Heavenly Curse

Chapter 662 Two Options

Despite Mayu's remarks, which were extremely tempting and perhaps almost impossible, he persisted in his heart, not to say that his realm had reached such heights, but that he had self-knowledge, and he understood that what was legendary required atmospheric luck in order to possess it, otherwise it would be easy to come to terms with the scourge of death.

He fell and collided all the way from childhood until now, it was only the second hardest, the distance from the complete realm was endless, not to mention the congestion of the species of the road, even the complete variety of the road, and then crossed into the heavenly people, which for him was simply a delusional and impossible thing.

So he understands that even if it got to him, he wouldn't have realized anything, otherwise it wouldn't have survived, and it had been proven before, if it hadn't been for Maki's presence, he would have been captured by the elders of the Shinigami clan, how dare he bring that thing with him again?

Therefore, the best way for him to live is to hand over something, and maybe this is his chance, after all, to exist like Mayu, and it is not possible to take advantage of him, is to take the large shell, and he will certainly be compensated.

Xu really thought about it thoroughly, which is also the main reason why he can steal the Great Robin Shell and stay alive. The key is knowing trade-offs. Although that's easy to say, how many more can he really do? It's not that they can't see through, it's just that the desire is overwhelming, but when there is so much luck, the greed in their hearts expands indefinitely, they just don't know how much responsibility they can take if they end up ruined by that greed.

Mu Yi, although not heartbroken, can also more or less guess Xu real thoughts, especially if a person's temper change is not deceptive, and perhaps even more unlikely to hide it from him, so he also knows that this comes from the other person's heart.

If it was something else, Muyi would not necessarily need it. After all, if he reached his realm, unless it was treasure, he would not have any improvement on him. He wouldn't mind helping each other, but he is the only one who can absorb the Great Robust Shell today, so even if he had a heart, it might not really be possible to understand the thunder in it. To be honest, although it is precious, it can be in the hands of Xu Zhen, it is a waste, and may even cause him the scourge of killing himself.

So from this point of view, his choice was not wrong, even quite right. However, Mu Yi could not have taken advantage of the other party. He did not intend to pinch the other party in return for saving it, but simply did it for the sake of the people.

As a result, Maki's gaze at Xu Reality also gained some appreciation.

“I'll take this, but I can't accept your stuff for nothing. I can give you two choices. The first is to give you a sculpture, to help you open the inner life wheel, so that you can reach the peak of the second difficulty. As for the second difficulty, I'm the one who passed the sudden second difficulty on to you. As for the life wheel, you need to open it yourself. This process can take a long time. I don't know which one you intend to choose?” Maki gave Xu Zhen two choices directly.

When he heard Muyi's words, Xu Zhenzhen ecstatic surged in his heart. He understood that he gambled correctly, but then he pressed the ecstasy in patience and began to think about the two options Muyi had given him. Without a doubt, in the immediate future, the first choice was better, and let him directly reach the second difficult peak, saving him decades of painstaking repairs. Although not one step into the sky, he could at least walk safely in this wilderness, which is among the human race, can also count as a master.

And the second, for a while, does not improve his strength, but if he looks a little longer, he will understand that this road can undoubtedly lead to higher heights. If he chooses the first, he may save decades of hard work, but this benefit is not flat out, even he himself is hidden. Once this happens, he will probably have to stop at the second difficult peak of his life, let alone congeal the ways, which is difficult to achieve successfully.

On the contrary, while the second option would be more difficult, the dawn could be seen, and as long as he worked hard, not to say satisfactorily, it would not be impossible to congeal the species.

From Xu Zhen's choice to give Mu Yi the Great Robin Shell, it can be seen that he is a smart man. Since he is a smart man, he will naturally not be blinded by the interests before him, so he thought a little and said firmly: "My lord, I choose the second one. ”

“Second?" Mu Yi nodded, then pointed directly at Xu Real eyebrows, suddenly, Xu Really began to trance, I don't know how long later, he suddenly woke up, only to see Mu Yi still standing in front of him with a smile, but it seemed like he had a lot of things in his mind, but before, he only felt lost in the way of the second difficulty. At this moment, his heart moved slightly, he felt the fog went away, and his eyes became clear.

“Thank you, my lord.” Xu Zhenzhen was very happy and hurried to thank him.

“Though you have chosen the second one, but with your current strength you are also in danger in the wilderness, so I left a seed in your knowledge of the sea that can inspire this seed of power whenever it is in danger, can save your life at critical times, only three chances, so it is best not to use it before it is necessary.” Maki went on to say that the seed of power he left behind, as long as the other side did not reach the heavenly man, could be stopped, enough for Xu Zhen.

As for Heavenly Man, King, it is impossible to strike at him, so these three opportunities are equal to absolute amulets.

“The grace of an adult is unforgettable.” As Mu Yi mentioned it, Xu Zhen immediately felt the seed in the sea and even knew how to use it. He was undoubtedly more happy with his choice.

Xu Zhenzhen said it, did not get a response. When he looked up again, he found out that Mu Yi had long disappeared. He couldn't help but scream a few more grownups, but never got a response. He knew that Mu Yi should have left.

After a short stop, Xu Zhen rushed directly to the village just now. He was also clearly resentful. Before he had to use the other party to protect himself, he didn't expect to nearly involve the other party. Now he naturally had to make up for it. He decided that he was not going to leave this place, at least until Zhang Huai's wounds were not healed. At the same time, he also needed a quiet place to comb the sense that Muyi had conveyed to him, and then make a breakthrough.

Mu Yi did not actually go far, looked at the direction Xu Zhen went, and just smiled slightly. Even if the disc knee sat down, he threw the large robe shell in his hand gently. It immediately flew away. Then Mu Yi frowned and Thunder really poured out, because the two were inherently the same, and suddenly blended together.

One day and one night later, the Great Robust Shell quietly turned into powder, and the smell on Maiyi also changed slightly. In fact, it just didn't take long to swallow this Great Robust Shell. This day and one night, Maiyi was more than confirming his understanding of the thunderous sincerity. In addition to the thunderous sincerity obtained from the Great Robust Shell, there was also absorption of the thunderous origin of the invincible and powerful Thunder of the Thunder Clan in the Immortal Grave. The two are slightly different, so Maiyi needs to comb it well, so that it can be completely integrated, and more precisely, it should be completely transformed into his power.

Despite the integration of all forces, the three sincere intentions do not need to be cultivated. On the contrary, the three sincere intentions still need to be enlightened and improved in order to promote the strength of the nine revolutions. What he needs now is constant accumulation. Only if the deep enough, can the nine revolutions be broken through.

And overnight, after a sincere comb of thunder, Maki's breath became deeper.

“Looking for death. ”

Suddenly, Mu Yi looked away, he stopped here, another reason is to protect the people village, since the work is done, to do it naturally. If he walks away, the Ghost people find it according to the traces, it is easy to find the village, especially after the disappearance of a group of people, and an elder, the other party will not stop.

Nowadays, as he expected, someone from the other side came to find him, and three elders in a row, one of whom had even achieved a great deal of success, but this strength was long gone from Mamei's eyes.

As Makita stepped out, her body had disappeared from that high post.

“Human race? ”

Muyi did not hide the trace, appeared directly in front of the three Ghost Elders, the other side recognized him immediately, especially after he could not perceive the deep shallow of Muyi, his heart continued to sink, the previous elder disappeared, the life card broke, obviously the person in front of him.

Though Muyi was young, the three ghost elders were not careless, but rather looked extraordinarily heavy.

“You could have died without it.” After Mu Yi finished his speech, the blue flashed in his eyes, and the three Ghost Elders had not yet reacted, and a fiery flame wrapped it around him. Then, without a little resistance, he turned into ash in the South Ming divorce fire, and his essence was refined into light oil.

“This ghost tribe wants to come and won't give up. In that case, why don't you just go and do something for people? ”

From the arrival of these three elders, Mu Yi has understood that it is impossible for the other party to stop. Once he leaves, he will definitely continue to send people to investigate. At that time, it may be that the hypocrite king of his people arrived, and Mu Yi is also a little impatient with this kind of trouble, so simply go towards the Kui ethnic group and intend to solve the aftermath completely.

Previously, the elders of the three ghosts did not cover up their tracks, so Mu Yi quickly found the place of the ghost clan, a slight glance. In front of this ghost clan, there are at least 10,000 ethnic groups, but these sizes are only moderate in the ghost clan.

Mu Yi is not interested in dealing with the ordinary ghosts, as long as he solves the high level of the Hui Ghosts, he will collapse, and no one will ever go to the trouble of that people's village again, it is called once and for all.