Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1145: Fish Meat Problems

With regard to Zhao Ning, Ye Qian doesn't know how to get along yet, she can see Zhao Ning wants to make friends with her. On the way back to Kyoto from Anye River City, Zhao Ning changed her character in Hua Jia Village. She has been trying to please her, knowing that she doesn't like her, and when she sees that she is in danger, she is willing to go and tell Mo Yongzhan to rescue her. By this, she can see that Zhao Ning is a kind person. She just knows what she wants, so try to get away from her life.

If Zhao Ning is fighting for a life in Qi, it is not the same as what she saw in her dream. There is no need for her to worry at all. She can also become friends with Zhao Ning, which Ye Hope.

“Ma'am, are you really not going back to the palace?” Zhao Ning accompanied Ye Zheng to the pharmaceutical field, and saw Ye Zheng feel comfortable collecting herbs in the pharmaceutical field, she really can't understand, is Queen Mother intending to spend the rest of her life in Chengde Mountain?

Ye Zheng glanced at her with a smile, “Are you so worried that the palace will not return to the palace? ”

“It is always good to see you and the Emperor.” Zhao Ning didn't mean to say, “I've seen that sophisticated princess, pretending to be Zhuang Xianhui, I don't know what she can do...” She glanced at Ye Qiang and couldn't go on.

“Lady Sook is very gentle indeed.” Ye Xiao nodded, "Have you met your sister, how are you doing? ”

Speaking of Zhao Xin, Zhao Ning's face became ugly, “She didn't follow Qi Guo to see my sister, but came to shake me down, one fisherwoman on the left, one earthy bun on the right, I really want to put two buns in her mouth. ”

Ye Zhenzhun couldn't help but say, “Is it so hard to get along? ”

“It's not that I don't want to get along well with her. After all, it's a sister. If I don't know Qi well, I won't offend anyone else on my own. But Zhao Xin...” Zhao Ning remembered the first time they met and didn't get angry. “The first time I met, it was ironic how many fake princesses were killed in the past. What does she mean, that I faked a princess? Hmm, she just doesn't want me to be a princess back in Qi. ”

“The princess who grew up in the palace is quite different.” Ye Xiao whispered, "When you arrive in Qi, you have to know everything to be patient. It's not for giving in for a moment, but for getting more in the future. ”

Zhao Ning delicately tasted Ye Qian, her bright eyes blinked, “Like your mother? ”

Ye Xiao nodded with a smile, “Almost. ”

“I will remember.” Zhao Ning said.

“It's almost lunchtime, and today people go to the creek in front to grab some fresh fish and grill them.” Ye Xiao said with a laugh.

Zhao Ning said, "I used to eat fish every day in Huajia Village. I saw the fish were scared. I lived in Kyoto for a few days. I missed the smell of fish, but there was no previous smell. ”

“Hua Jia Village is where you grew up, no matter where you go in the future, everything you eat there has a special taste, there is nothing else.” Ye Xiao laughed.

“That's it.” Zhao Ning nodded.

The two returned to the rice garden together, and Ye Qiang instructed the maid to go to the kitchen and serve lunch.

Today there are chestnut-burned wild chicken, laurel fish strips, roasted venison and fried river freshly, plus four fresh roasted ravioli, all of which have been eaten recently.

“Looks delicious.” Zhao Ning smelled the flavor and was eager to taste it.

Ye Yao is drinking soup and letting Zhao Ning move his chopsticks.

“These fish were caught in the creek in the mountains, fresh.” Ye Xiao said with a smile.

Zhao Ning wiped the fried river freshly and the fish was delicious.

Ye Xiao saw that she was delicious and wanted to eat when she wasn't hungry. She picked up the chopsticks and tasted a few sips of river food, which was really good.

“No wonder Mama didn't want to go back to the palace. She was more comfortable in the hills than she was in the palace.” Zhao Ning sighed and no longer cared about the courtesy. He took the roasted fish and took a bite. I wondered if it was a better stream in the mountains, the fish were especially fresh, and the grilled fish master had a good fire. The crisp inside of the roasted fish was fresh, and she couldn't even make such a good meal.

“Eat more.” The chopsticks of the leaves stretch towards the roasted fish.

Zhao Ning hurriedly pressed her hand, “Ma'am, this fish... doesn't seem right. ”

“What's the matter?” Ye Qiao questionably asked that the fish that could be sent to her must have been inspected. The hill was protected by Mo Rongzhan like a copper wall of iron, and she didn't believe anyone else could come in and poison her things.

“Tastes wrong.” Zhao Ning took another bite, "Is this fish caught from the same stream as these? ”

Ye Xiao looked at Red Xiao and Red Xiao said, “It's all from a creek. What difference does it make? ”

Zhao Ning shook his head doubtfully, "This fish... should have been raised for a few days. These fish meats are somewhat different. In the past, when I was in Huajia Village, the flower woman sometimes raised some fish, although it was only for a few days, but it tasted different. ”

Red and Red Ring's face changed dramatically, "Is there a problem with this fish? ”

“Fish fed with fishy grass can be eaten by others, of course, but Mama can't eat it.” Zhao Ning said.

Ye Zheng laid down his chopsticks heavily and raised his eyes to give Dong Lok a look next to him.

Dong Ha's face was pale. She was sent by the Emperor to protect the Queen. Today, there are problems in the Queen's diet, but they have nothing to look into. Today, they discover that there are problems with the fish. They do not know if the previous meal was...

“Ma'am, stop eating this fish. It must be fish grass near the stream that has been eaten by these fish.” Zhao Ning didn't notice anything unusual, and he was laughing and eating fish.

Ye Zheng nodded with a smile, "Yeah, maybe so. ”

Fish grass itself is not poisonous, on the contrary, it can clear heat and detoxify it. It's just that sex cold is not suitable for pregnant women. Sometimes I don't feel afraid of eating it. If I eat it often, it will definitely affect my body.

Is this someone who wants to kill her child?

“Mother, why don't you eat?” Zhao Ning asked.

“The palace just drank soup and is not hungry yet.” Ye Xiao smiled.

This side has calmed down, but the outside of the house looks like it's going to change.

Xue Lin and Wu Chong have ordered people to go to the kitchen to collect people, including Xiao Xizi, who went out to catch fish, have also been arrested, waiting only to be tortured.

“Tell the Emperor about it.” Xue Lin said to Wu Chong.

“Tell your mother-in-law first and wait for her to tell you.” Wu Chong said that if they told the Emperor like this, they would be killed by the Emperor, at least to find out who did it.

Sherlock nodded softly, "Did you get this fish yesterday? In less than a day, how many things can you put in a fish? ”

“Fish in the stream?” Wu Chong remembered a possibility and looked at Xuelin with great alarm.

“Go!” said Sherin in a low voice.