Heavenly Curse

Chapter 197: Intentional Troubleshooting

With regard to the arrogant attitude of the big man, Mu Yi didn't think he was pestling, he didn't come to make friends, and naturally he didn't have to please each other.

“Find your Fortress.” Liam said faintly.

“Looking for Uncle?” The big man heard Maiyi's words slightly stunned, and couldn't help but measure up again. The big man is called Qian Tie Niu. He is a nephew with no money. Don't look like a reckless collision, but he is actually not stupid. On the contrary, he is very smart and the head of the blacksmiths.

Just when Mu Yi came in, someone had already quietly informed him, and he had also observed secretly for a while, and found that Mu Yi was constantly spying on his workshop, and was wearing a bracelet, which contained mysterious secrets. He couldn't help but have some annoyance in his heart, and walked out with the hammer that he normally used to strike iron, intentionally trying to test it.

But it didn't occur to me that Maki came to find his uncle.

Qian Tie Niu's brain spins rapidly, but he didn't immediately believe in Pastoral Ease. After all, everyone knows that money doesn't work. He rarely comes here on weekdays. If he's a familiar person, he definitely won't come here to find someone.

“Who are you? What's the matter with my uncle?” Qian Tie Niu asked directly.

“I can't tell you, hurry up and call out the money.” Maiyi's attitude became arrogant.

“Oops, feelings are here to make trouble.” After listening to Makuyi, Qian Tie Newsuddenly got angry, not only because Makuyi looked down on him, but also because he called his uncle's name directly.

Don't look at him, Qian Tie Niu is just an iron fighter, but the craftsmanship is remarkable. Even some people in the city call him brothers and brothers. Plus, his uncle is close to a general, so in this Ten Mile Castle, the Qian family can almost cover their hands, not only seize the most lucrative business, even all the blacksmith shops have to look at the face of Qian family.

Even some masters on the river and lake gave money family face. As for daring to come to the money family workshop trouble, Qian Tie Niu hasn't seen it for a long time. Remember the last time, it seems like it was sunk in Haikou, now I'm afraid I can't even find some bone slag.

Qian Tie Niu's words were like an order, surrounded by a loud noise, more than a dozen big men came up, most of them blacksmiths, with hammers in their hands, all staring at Maiyi with bad faces.

“Just think of me as a mess. Call the money out.” Pastoral Ease looked at the money bull, clearly deliberately choosing, because Pastoral Ease knew that this was the only way to see the money as soon as possible.

“You're dying.” Qian Tie Niu got angrier and stepped in front of Makuyi. He opened his cocoon-filled hand and grabbed it towards Makuyi's chest.

Makiyi didn't do anything, his body shook, the crowd hadn't even seen it clearly, the money iron bull had flown out, landed on the ground and rolled for several more laps.

At a moment's pause, not only did I not expect Maiyi to do it, but I also did not expect that Qian Tie Niu would be so defeated.

You know, not only is the money iron bull strong, but it will do more or less martial arts, otherwise it will not be possible to suppress a group of blacksmiths with wide waists.

“Get on with it and kill him. ”

Qian Tie Niu was also stiff, was kicked by Pastoral Ease, stunned not to scream out, just waiting for him to climb up from the ground, already full of face, this heel head has grown, it is not just a matter of disgrace.

With the orders of Qian Tie Niu, the surrounding blacksmiths are no longer polite, holding hammers towards the pasture easy to flush, although Qian Tie Niu is not an opponent, but after all, there are many people, so-called two fists hard to fight four hands, let alone so many large hammers.

Mu Yi laughed coldly. These people used to bully the good estimation on a weekday basis. A fiend, a fiend, is not like a blacksmith.

So he didn't have any worries when he started, he only heard a sound, then the blacksmiths flew out as well, but they didn't have the hardness of a money bull. After the fall, they held their stomachs and screamed, and even a few of them were hit in the head by a flying hammer, and the time bled out, really scared a lot of people.

Before, no one came to make trouble, but it was as fierce as Maki's, but it was the first time I saw it.

Originally, Qian Tie Niu had climbed up from the ground. He could see the scene. He simply squatted down again. Although he was arrogant, he was not stupid. He could easily show his strength. He knew that even if he rushed up, he would only suffer from it. Just look at the tragic situation of other people.

“Stop! ”

At this time, a shout came from afar, except that he stopped clearly a few beats. In fact, even without him, Muyi would never do it again. As for the blacksmiths, they would have had the guts to rush.

As for those who watch the noise next to them, their feet are more rooted in the ground, it's difficult to move around a bit, let alone find Maiyi trouble.

Maki also looked toward the source of the voice and saw a middle-aged man walking toward him with a little anger on his face.

Soon after, the middle-aged man arrived, he swept through the blacksmiths on the ground with cold eyes, and then pressed his anger and hugged Mui Yi, “Don't you dare ask, I don't know what I did wrong in Fort Ten? How dare you personally teach me a lesson? ”

At first glance, this middle-aged man was one of those smart generations. In one sentence, he brought the whole Ten Ribbons with him, not the Moneymaker's Workshop.

“Who are you?” Instead of answering his words, Maki asked.

“I don't need the money, I'm the owner here. ”

“No money? The money doesn't work. Who are you?” Makita measured each other, in their forties, not strong, white face, and no cocoon in their hands.

“I wonder what your Excellency is looking for next brother?” Money doesn't have to answer Maki's question positively, but this has revealed his relationship to money.

“Uncle, don't let him go.” Qian Tie Niu met someone, simply stood up from the ground and stared fiercely at the pasture.

“Son of a bitch, how can you talk here? Let's get it all down. It's embarrassing here.” Money doesn't have to be reprimanded, the blacksmiths look past them, but the anger in their eyes can't hold it down.

“Yes, yes.” When you see Uncle San angry, the money doesn't need to be arrogant, even yelling and kicking immediately so that the blacksmiths in the place can go away. In fact, even though Maki was a little annoyed, the attack was still very proportional. It just made them hurt for a while, and didn't really want their lives. Otherwise, with Maki's strength, you can scream with your stomach and scream a few times and you'll be fine?

More than half of them were in real pain, the other half pretended, and the money didn't have to be so angry just because they saw through their minds.

When the blacksmiths on the ground climbed up and left, the money took a deep breath without having to take a deep breath, then looked at Maki and said: "Your Excellency, should I give you an explanation too? ”

“Narrative? You want to tell me?” Maki looked at the money without asking.

“Naturally, whether it's Fort Ten, or the Moneymaker's workshop, no one can bully you at will. Otherwise, how can my Moneymaker stand up?” The money doesn't have to be strong enough to say, if it weren't for the fact that the Third Master had just started a fire, someone would have shouted around him.

“If you want to tell me, you can, but the money won't work.” Mu Yi said directly that he had just made a deliberate scene in order to attract money, and if the owner did not come out, how could his purpose be achieved?

“This money maker's workshop is entirely at my disposal.” Money doesn't have to stare at Mui Yi, which means no doubt that if anything happens to him, you don't have to look for his second brother.

“But I'm looking for something that doesn't make sense. You can't make a decision.” Makita shook her head and didn't seem to care that the money didn't have to be turned into an incredibly ugly face.

“Looks like Your Excellency is looking for trouble.” Money doesn't have to look gloomy at Muyi. If it hadn't been for the history of Muyi, he would have ordered Muyi to take it down.

Just now the blacksmiths, though embarrassing, doesn't mean the Qian family doesn't have the strength. If so, the Qian family is still standing here in Ten Mile Fort? How can you be the owner of Fort Ten if the money doesn't work?

“So what? So what?” Mu Yi asked with interest.

“Where's Qian's son?” Money doesn't have to shout all of a sudden.


With a blast of promise, then came a rush of footsteps, only to see that someone came out of each workshop with a knife, without having to stand behind the money, even the blacksmiths had changed hands.

In a short time, nearly a hundred people clustered behind the money, Qi Qi looked angrily at Maiyi, seemed to wait only for the money not to order, and they hugged up and chopped Maiyi.

If someone else, even a master on the river and lake, was suddenly surrounded by this nearly 100 knife man, he would inevitably lose his nerve and tremble on both legs, but unfortunately, they met Maki this time.

Regardless of the Eight Fang Tang people on the Western Gathering post, or the 500 Jinan Province Elite Strike, he did not discolor and killed a bloodbath, so the person in front of him, in his view, was just a small battle, or even nothing.

As long as he wishes, he can easily slaughter these people. After all, most of them are ordinary people. With only two hands of strength, let alone compare to the 500 undefeated elites, even the Eighth Hall is less common.

Makayi swept over these people, the corner of their mouth revealed a smile. There was no money in these people. Obviously, the other party went to report the letter. The money didn't have to come back to drink the money. That's the idea.

As for who Qian Tie Niu is looking for, you can basically guess, either find a relationship to move soldiers, or find money that doesn't work, and tell them what's going on here. In comparison, Maki feels that the latter is more likely than not.

After all, someone comes to the door to name the name of the money to find the owner of Ten Ribbon, the key person is still very strong, if the money and the bull don't tell the news to the money immediately, it will be weird.