Had it not been for her slippery veins, Ye Zheng would have almost suspected that she was not actually pregnant, that she was not uncomfortable at all along the way, that her appetite would have even improved, and that she could have eaten for someone so disgusted by the landing.

Almost at the border of the Commonwealth, she finally saw Qiluo water.

“Queen Mother, it looks like you've had a good couple of days and your face is still very red.” Without the disguise of Kyoto before, Qiluo's water looks powerful, and his glamorous eyes seem to always carry a dangerousness that no one dares to look directly at.

Ye looked at her faintly, "Thanks to the witch king's hospitality. ”

Qi Rushui said with a smile, "You are a noble guest of the Priesthood, and naturally you cannot be brought to grief. ”

“The Witch King is so polite, I haven't seen him invite guests like this.” Ye Zheng smiled coldly, "ahead is the wilderness border gate, is the Witch King going to take me from there to the west cold? ”

“I would have liked to go to Sacha City, but I think the wasteland is more appropriate. After all, no one is more familiar with every path of the wasteland than Lu.” Qiruo Shui said with a smile, "Queen, don't worry, as long as you listen, I won't hurt you and I will get your mother and son back to Kyoto safely. ”

“Mother and child safe?” Lu Zheng's mouth came out and looked shocked at Ye Zheng.

Qi Rushui laughed, “You've been with her for days, didn't you know she was pregnant? ”

Lu Zheng's face was white and his heart felt like a piece of meat had been dug away. He really didn't know... she already had Mo Yongzhan's child.

“Dawg...” Lu Lu's face was bitter, although it was painful, but he knew it was inevitable, she was already the queen of the kingdom.

Ye Zheng ignored Lu Zheng, but looked lightly at Qiruo's water, “You took the Zheng away too, why? ”

She had just seen Qi Zizhi, and although she had not looked closely, she was sure that the person she had seen was Qi Zizhi.

Qi Rushui laughed, “He was born to me. What's wrong with taking him away? ”

“You just gave birth to him, not his mother.” Ye Zheng said coldly, she could see Qi Zhen took Qi Zi Zheng as a root of sorrow. Qi Rushui took him away like this, which was a great blow for Qi Zhen.

“Having him is enough, and I will honor him for the rest of his life.” The water laughed and said, “Well, let's take a night off and go through tomorrow. ”

Ye Zheng looked at the gate not far away, past this gate is the wasteland, at this time her brother was fighting Xiliang on the wasteland, if he already knew about her, he would surely send someone to guard at the gate.

When she leaves tomorrow, it's her only chance.

“Dust, you follow her, take her... easy on the face.” Qi Rushui looked at Ye Qiang with a smile and turned around and walked into the house.

Ye Xiao's complexion slightly changed, she will not doubt the masquerade of Xi Liang Witch King, she is worried that tomorrow someone will recognize her as the Queen of the Kingdoms.

“Yes.” said a woman alongside the water, unemotionally walking to Ye Zheng.

Lu Zhi lost some soul. He tried to follow the past, but was stopped by Qi Rushui, "Lu Zhi, you have escorted her here, that's good, then give it to the dust. ”

“Okay.” Lu Zheng nodded softly. He took a deep look at Ye Zheng. Anyway, in Xiliang, he would always be there for her.

“Send the Guest to rest in the room.” As the water convection dust said.

“Yes, Witch King.” Dust answered in a low voice, reaching for Ye Zheng's arm and forcibly walking her into the inner room.



Qiruo Shui asked Lu to follow her to the courtyard.

“Tomorrow you go back to the barracks.” As the water said to Lu Qi.

“Witch King, you promised to let me be beside her.” Lu Xiaozhi said.

Qi Rushui glanced at him, "You've been around her for days, what has she done to you? ”

Lu said, "So I need more time with her. ”

“North Pluto and Xiliang are at war with Jinguo. You are familiar with Tang Zheng and more familiar with Jinguo's methods of warfare. I feel relieved to have you in the military camp. Rest assured, I promised you that I would not hurt Lu Di, and will certainly make her feel better.” Qiruo Shui said, "When you get back from the barracks, she'll be yours. ”

“Okay." Lu Zhizhi knew he had to promise, otherwise he might not even have a chance to see Ye Zhi.

Qiruo Shui asked, "Do you know what Lu Cai's soft ribs are? ”

“She…” Lu Xizhi thought carefully, "I don't know. ”

In the past, the soft ribs might have been Mo Yongzhan, but now... after so many things, he's really hard to say.

Qi Rushui said with a smile, "She should be very nervous about her stomach. As long as she promises me, I will let her stay with you forever. ”

Lu Zheng frowned, “Are you going to hypnotize her? ”

“If I don't hypnotize her, as long as she remembers Murongzhan, she will never like you, let alone be with you.” Qiruo Shui said with a laugh.

“I know." Lu Xiao's low eyes, he only held a hint of hope. Since she could forgive Mo Yongzhan, she would always be moved by his sincerity and then forgive him.

Qi Ruo water looked at Lu Zhi's silent handsome face, his eyes flashed with a smile. Lu Zhai was really a reddish scourge water, but he looked better and let so many men upside down for her spirit.

The water revealed a deep and unpredictable smile when he saw Lu Qiu leaving.

Nameless walked over with a medicine box in her hand.

“Is this the kit Lu died in Qi's home?” The water whispered.

“Yes, there are twenty-eight lattices, different pills, and some homemade pills.” Anonymous whispered, "These medicines look no different than usual, but… they work better. ”

Qi Rushui picked up Ye Zheng's homemade pill and rubbed her fingertips open a little in her mouth. Suddenly, she felt her lips and teeth linger. The feeling of purity flowed all over her body. Her eyes flashed sharply and she looked down at the pills in her palm.

“Have you checked the ingredients of these pills?” Qiruo Shui's voice asked seriously.

Anonymous said, "I checked, it's just a very common wound medicine. ”

“This wound medication is not ordinary.” Qi Rushui laughed, “Lu Cai seemed to be hiding more deeply than I thought. He sent the medicine box to my house. If these drugs were the same as usual, he would not wake up now. ”

“Yes." Anonymous whispered, but he was confused. He really didn't see any difference between these medicines, as he saw in the pharmacy of the Priest's Palace?

Qiliao water caught the pill in thought.