Heavenly Curse

Chapter 520 Monster Clan

“You know what? ”

After a moment of silence, Maki finally asked, if Jiang Xiaoyu only had a vague feeling, then his mother probably knew already.

“Yes, in fact, a year ago, the village chief told the concubine that he could not live for six months. In fact, he could drag on for so long, and the concubine knew enough, but the only thing he could not let go of was Xiaoyu.” Jiang Xiaoyu's mother said calmly, and from what she said, the woman also seemed a little unusual. After all, it was not easy to face life and death so openly.

And he heard Jiang Xiaoyu say that there are only demons and no ghosts in the neighborhood, but Jiang Xiaoyu's mother is contaminated with ghosts, and not just ghosts.

But Maki didn't want to know about other people's privacy, and he came here just to repay the cause and effect.

“You still have to save.” Suddenly, Maki said.

When she heard Mu Yi's words, Jiang Xiaoyu's mother suddenly opened her eyes, and there was a clear glimmer of disbelief in it. After all, even the village chief said she was hopeless, but the good news was that she was not one of those who had never seen the world. She thought about Mu Yi's unknown history, but she believed in it.

She just asked herself to help her, but she was hard to talk to, and now, given her family's circumstances, she couldn't come up with anything.

The other party's expression, Maki also sees it all in the eyes, but the situation can be kept sensible, and Maki is a little impressed.

“Before Kang Xiaoyu saved my life, it would still be on you.” Mu Yi saw that the other party did not speak, and he took the initiative to say that although the other party was spirited and a little difficult, for Mu Yi with a paid lamp, it was not too difficult, just a little more effort.


Mu Yi had just finished, and Kang Xiaoyu's mother shook her head quickly.

“The concubine knew that the adult was a man of great skill. He was supposed to save his life only by raising his hand. He should not have asked for anything in return. It was just that Rain was my only son, and he asked the adult to save him.” Mother Jiang Xiaoyu spoke quickly, even because of the speed of the speech, which made her chest tremble sharply and her face paler.

“Not sure? You can only trade your life for one, and if you choose to save your son, you will die.” Liam said faintly.

“The concubine's death is not a pity, just hope that Xiaoyu will be safe and sound for the rest of his life.” Jiang Xiaoyu's mother said softly.

Don't know why, looking at Kang Xiaoyu's mother in front of him, Mu Yi's mind reappeared that familiar and vague figure, is this the mother's love for the child? I would rather die on my own than wish my child peace and security.

Seeing Mu Yi doesn't speak, Jiang Xiaoyu's mother's head is drooling, she dares not speak, even afraid to anger Mu Yi.

“Never mind, this is a loss-making deal. ”

Maki said, the fingertips suddenly lit up, just when Jiang Xiaoyu's mother was overwhelmed, Maki had pointed at her eyebrows, at a time, a white light wrapped her, and washed her body over and over again, making her dead breath quickly fade, even her face slowly became red.

When the white light dissipated, Jiang Xiaoyu's mother seemed to have changed someone else, but Mu Yi knew that the exorcism just now was only a cure for the symptoms, even in his present situation, it was difficult to cure each other with an exorcism, if not now, the other would be fine for a short period of time, and could live for a few more months.

If it wasn't for protecting Jiang Xiaoyu, Makuyi wouldn't mind using a salary light, but then, it would be too expensive, and in case of danger, it would be too worthless, so it would be lightweight, and it would be enough for him to help each other alleviate the pain at the moment.

“I'm going to find Rain now, and I'll pull your wounds out when I get back.” Maki left the sentence and turned around and left.

“Wu wu! ”

After Mu Yi left, Jiang Xiaoyu's mother slowly reacted. She felt her body change, as if she had removed a kilogram of weight, even her breathing became stronger, and finally couldn't bear to cry.

If there's a choice, who wants to die? Over the years, she had been dragging her reluctance to die, not out of fear of dying, just not to worry about Xiaoyu Jiang, but now, after seeing hope, she finally collapsed.

But it's good for herself to let it out.

At this point, she couldn't help but think of what her son would say when he returned from a coma, just like the dead man's shepherd.

“The village chief said it was an opportunity for his son. ”

Today, it is true that not only her son, but also her opportunism.

As for Maki, she never wanted to use it, but sincerely wanted to seek peace for her son. As for the result of success and defeat, it was in the hands of Maki.

The village is not big, and because of the early morning, it seems very quiet. Maki easily crossed the village, quietly followed Xiaoyu Jiang, with Maki's strength, even if he did not recover, don't worry about being discovered, and this trip is not only for Xiaoyu Jiang, but also for himself.

The fruit that can change the human body is also a kind of heavenly material and earthly treasure. Although I am not sure if it will work if he eats it, as long as it is something with energy, it can at least become light oil. At present, the most important thing Mamei lacks is light oil.

If there is enough light oil, the shackles in his body will wear off constantly.

So rather than say this trip is to protect Jiang Xiaoyu, it is better to say it is to add light oil so that you can recover early.

And he wanted to see the so-called demons, who had never seen the real demons before in the sun, although there were many rumors of demons.

Meanwhile, there is also a sense of urgency in Mu Yi's mind, urging him to recover early, and further, to reach the heavenly man early, and then find the way back. At this moment, he has no idea what the situation in the sun is, whether it succeeds or fails, and whether the Great Robbery of the Last Pharaoh has arrived again, which he does not know, but cannot stop him from returning to his heart.

The time spent drifting in the endless darkness had sparked some memories of him before he was six years old, and he wanted to find an answer, an answer about his parents, who, though dead, knew what a man should know.

Now he understands why the other side's attitude towards him is so general and has never harmed him.

However, the premise of all this is to go back, thinking about the endless darkness, Mu Yi understood that without the power of Heavenly Man, it is impossible to step into it, even Heavenly Man may not necessarily be able to go back, so he can only increase his strength as much as possible, if Heavenly Man can not, then Heavenly Man above, third difficulty after, there is still a fourth difficulty, even like the big day over the head, called the Great Ghost Emperor, think, when that strength, it will not be so difficult to return to the sun.

And with enough strength, we can only live in the face of the Great Apocalypse.

Jiang Xiaoyu's village itself is not far from the mountain, even two sides of it is a deep trench, which is also the main reason why the village can always exist. It is easy to guard and attack, unless it is far more powerful than the village, it cannot attack at all.

Out of the village there is a trail, Jiang Xiaoyu went up the mountain along this trail. His appearance is obviously that he drove lightly and became familiar. He did not know how many times he had walked. Mu Yi followed him all the way. He also found that Jiang Xiaoyu was an absolute old hunter. He knew how to protect himself in the mountains and what to use to disperse insect ants.

It's just that Xiaoyu Jiang's physical condition is so bad, plus carrying a large knife, he rested several times, and it is obvious that he is also the first time in the back. After all, there are many dangers in the deep mountains. Usually he just chops wood and doesn't need to go deep inside.

Fortunately, there is a trail in this mountain that leads deep. This is the path for some people in the village to go to the mountain to hunt beasts. Xiaoyu Jiang also listened to the village people.

Mu Yi didn't show up all the way, including several times the danger to Jiang Xiaoyu. Don't look at Jiang Xiaoyu's weakness and strength, but he is flexible, and with the long time to cut wood, the axe is in his hand, somewhat powerful.

Finally, almost noon, he finally couldn't hold on, sat next to a stone, took out the dry food in the baggage and chewed it up.


Mu Yi did not intend to come out at first, but also wanted to see what kind of step Jiang Xiaoyu could go to. At this point, however, he suddenly felt that there was a breath flashing away from him. He couldn't help but pay attention, and that breath was quietly approaching Jiang Xiaoyu.

Think about it, the pasture moves and disappears in place.

Soon, Maki saw the smell. It was a wolf the size of a calf, covered in fur like oil, with a hint of cruelty in his eyes, and cunning. Obviously, the wolf was, to some extent, already a demon. The smell he felt was a demon on the wolf.

But this demon wolf also has a simple mind, and begins to hunt alone, even cultivate.

When Liam Yi appeared, the demon wolf also stopped, his eyes stared dead at Liam Yi, and his instincts told him that Liam Yi was dangerous, unlike the prey he had encountered in the past, and even the people.

If it were a common beast, I'm afraid it would have fallen on it by now, but the wolf was different and had a simple divine mind. After understanding the danger, the first thought was to retreat and then leave. After all, it was not easy for a wolf to get to this point.

However, it is not easy to encounter a demon wolf, how could Maki let go, even if the demon wolf is still weak.

“Wanna run?” Maki looked at the evil wolf who had suddenly turned and fled quickly, and the corner of his mouth revealed a slight smile.

Then, his figure moved and appeared directly next to the wolf. Although the wolf was fast, it was also comparable to who. After appearing, Maki lightly patted on the wolf. After a short time, the wolf was covered with a blue flame.

After a breath, the demon wolf turned into ash, and even the whole process couldn't even send out a scream, it had been refined by Nanming from the fire to become the light oil of the paylight.

After experiencing the pay light situation, Maiyi was somewhat disappointed. The lamp oil provided by this demon wolf is really too little, but it is negligible. If you can hardly see the increase in lamp oil, I'm afraid it will take at least thousands of demon wolves to compete with a full strength.

Although some disappointment, but if they encounter each other again, Muyi will still not let go, he knows the logic of accumulating less, especially at this moment, but just entered the mountain, really to say, they are still on the periphery at this moment, the closer they are to the depth, the more demonic tribes will emerge, and the stronger.

On the other hand, Xiaoyu Jiang did not notice anything. After filling his stomach and resting for a while, he began his journey.

Along the way, despite the constant presence of demonic beasts, they were all quietly resolved by the herd, even slightly stronger beasts, and Muyi did not let go, so this caused the suspicion of Jiang Xiaoyu. After all, according to the village chief, and the people who hunted in the village, the trail is safe, but from time to time demonic beast attacks will occur, but for the hunters in the village, these demonic beasts are nothing, and the demonic beasts are very smart, can feel the strength and weakness of the people, if they are too strong, they will not appear, but if they are weak, they will not hesitate to eat.

Jiang Xiaoyu naturally knew that he was not only weak, but also weak. However, he did not encounter the demonic beast along the way. Even if he occasionally encountered the beast, he was weak. For all this, Jiang Xiaoyu could only blame the knife on his back. He felt that his dead father was guarding him, which made him feel more confident in finding the spirit fruit.

This knife was handed down by his father. Jiang Xiaoyu's biggest expectation was to kill the demon beast with this knife left by his father to protect his mother and the village.

But helplessly and against his will, he has been weaker than ordinary people since he was little, and he cannot practise martial arts at all. Although he has always insisted, he is now only able to dance the knife, plus a few knife techniques learned from the hunters in the village, which is all his strength.

But to really meet the demon beast, with his strength, is to die.

Jiang Xiaoyu had no idea. The reason he had not met the demon beast was not because his father blessed him, nor because he was lucky, but because those demon beasts had long been quietly resolved by Mamei, so he would naturally not meet them along the way.

Another afternoon's hard journey, Jiang Xiaoyu estimated that he had entered the deep mountains, even the trail had disappeared, that is, the hunters in the village usually only arrived here, further down, it would be too dangerous, even they dared not enter easily.

But Jiang Xiaoyu felt his luck was surprising, he stepped in, and then he felt bitter, because without dew, he had to detour constantly, and at the same time open a way out with an axe. Finally, he found what the village chief called the big river, cheered, and ran to the river, almost directly down, drank it with a big mouthful of mouth. On the road before, he drank all the water with him. If it weren't for his perseverance, he wouldn't even be able to hold out here.

However, Xiaoyu Jiang, immersed in joy, did not find that a huge shadow flew from afar, silently.