Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 340: Uncoexisting Sky

The Empress took pity on Ye Yaoyao not remembering the past, and thought that she was the savior of the Emperor's past life, so she always had some pity for her, so she would bring Ye Yaoyao into the palace every other time to talk, which Murongzhan knew.

Because Ye Yaoyao has not been found out the truth and falsehood of this matter, Mo Rongzhan's attitude has always been ambiguous. He suspects Lu Yaoyao, but for the time being, he has yet to find out Tanni, because Ye Yaoyao has really forgotten everything, so he must first remind Ye Yaoyao of what happened before.

“Remember what happened before?” Murong asked lightly.

Ye Yaoyao glanced timidly at Mo Rongzhan, “Not yet, doctor... the doctor said he still needed medication, maybe he can think of it later. ”

Mo rongzhan nodded lightly and looked down at Ye Yaoyao's delicate and beautiful face. He had been unable to associate her with the little girl when she was a child. Although many signs showed that she was young, he still felt something was wrong.

“Aside from imprisoning you, Lu Shide, have you seen Lu Xizhi?” Murongzhan asked softly.

Ye Yaoyao's cheeks were blushed by Mo Rongzhan. Her hands hung together and she seemed nervous, "I... I don't know who Lu Yuzhi is. ”

Murong Zhanzhan frowned slightly. If this had something to do with Lu Xuan, then he did it too well. He did it secretly and shouldn't have been done in a few days. Since when did Lu Xuanzhen already know that Lu Jiang was not the one who saved him?

Seeing Mo Rongzhan's thin lips tight, Ye Yao Yao felt stunned in his heart, “Your Majesty, am I wrong? ”

“Nothing, go with the queen.” Murongzhan whispered, lifting his feet and leaving.

Ye Yaoyao was stunned for a while and had not yet reacted. She turned back to see only Mo Yongzhan's back. For some reason, she had an unknown decline in her heart.

She heard that she had saved him before, but she couldn't remember a thing. She was grateful for this handsome man. If it weren't for her, she would still be locked up in that room, all day long, not to mention the life of the gourmet jade food today. She just didn't understand why he was so cold to her?

However, I heard that the Emperor is like this to the Queen's concubine. She has never heard of which concubine he is particularly fond of. In his mind, I wonder which woman is not worth caring about yet? I wonder what kind of woman he'll love in the future?

With this in mind, Ye Yao Yao's heart beat faster for a while, and his cheeks were reddish.

“Miss Ye, the queen is waiting for you.” The maiden next to her whispered a reminder.

Ye Yaoyao rushed back to his senses and drowned his head into the Cining Palace.



Ye Junming has always wanted to find a chance to see Ye Junming again. She hasn't figured out a way. Ye Junming has personally come to find her.

“Shit, I didn't have time to talk to you last time, that's why I dragged you here today.” Ye Chunming took Lu Junming out of the yard and took her to a remote place by the sea to talk.

Ye Junming knew very well why he dragged so many talents to find her. He must have gone to investigate her fate and didn't know exactly what to find out.

“Did you recognize the wrong person? My name is Dawg, but I don't know you, and I don't know who your little cousin is.” Ye Zheng continued to play dumb with Ye Junming, and she would not reveal any secrets to him until she knew what Ye Junming really wanted to do.

Ye Chunming glanced down at her. Although he was wearing a mask, he could still see his shade of cold from his eyes. “My little cousin is also called immortal, but she has been killed by Mo Yongzhan. Our Ye family has also been ruined by Lu Zheng, and you are now named Lu, but you are a descendant of the Ye family, and you have no common vengeance with the Lu family. ”

Ye Xiao's complexion slightly changed, “What do you mean? What does the Ye family's broken death have to do with the Lu family? It is obvious that Ye is also a miserable one..."

“Vicious?” Ye Chunming laughed coldly, "Even if you do evil, you don't have to cut off the whole family. Your biological father has never been involved in political affairs. Your own brother is just a show talent. He doesn't even have a job. What's wrong with the rest of the Ye family? Yes, my father is not a Qing Chen, but how many officials in the whole kingdom can say that he is innocent, it is Lu Zheng's fabrication of the Ye family's sin evidence, he killed your own sister, you know? ”

Ye Zheng shook his head, his face slightly turned white, “I don't know! Everyone but you... Ye family is dead? ”

“Ha...” Ye Junming smiled a little cold, "Naturally I have a way out, just paid a heavy price, dawg, the Lu family raised you, but they are enemies of our Ye family who do not share the heavens, you must never forget that. ”

His father was a traitor and naturally considered the consequences of becoming a traitor. If Lu Xiao's men hadn't destroyed their secret passage, his father would not have died, nor would he have been injured in secret passage, and eventually he would have destroyed his face in order to survive.

He died in the secret passage of Ye Chunming… but a subordinate like his god.

Ye Hao had an early avenge against Lu, but now she wants to know more about Daddy's whereabouts, “You said I was Ye Hao's sister, so... who else can prove it? Where's my real father? Is he dead, too? ”

“Exactly! I watched him die by order of Lu, and your brother...” Ye Chunming said with hatred, "Whoa, remember, the Lu family is our enemy, Murongzhan is our enemy, we must avenge him! ”

No, it's impossible! Since Murongzhan let them go, it must be true, she thought he would not lie to her, “Ye family no longer exists today, you alone, how do you want revenge? ”

“Zhao Jia Island called the country, Zhao Mingxiao is the emperor of Zhao, I will be his prime minister...” Ye Chunming's eyes revealed arrogant ambition, “then I will naturally have a way to avenge it. ”

Ye Xiao took a breath, “Zhao Mingxiao wants to call the country, did you encourage him? No, no, you knew Zhao Mingxiao a long time ago. Those weapons built by private mines were all available when Zhao Mingxiao called the country. Ye Yishong and you... have been secretly helping Zhao Mingxiao many years ago, right? ”

“You are so much smarter than Ye Zheng.” Ye Chunming smiled and his eyes suddenly cooled down. "If she hadn't married Murongzhan alive, Murongzhan wouldn't have had a chance to usurp her throne! ”

Ye Xiao can't see Ye Chunming's expression, but you can imagine the anger on his face at this time, “Zhao Mingxiao wants to be called Emperor... but he put Zhao Tianqiao under house arrest, what do you want to do? ”

Ye Chunming bluntly said, "Zhao Tianxiao is a waste and cannot be the emperor of Zhao. Zhao Mingxiao is the one who has ambition. ”