Ye Yi did not ask Lu Xuan to promise her immediately, but gave him time to go back to Kyoto and think about it. If Lu Tin wants to fight for himself and his family in a decent way, he must know what to do to best.

“Madam, Master Lu San has left Chengde Mountain.” Red Diamond came in and whispered.

“Let Sherin have someone look after him.” Ye Zheng dropped the teacup in her hand, who knows if there are any Lu Zheng people in Kyoto, what if she finds Lu Zheng and wants to go under the court?

Hongling Yongno.

Ye Zheng stood up and said, "Where is Madame? ”

“Ma'am is in the back garden, asking for red tongues.” Red Diamond said with a smile.

“Looks like these ladies are worried about the palace.” Ye Zhengzhan shook her head and smiled gently. She was sent to Chengde Mountain by Mo Rongzhan. In the eyes of the outsiders, she was thrown out of her misfortune. No wonder Pei was worried. She had not been told before.

Red Ling said, "The slave heard that his mother was coming to Chengde Mountain. ”

If it hadn't been for the Emperor herself, she would have thought her mother was angry with the Emperor about the Emperor's Imperial Palace.

Ye Xiao smiled, “You all believe it is true, let alone the people in the palace. ”

She knew that all the women in the palace were complaining about her behind their backs. Without her in the palace, they had no day. Now that she was gone, it was an opportunity for them.

The Emperor has already lifted Hu Yue, what will he do next?

“The Sook Lady used to look good, now...” Red Diamond snorted, maybe trying to seduce the Emperor behind her back.

Ye Zheng shook her head and smiled. Which woman in the palace would behave poorly in front of her? Hu Yue is also a princess in the palace. Her heaven is the emperor. If she is not spoiled by the emperor, what difference does she make in the palace from the average maiden?

Hu Yue was only a euphemism before, and now she is a Sook Lady. If she doesn't think and fight at all, then this person is in trouble.

“Everyone in the palace is the same.” Ye Xiao whispered, "Who doesn't want the Emperor's favor? ”

“You are the only one in the Emperor's eyes, the others will be blind.” Red Ring said.

Ye Qiao glanced at her and smiled at the back garden. She saw Pei's gazebo sitting inside her. Red Ling stood in front of her, not knowing what she was talking about.

“Mama's here.” The corner of the red eye swept to Ye Zheng, his eyes immediately lit up, and he sighed with relief, "the slave met his mother. ”

Paige stood up and said, "Has Shinji gone back? ”

Ye Zheng walked over and grabbed Pei's arm affectionately. “Asked him a few words and let him go back first. Mother, stay with me for a few days. ”

“Of course it's fine for me to stay with you, it's just...” Pei Shi looked at her stomach worried, "When are you going back to the palace? ”

“Don't go back.” Ye Zheng laughed, "It's a beautiful place, I live here until I have a baby, I even have the maternity room ready. ”

Paige was anxious to hear it. “What kind of temper are you? Now you come to Chengde Mountain to play for a few days. Even the children are born here. Have you forgotten that you are a queen? Now that you are riding on your head, you still have temper. ”

Ye Zheng looked at Bae's breath and gave her a smooth smile. "Mother, I'm not angry. I really think this place is nice, and the Emperor agrees. ”

“You...” Pai Shi was angry with her and she nodded her finger on Ye Qiang's forehead. “Of course the Emperor agreed. You are not in the palace. There is no shortage of beauty beside him. I can hear it. Your front foot only left the palace. He asked Sook Lady to take over the rear palace for you. What if one day this Sook Lady wakes up? Don't you feel threatened? ”

“I can't handle so much like this nowadays. Wouldn't it be better if someone took care of so many trivial things for me?” Ye Zheng did not take this matter to heart at all. If she had not left the palace, she would have liked to use Hu Yue to work for her.

Paige was a bloodbath. “What are you thinking all day? Don't you think being queen won't spoil you? The Emperor is so kind to you. He hasn't spoiled anyone in so long. Just make love once in a while. Don't think men don't need to be fooled. You always leave the palace angry. When can the Emperor tolerate you? ”

Ye Qiang almost cried out, “Mother, am I your daughter or not? Why are you speaking for the Emperor? ”

“Am I wrong?” Paige glared at Ye Zheng severely.

“It is not for me to make the Emperor a princess of others.” Ye Xiao whispered, "I didn't want to come to Chengde Mountain this time. It was the Emperor who felt that Kyoto was uneasy and let me quietly raise a baby here. ”

Paige lowered her voice and asked, "Didn't the Emperor send you here for other women? ”

Ye blushing said, “Of course he won't. ”

“Really...” Bae's breath was relieved, “scared me to sleep for a few days. ”

She also thought that what happened when the Emperor sent her away, and heard that a lady was sealed in the palace. She was even more disturbed. Not only did she suspect that the Emperor was tired of dying, but she looked at some other woman, but now she sees that she was comfortable, as if that was not the case.

“Mother, don't worry, the Emperor and I are fine, he has his own arrangements.” Ye Xiao said.

Pei Shi glanced at her daughter and she wanted to know why, but she also knew that there were some things in the emperor that she could not inquire about, as long as her daughter was doing well.

“So you're really going to make it here?” Pei Shi took a look around, but this is the Shan Ming Shui Show, the palace is not yet spacious, “I am not afraid of the palace... what accidents? ”

Ye Xiao looked down and smiled, "Even if it were an accident, wherever I was, it would be better if I lived in the moment. ”

Paige sighed softly, "You don't know how to drill now. ”

“'Cause the point of the diamond horn is ultimately hard on yourself.” Ye Zheng laughed, "Mother, I was going to go to the stream to catch fish. You go with me. Hey, Xiao Xiko's baked fish is delicious. I let someone borrow Xiao Xiao Xiao, I kind of want to eat her beef noodles. ”

“You know how to eat.” Pei Shi smiled and lit up Ye Zheng's forehead. "You still want to catch fish, you think you're as big as you were when you were a kid, and you're still like a wild girl. ”

"Ma'am, you want to eat roasted fish, slave, let Xiao Xiko catch some fresh ones, we'll eat them in the garden after that. ”

Ye Xiao smiled and glanced at them, “You are afraid of me going into the water again. ”

“How dare you go down?” Paige frowned when she heard the words.

“No, I'm watching on the side.” Ye Xiao hastily said.

Pai did not believe her daughter's words. When she was in Edge City, she had a lot of ambition in her mind. "It seems that I have to live here for two or three months. I am not comfortable sitting on a moon like you. ”

“…” Ye chuckled bitterly.