Ye Yiqing felt panicked for the first time, knowing that Zhaoyang had been taken away by a kidnapper, he had a strong urge to kill.

He immediately asked someone to find Cao Yu, "Even if you turn the whole Wang Capital, you have to find Zhaoyang. ”

“Those kidnappers are unlikely to take people back to the city, Cao Yu. You take people outside the city to search, I'll take a look at the port.” Ye also said softly.

No one has discovered how kidnappers took people away for so long. It is certainly not the official road. There are occasional patrols in the official road. They will not take such great risks. If I am correct, it should be the waterway.

Ye Yiqing had the harbour sealed off, and all boats could not leave, and he took one man at a time to find it.

Until it was almost dark, no one was found. There was no news from Cao Yu.

Has Zhaoyang been sent away from the capital?

“Teacher, Wang Ducheng looked almost everywhere, only afraid it was...” Cao Yu looked worried Ye Yaqing, afraid to say what Zhaoyang County Master had been sent away.

He had never seen a teacher so worried about a woman.

Ye also sank, "It's impossible to leave Wangdu so soon. If you've already searched it and haven't found it, it must be at the port. Search all the boats carefully again. ”

Cao Yu would like to say that we have checked everything here, if anyone, it is impossible not to discover it.

Ye Yiqing stood at the highest point, the night had not yet fully arrived, he could see a freighter floating in the river not far away, because it was a little far away and not connected to other boats.

“Take a look over there.” Ye also said clearly.

“Teacher, that one has been checked and no abnormality has been found.” Cao Yu said.

Ye Yiqing still insists on checking it out himself.

The ship was loaded with coarse grain, with more than a dozen bags of grain on it, and the warehouse was full of sacks, none of them.

“Teacher, there's no one in the boat.” Cao Yu whispered.

Ye Yiqing stood still in the cabin, pointing to the place where the sack was stacked, and said, "Remove all this. ”

Cao Yu glanced at him and immediately asked someone to come and move away.

There is also a small door behind the cargo.

Ye also immediately kicked the door open.

Behind the door is a hidden cabin, which should be used to release a lifeboat. There are now several unconscious women inside, Ye also saw the unconscious fall in the inner Zhaoyang at a glance.

“Zhaoyang...” Ye Qing was also shocked. He hugged Zhaoyang in the past.

“Teacher, these are all... women who have been abducted these past few days.” Cao Yu said in shock.

Ye also looked at Zhaoyang in his arms, “Take everyone away, in any case, find those abductors. ”

Cao Yu should be silent.

Find those kidnappers... and knife a thousand times!

Ye Yiqing left with Zhaoyang in his arms. When he returned to the Prime Minister's office, the sky had completely darkened. He had asked for Dr. Wang Zheng with his title. What he was most worried about was that Zhaoyang had suffered... irreparable harm.

Dr. Wang was still thinking that Ye Yiqing's injuries had changed. He rushed over quickly to find out it was for a woman.

“Lord Ye, this girl has just been drugged and should wake up soon.” Dr. Wang is speaking to Ye as well.

Ye Yiqing was relieved. He instructed Dr. Wang to go outside and ask Fangzhen to give them the county chief a closer look.

“This is my late man.” Ye also whispered to Dr. Wang that he was explaining.

Dr. Wang was laughing, “Looks like this deceased is no small matter to you. ”

Ye also smiled lightly and sent Dr. Wang Zheng away.

Standing under the roof, Ye also looked heavenly at the moon, he did not know how to face Zhaoyang, such a girl of his own heart, he could not resist her.

“Sir, the Shoyang County Lord is awake.” Red Diamond came over and whispered to Ye.

Ye also nodded gently.

“The county master wants to see you.” Red Ling said.

“Meet me?” Ye also cleared up a little, looked at the sky, it was already so late, she saw him at this time not afraid to mess with the gossip?

Ye Yiqing hesitated for a while and decided to go see Zhaoyang.

Zhaoyang did not suffer any other injuries, except a few beatings during the struggle, she had no other wounds, at least her innocence was still there.

When she learned that she had been saved by the leaves, she couldn't help but kindle a spark of hope in her heart.

Ye Yiqing slowly walked in from the outside and looked up at her full moon white clothes. Ting Ting Yu stood by the window, wondering if it was an illusion. He felt that she actually looked weaker than usual at this time, making people want to pity and cherish her.

“Lord Zhaoyang, are you all right?” Ye Yiching stood by the door without further ado.

“I'm fine.” Zhaoyang nodded and her eyes fell on his handsome face. She smiled slightly, "Lord Ye, thank you for your help. ”

Ye also smiled for a moment. “Nothing, the court was already fighting those kidnappers...”

The smile on Zhaoyang's face slightly changed, “So Lord Ye means to save me just to raise my hand? ”

“Not... Zhaoyang, don't get me wrong.” Ye also said hastily.

“What would I have misunderstood?” Zhaoyang stared straight at him, "Lord Ye, are you afraid I will wrestle you to death? You can rest assured, I still have that pride. ”

Ye sighed helplessly, “Zhaoyang, that's not what I meant. You're the one I grew up looking at, you're just young and rotten, and I'm already in middle age, you're young, you haven't experienced a truly boneheaded love, and you'll regret it in the future. ”

Zhaoyang looked at him red-handedly, "Don't you have enough bone in mind for me? If I could forget, why would I remember this for 10 years? ”

“What do you like about me?” This is what Ye Yiching wanted most. He really didn't know how she really cared about him back then.

“How do I know...” Zhaoyang smiled bitterly. He was so elegant at the time, he always spoke to her in a gentle whisper. Even then, he already had a family, even his daughter was her companion, but she just couldn't restrain herself. If she didn't want to forget him, not to cut off her undue heart, how could she listen to her stepmother's persuasion and follow the ancient emperor's marriage to the North Pluto Kingdom?

Ye also whispered, “Stay here first and don't leave suddenly. ”

Zhaoyang saw that he refused to face her feelings and was angry at him, “Aren't you afraid to make a scene when you let me stay? ”

“You're a dead friend. What kind of gossip would that be?” Ye also smiled.

'Cause I'm gonna want to get close to you! ”Zhaoyang had kissed his lips with his toes up after saying this.