Heavenly Castle

A slave shop for the great powers?

The smell of merchants making money smelling and splitting is awesome.

Having so decided, Tyki went into an operation to plant the Sacrament openly and openly in order to suck up the slaves to be sold in the Kingdom of Karluk.

It was a flashy stealth marketing that would normally not have been successful, but terribly the Sakura planted by Taiki is a royal nobleman of a real power.

Some of the merchants had actually seen the person, and the slave shop directly run by the kingdom of the sky instantly scratched the rumors all over the city.

And a month later. The slave shop had turned into a bustling day after day of full gratitude.

"No way......! Is that...!?

One of the pedestrians who was about to enter the store looks at the end of the street and opens his eyes.

To the voice, the other merchants who were around turned and raised their voices.

"Is that the flag of the Blau Empire!?

Seeing the flag, someone speaks the name of the Blau Empire.

From the end of the street came a large number of cavalry with spears in silver shining armor, and some of the cavalry at the center of the line were flying flags instead of spears.

That is exactly the flag of the Blau Empire.

"So, the Empire has attacked you!?

"No, I don't think so... Rumor has it, then, that the Empire has embarked on institutional reform within its own country? Besides, there are two countries in between to reach this kingdom of Karluk..."

"Well, if you've marched at a rate like this fool, you've been talking to the Empire since the beginning... not good. The new emperor is a strategist until horrible enough to invade without this much understanding from anyone! The age of empires must come all at once from now on!

"Damn......! I heard the Empire was defeated, and we moved! Missed a business opportunity!?

The cavalry, flying the flag of the Empire, proceed rigorously through the streets confused by the sudden events in one place. To its force, those who were in the streets rushed out to the outside of the road and watched over what had become.

"... hey, give me that one"

Hit your voice and some say look at the center of the cavalry line.

There is a large four-headed carriage to be surrounded by more than a hundred cavalry men, and the merchants who witnessed its luxuriously built carriage swallow their spit.

Because the carriage was engraved with the crest of the Emperor of the Blau Empire.

The carriage stops in front of the store and the cavalry stops the march with discipline.

Not so much, on the left side of the carriage lined up the men who had been sneakers and opened the carriage door.

Silver stunning hair and a golden crown shine in the sun. The man, gathered in a luxurious cape with an eye-catching embroidery of gold from a distance, looked at the store with interest and then took his offering into the store.

Those who watched the sight blink in amazement.

"Oh, hey... no way now..."

"Definitely, a new emperor of the Blau Empire"

It was a noisy street, but when the cavalry stared, the noise rapidly disappeared.

After a while, the Emperor came out of the store. Behind them were the same confessors as when they entered the store, and the slave-like ones consisting of dozens of people.

All the slaves bought in this store are wearing clean clothes and leather shoes and do not look like slaves at first sight. However, a silver ring is worn on either the wrist or the ankle as a sign of his covenant as the finest slave.

Therefore, a large number of men and women who came out were found to be slaves purchased by the Emperor.

"... Oh, how many gold coins is that?

"There are many young men and women. It's not a hundred or two hundred."

Diego looked out of the store as the hiccups and merchants spoke.

"Your Majesty! Thank you very much this time! Also, make sure you don't use our store! Well, if you don't mind, I'll call the golem. The horse will be surprised, so we'll see you tomorrow in a dedicated cage."

When the emperor snorts silently at the words, Diego smiles at Nico and hits his hands and looks around the sky.

Shortly afterwards, several black dots appeared over the far sky, gradually increasing its appearance.

And if you notice, there are countless golems floating in the sky, even the cavalry, who kept showing a powerful figure, tense and suppressed by force of horses trying to storm.

A flying golem, a whole bunch of Tyki robots slowly descended to the ground and stood before the Emperor.

The emperor says something a word or two without being frightened, and enters the carriage.

Then the robot slowly put his hand on the carriage. The other robots descend on the ground as if they had signaled it, each standing by the cavalry and the slaves.

"Come on, everybody, this way."

Diego began handing out simple robes as he threw those words at the frightened cavalry. Afterwards there are the girls with the ears of the beast over their heads and the children around the age of ten, handing out robes in the same way.

"It's cold in the sky. Keep this out of the wind and you'll be fine."

When Diego said so and finished handing out the last robe, the robots held the object in front of them and floated to the sky, as if they had signaled it.

Listening to the screams of the knights heard from the sky, Leticia, who was behind the store, leaks a dry laugh with a shuddered face.

"... that's an incredible sight to see again and again. But this may indeed change the treatment of slaves in the future. Anyway, the slaves sell one after the other and it's not enough..."

What a complicated look. One girl runs to Leticia, who grumbled like that.

"Oh, there he is! Were you still doing the laundry? A new slave has been sold! Five!"

When the girl screams like that, Leticia grins and nods bitterly.

"Again? Now, hurry up and let me take a bath and get dressed. I'll prepare a meal."

Leticia and the others, who are entrusted with the care and care of the slaves that have been sold, worked not even while on holiday break, but still all smiled and worked.

Leticia, a dedicated personality from the beginning, was delighted and prayed in her heart that this life would continue.