Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 317: Beauty in the Palace

There was an extraordinary beauty in the palace. She lived in the Kunning Palace where Lu Shuang had lived before. Although the Emperor had not given her a seal, she had visited the beauty once a day since she was returned to the palace. In fact, it was not clear whether the Emperor liked the beauty, but... Since she was brought into the palace, she wanted to be a princess.

Ford defamed himself in his heart, thinking that the Emperor had only recently broken into Princess Xiangfu at night, but now he brings a stunning beauty, if the Princess knew...

They say the emperor is heartless, and the emperor is inevitably too loving.

Also confused by Mo Rongzhan's move, there is also the queen. The queen learned that Ye Qiang went to Huaijiang, worried that she could not, she prayed in the Buddha Hall every day. She didn't know that there was a beauty in the palace yet. Aunt Cheng feared that she would know that she was angry and deliberately let no one else talk about it, or she heard the maiden whispering when she went to the royal garden today.

The queen immediately called Murongzhan.

“Your Majesty, what exactly do you mean? You want to be a queen, and now you can marry a beauty in the palace?” The queen herself is also a woman. She knows what kind of person she is. She doesn't have much faith and feelings for the emperor. She is probably even more reluctant to come out like this.

Mo Rongzhan frowned and said, "What does Ye Yao Yao have to do with me wanting to get married? ”

“Now there are rumors in the palace that you like Ye Yaoyao. If you don't like her, how can you take her back to the palace and let her live in Kunning Palace?” The queen snorted in disgust.

“Mother, that's because... Ye Yaoyao may have saved me before, now she has lost her memory, I don't know where she is, I brought her to the palace.” Mo Rongzhan helplessly explained how he would still go to Li Fei today, and in the future he would definitely not let another woman give birth before she died.

The queen stunned for a moment, "What savior? ”

Murongzhan had to tell the Empress about the previous small woods and also told her about Lu Shuang's fake Yip Yao Yao. "... Now she forgot everything. On that day, I gave her Jade Pei. She robbed Jade Pei of the past and seemed to recognize Jade Pei's appearance, so... I didn't want her to continue to be used by others, so I brought her back to the palace, but I wondered if she had saved me before, let the royal doctor treat her first. ”

“Lu Shide's father and daughter deserve to die! How can you keep such a poor girl in jail for so many years? Even if Ye Yaoyao is not the girl who saved you before, Lu Shide should not keep her in jail for so many years.” The queen said angrily.

“Mother, she is a girl's house, I can't go there often in the future, and you have to take a look for me.” Murongzhan said.

The queen nodded, “You can leave this to the Lady family, but staying at the Kunning Palace will always cause misunderstandings. If you don't intend to make her a princess in the future, don't stay at the Kunning Palace. ”

If he hadn't met Lu Dai, he would probably have made Yip Yao Yao Li a princess, but now he hesitated. Yes, Yip Yao Yao was amazing. Although he was a little less spiritual than Dai Dai, he was also a beautiful woman who was inclined to the city, but he didn't have the urge to want her.

“If she really was the woman who saved me, I would naturally treat her well.” Murongzhan whispered, "When I have identified her, stand her as the county master. ”

The queen sighed in her heart. After all, the emperor was a man, listening to the women of the palace. Ye Yaoyao was a beauty who was no better than a young woman. The emperor must be moved again. I just hope that she will not be sad.

Likewise, because of Ye Yaoyao's restlessness and Xu Huilu of Xinhe Palace, when she learned that Lu Dai was not in Kyoto, she thought her chances had come. I didn't expect the Emperor to bring a woman who looked like Lu Dai from outside the Palace. She also placed the woman in Kunning Palace to visit her almost every day. Even if Lu Dai was in the Palace before, the Emperor had never cared so much. Xu Huilu felt unprecedented fear. She felt that if she continued like this, she really had no place at all.

“Ma'am, the slave only went to inquire. The Kunning Palace now seems to be the only emperor who does not know what the birth is.” Qianlan walked in from the outside and whispered to Xu Huilu.

Xu Huilu Xiu frowned, “Nobody knows... did you see that woman? ”

Qianlan hesitated for a moment, “Slaver only saw her outside Kunning Palace. ”

“How does it compare to Lu's death?” Xu Huilu asked softly.

“The Emperor seems to value her, she is wearing all the clouds and fog satin that only this year...” Qianlan is a little angry, their mother-in-law doesn't have such a good satin, “compared to the princess is not bad color, mother-in-law, this woman does not seem to be Kyoto, if it is Kyoto, how come I have never heard of her before? ”

Xu Huilu grabbed a heartache and said, "The Emperor likes it. Naturally everything is fine. ”

“Ma'am...” Chiran looked at her painfully.

“If she wants to come to Lu Diao, she doesn't know that the Emperor is in love. If she does, she will not enter the palace in any way in the future.” Xu Huilu hooked his lips and smiled. Even if he didn't like Yip Yao Yao, he had to use this woman to get Lu Cai away first.

Qianlan smiled on his face, “Ma'am, do you know where Lu is? ”

“Brother has already met her, just let Brother pass this message on to her.” Xu Huiru smiled slightly, so that he didn't have to risk dealing with her.

“Ma'am, the slaves are about to send a message out of the palace.” Qianlan hastily said.

Xu Huilu nodded softly, "Go! ”

Relative to the reactions of the people in the palace, only Lu Zhengzhan is probably happy with what Mo Rongzhan did. He likes Mo Rongzhan more than anyone else to be able to move away from love, don't think about standing dead.

“Uncle, went to Huaijiang, I want to bring her back.” Lu Zheng came to Lu Shiming's study and whispered his decision.

Lu Shiming stunned for a moment, “Until then, I've sent someone to find her back. How can you go out like this? ”

“Mr. Wang Fu was with the young man. I went to find the young man and asked Mr. Wang Fu to detoxify me. I wanted to come... Mr. Wang Fu has found a way to detoxify the poison.” Lu Xin said with a smile.

“Then you should be very careful. If it's poisonous hair, you'll be in trouble.” Lu Shiming told him.

Lu Xiao's eyes flashed a light. He went to Huaijiang this time, he would never let anyone take it away from him again.

She's his, he'll treasure it this time.