break into higher realms.

So even though the Long Mei Luohan Saint Buddha constantly threatened to rage, Wu Yu ignored him at all.

With the "instant" divinity of the cloud, he quickly disappeared from the presence of the longbrow Luohan Holy Buddha, and no trace of him could be found.

Nor did Wu Yu think that his own seizure of St. Busherry was going well, mainly the long-brown St. Buddha and the other three Holy Buddha. When he saw his enlarged Imperial Body, he was basically stunned for a moment.

Even if it is just this moment of disorientation, it is enough for Wu Yi to take St. Foscheri away directly. For the existence of the Emperor Immortal and St. Buddha realm, too many variables can occur in a moment.

They had no idea that the Buddha Immortal Realm would be blended in with the Emperor Immortal of the Temple Immortal Realm on that day, and came to rob St. Busherry with them.

Wu Xiao took St. Fuchsiali away from Longmei Luohan St. Buddha, but did not relax, but continued to rely on the ‘instant’ magic of the clouds, traveling through this endless starry sky.

In order to avoid being found by Longmei Luohan Saint Buddha, Wu Yi must leave the place far enough, otherwise searching nearby is likely to find him.

It's mainly St. Fuchsia, too big, like a black planet, that stands out in this endless sky.

Even if Wu Yi is transformed into a swallowed body, it will take a long time to completely consume it and digest it.

Ultimately, Wu Yu came to a turbulent stone zone formed by fragmented stars, where there were fragmented stars everywhere, like a star graveyard, full of dead silence.

After repeatedly confirming that no living spirit existed in this fragmented star zone, he finally brought St. Fuchsieri to the centre of the area, ready to devour it and see how much he could gain.

No one would have thought that in the middle of this interstellar ruin, the star graveyard, there would be an Imperial Immortal from the Immortal Domain of the Heavenly Palace, hidden here in preparation for the devouring of St. Busherry.

Although it is not absolutely safe, it is certainly much safer here than other empty and endless stars.

At least those star fragments around, or large or small, form almost a large river that can block the sight of the outside world.

Until security is confirmed, Wu Yu will be transformed into a giant beast that will devour St. Fuchsia.

Previously he felt that St. Fuchsia was useful to him, just an instinct from devouring a giant beast, and now by devouring it, he actually felt that his godless kingdom was changing when he devoured St. Fuchsia.

This change, of course, is a good one, and the swallowing of St. Fosserie has brought him a great deal of improvement.

His‘ swallowing empire 'grew rapidly and enlarged with the power of St. Fuchsia.

In just a few thousand years, when he completely devoured the whole of St. Fuchsia, his godless realm raised the realm to the second level of immortal immortality!

This is hard to imagine in the Tiangong Immortal domain, you know, in the Tiangong Immortal domain, you want to get from the immortal Imperial Immortal first to the second, and it takes tens of thousands of years, even hundreds of thousands of years, faster.

Although immortal, the difficulty of trying to cultivate and improve is also immense.

Holding the King of Heaven and other beings, we do not know how many tens of thousands of years have elapsed, so we can see how difficult it is to practice the immortal realm.

Even the geniuses of Emperor Fairies such as Yang and Li Tianqian, in order to reach the degree that they can influence the forces of Heavenly Heaven, need to precipitate for at least hundreds of thousands and millions of years.

Wu Yu, on this day's Buddha Immortal domain, just devoured a Saint Busherry, has broken through to the second degree of Emperor Immortal, efficiency is horrible.

This is not because Wu Yu's swallowing power is too counterproductive, but because the power contained in St. Foscheri is so powerful that he can devour it, then naturally there is a breakthrough.

Of course, it would have taken tens of thousands of years if he hadn't had the ‘devouring’ instinct of swallowing giant beasts to completely digest the power of St. Busherry.

If anyone else came to Tianbu Immortal Domain, it would be impossible to get a creation like Wu Yu.

“Besides, this battle for St. Fuchsialie has already attracted the attention of Longbrow Luohan St. Buddha. By now, it must have attracted the attention of the Supreme Buddha. Now I'm afraid the whole heavenly Buddha Immortal domain is hunting me. It's almost impossible to get more St. Fuchsia..."

Wu Yu shook his head as he thought.

These things were ignored for now, but after breaking through to the second place of the Immortal Emperor, he felt it was time to try to create mortals in his' swallowing empire '.

“The five lines of the Empire Realm, divided into gold, wood, water, fire and earth, can pinch the immortal power of the Empire Realm into the appearance of mortal man, as long as it gives the soul, it can create mortal man! ”

Wu Yu finally began to try to create mortals in the world of swallowing emperors.

With the amalgamation of his imperial powers, he imitated the appearance of mortal man, and then integrated into the power of the five lines, which is equivalent to the body of mortal man.

As for the soul, it is the Immortal King Immortal God from Wu Yu dispersed throughout the world of the Swallow Empire, which can be forged to create a unique soul through the "spiritual enlightenment" of Emperor Immortal Art.