Ye Yip has always thought that Qianxue should be imprisoned in an inspectorate or a secret guard house. I really didn't expect to see her in the palace. However, listening to Qianxue, Mo Rongzhan did not imprison her here to let her tell the truth about killing Yan Xi, is it for something else?

“Why is the Emperor holding you here naturally justified by the Emperor?” Ye faintly said that, although she was curious as to why a maiden had become a killer, she believed that Murongzhan would ask.

Qianxue covered her mouth and smiled. “I'm afraid Queen Mother only knows one of them. ”

“What do you think this palace needs to know?” Ye asked lightly.

“You are not curious why the Emperor did not imprison me outside the palace, but rather kept me here, and kept the eunuch waiting like a servant to his master every day?” Qianxue asked with a grin.

Ye Xiao heard the provocation in Qianxue's words, she smiled lightly, “So what? In a better place than the Cold House, there are guards outside. What kind of master is it? ”

Thousand snow saw Ye Yip not at all, her heart was annoyed, she grinned, “I thought the Emperor really loved you, turns out that's all, you don't even know who I am here why, maybe when I go out in the future... you realize how stupid you are. ”

“If you think that you have served the Emperor and helped him, you can think that you are different, then the Palace really wants to know what other times you can go out later.” Ye Xiao whispered.

Murongzhan even told Lu Ju his identity? It seems that, as rumored, Lu is different in Mo Rongzhan's mind. I can't imagine that the young man who was ruthless and didn't even want to touch the body of the Teaching Miyagi would be so obsessed with a woman today.

Qianxue can't say what she feels. She just doesn't want to see Lu Cai's definitive self confidence.

“How do you think I serve the Emperor?” Qianxue laughed softly and looked at Ye Zheng with a thick mockery.

Ye Xiu Xiu frowned slightly and looked lightly at Qianxue.

“I wonder if Queen Mother has ever heard of the Teaching Palace Girl?” Qianxue asked with a smile, "At the age of twelve, each prince in the palace arranges a teaching palace woman to teach him how to be an adult, so-called adult, Queen Mother understand what that means? ”

If it was Lu Dai, who grew up in Sidecheng, naturally did not understand what Qianxue meant, but Ye Zheng, who grew up in the Ye family, once married the Qin Princess of the Qin Wang, could not not fail to understand what this meant.

“You are the royal maiden!” Ye Zheng's heart was surprised, but her face was faint. She didn't believe that Murongzhan actually taught Miyagi, he said... said that there were no other women except Lu Shuang.

Qian Xueguan laughed, “This is the way every prince must pass. At that time, the emperor was not valued by the first emperor in the palace. Teaching his aunt to give him the choice of the palace lady has a stench, and she still looks ugly. The king has compassion for his brother, so give me to the emperor, the queen, although I am not as beautiful as you, let alone spoiled today, but any man has feelings for his first woman, don't you think? ”

Ye Xiao's face changed slightly, and she took a deep breath, "Do you think the Emperor is now holding you here in contemplation of old times? ”

“It doesn't matter what the reason is. What does Queen Mother think?” Thousand snows laughed softly.

“Dawg.” Mo Rongzhan arrived when he learned that Ye Xiao had discovered Qianxue. Otherwise, he was afraid that his little vinegar barrel would be confused. He would have to pay no compensation for ignoring him for a few days.

When he heard Mo Yongzhan's voice, Ye Zheng was still stiff and did not turn back. He arrived really fast.

Are you afraid she'll know that Qianxue exists?

Thousands of snow bent their knees slightly for a gift, "The slaves met the Emperor. ”

Murongzhan ignored Qianxue, just walked to Ye Zheng's side, looked down at her somewhat pale face, and shocked in her heart, "Whoa, what are you doing here? ”

“Oh.” Ye Qiang's eyes trembled slightly and looked up at him. “The concubine came here unintentionally, curious for a moment...”

Even the concubine came out, I'm sure there's a fire in her heart! Mo Rongzhan held her little hand, “I will send you back. ”

Ye Xiao nodded gently, "Okay. ”

“Your Majesty, you want a slave's answer, a slave can tell you.” Chiyue called Murongzhan, "just wondered what you could give the slaves? ”

Mo Rongzhan felt Ye Wan want to break free of his hand. He held her tight and glanced coldly at Qianxue. He told Lord Fu, "Take her to the Dry Qing Palace. ”

Qianxue pulled up a shallow smile, she couldn't leave the palace anyway. If she could divorce the relationship between the Emperor and the Queen, she would have been able to make up for it.

“Didn't you go to the Cining Palace? What are you doing here?” Murongzhan slowly walked back to Huaqing Palace with Ye Zhan in his arms, his eyes constantly staring at her.

Ye Zheng's mind was full of nightmares. She knew that she should not believe Qianxue's words, what kind of teaching palace woman. Even if Mo Rongzhan had once taught palace women, would he remember her?

Is there another woman in his heart besides her?

“Dawg?” Murongzhan stopped and held her gently in her arms, "didn't Chiyue tell you? ”

Ye Li looked up at him and asked softly, "What does the Emperor think Qianxue would tell me? ”

“I do not know that I left her in the palace for a reason, but I have not yet established the truth, so I did not tell you.” Murongzhan whispered.

“What truth?” Ye asked seriously what the truth was so important that he had not revealed a word to her.

Murongzhan looked at her silently for a moment, "I wonder why Qianxue became a killer, this is important. ”

“Because Chiyuki was your former maiden, does her business matter?” Ye Xiao asked with a smile.

“She was my old maiden. I left her in the palace. She helped me a lot.” And she is still Murong's former close womanhood, which is why he left her in the palace.

Ye Zheng was divided by his love of the past into several centers of stabbing, “How does the Emperor intend to repay her for her help in the past? ”

Murong Zhan frowned, “Oh, don't get me wrong, I just want to know something from her mouth. ”

“I get it.” Ye Zheng nodded gently. Since he didn't want to say it, she had no interest in asking again. "She is still waiting for you in the Qing Dynasty Palace. Go quickly, maybe you want to know the truth. ”

“I'll explain it to you tonight.” Murongzhan whispered.