Heavenly Curse

Chapter 919 Search, Recovery

The abandoned land, Shepu is once again coming to the banned mountain range, and then I saw the soul inflammation waiting here.

"Summonic has seen adults." Seeing her husband's return, the soul is suddenly emerging, but then when he saw the long hair of herm and black and white, it was obviously obvious.

As the existence of the giant level, he naturally understands that a person can't whisper, especially the existence of Shepu, and the reason, can only explain one problem, hurt, or life loss Too big.

Lenoving the vibration of the previous abandoned ground, soul inflammation has fallen a bit.

"All the souls of the soul are abandoned, thank everyone to save the grace of life." Soul in this reason.

"Even if there is no abandonment, I can't do anything. At this moment, the will of the fairy tomb has left, but it will also be rolled back. After all, abandon it is too important. If you can swallow the deepening, say It is not possible to restore the peak state, not the emperor, but it is better than the existence of the emperor. "Muyi did not conceal the will of the slick, but directly with the soul.

"Waiting will? This is a plot in the tomb of all ethnic tombs." Soulitis has a big change, even though I have already knew that those who entered the tombs were dead, I heard this news. It is still shocked.

"Accurately, the life of all ethnic groups is not doing the will of the abandoned land, but it is also related to it. In recent time, I will stay in the abandonment, what is the abandoned land, I am not here? The range is within the scope. "Mu Yi said in a faint soul.

He chooses to stay in the abandoned place, in addition to the return of the fascinating will return again, swallow the abandoned land, there is a purpose, that is, he also has the idea of ​​the origin of abandonment, and the trekboy here The crystal of life can also restore his life.

After all, if he chooses to leave, once it makes the fascinating tomb, then after it restitutes the strength of the Emperor, the first will not have to let the animal husbandry, so it is not too cautious.

As for the yin or in the eccentrium, Muyi is not worried, the will of the fairy tomb will be able to swallow a world is not so easy.

The yang belongs to the blood of the blood. The will will not go to the network, but the middle, as many emperors survive, even the normally fell sleep, if he dares to swallow its own source, I am afraid It will be destroyed for a while.

Therefore, in the view of Shepu Yi, the only choice of the will of Xian Tomb is the abandonment, so Shepu must be held here.

If the fascinating will find a world like abandoned land in the endless chaotic darkness, then it can only explain that herpady is destined to be destroyed, after all, he is now in the face of the slick in the whole day, There is no luck at all.

In that case, you will recognize it.

However, in the eyes of Shepu Yi, the willna will find a world in the darkness of the endless chaotic, it is impossible, and it is impossible to be hit by it, so it is a short time, I am afraid it will not cause him to threaten him. Correct.

Shepherd must try to improve the strength this time. It is best to understand the boxing of more than 80%, and then touch the will of the slick. It does not need to be alarm the baby in the eternal, it is enough to deal with the will of the fairy tomb.

Of course, if you can reach 90%, you will naturally be better. After all, in the inferior of Muyi, Jiu Cheng is already equivalent to the power of the Emperor. At that time, he will not be afraid to return to the whole day, he is not afraid.

Just, Muyi wants to reach 90% in a short period of time, just look for the world in the endless chaotic darkness, it is basically impossible to complete.

"I will pass the news to all nationals as soon as possible, I don't know what the adult is there?" Soul is respectful.

"I need the crystals of the trees, and everything about the source of the source, the better, for this, I am willing to pay some price, this, you can help me tell the abandoned land." Mu Yi Soul inflammation said.

With his current strength, it can be more overbearing, directly on the door to plunder, I believe that there is no one dare to resist, but the animal husbandry does not make this kind of thing, and there is no meaning for him.

"I will bring the news to the groups as soon as possible, in addition to my soul, I am willing to give adequate soul beads, I hope to help adults." Soul hesitantly said.


Shepherd nodded, closed his eyes, and the soul of the soul was quickly leaving. After all, this matter is also a big event for the soul. If you can take it completely, you can completely hold the legs, if you get abandoned During the destruction, they can also have to escape, this is the most important.

As a member of the soul, soulitis must be planned for the soul, others don't know, he knows that Muyi has a small world, let the soul migrate in full.

Of course, all this is just a soul of soul, and the children of the herd is so easy to enter? Otherwise, the animal husbandry can complete all of the people, and do not take a risk.

However, there is another way, that is, becoming the followers of Muyi, even if there is no child rune, but the soul is imprisoned, which is still impossible to become possible.

Time passed, Mu Yi has always been in the abandoned land, the two mountains, recently, soul is coming several times, and even brought a few half-step emperor came, as for the two sides talking about what People know, but from that day, it seems that the whole abandoned place seems to be moving, like a three feet of excavation.

In that year, because of the fairy tomb, many strong people were thrown into, although most of the magic weapon, the treasure was buried into the tomb, with the changes in these years, have already been swallowed by the tomb, turned into their own power.

But there are also some strong people left inheritance, even some treasures, no fairy tomb, and the treasure even if it is broken, it can also be kept for a long time, the Xuan Ming Spring in the beginning of the past is the best way to express.

Moreover, there are also many tomb of the tomb, and there are not a few furcases to fly out of the tomb, and the strong people who are abandoned are, even if they can not use it, they can also collect them, after all, to the faders, the same value of the city.

At this moment, as a result, more and more local origins, to the treasure remnants, and the crystals of the trees fall into the hands of the herd.

The small world, in these origins, and under the treasure removal, not only quickly recover, but even start to grow, although the speed is not fast, but this is based on a thousand miles, the greater the small world, the improvement is natural The slower, what is consumed, the more happened.

As for the crystals of life, all were ignored by herm. After some supplements, the white hair on his head gradually disappeared, and finally there was only one, and the drift is scattered. No matter how much life is absorbed. It is also no way to do this is also a rule that is punished and cannot be changed.