Hu Yue was finally able to get out of bed. She held Miao Ling's hand and walked in the bedroom. Although she had already stood up, she was still weak. Her throat, which had been burned by poison, had not recovered. Her voice was still dull and she did not want to hear herself speak.

“The palace wants to go to the royal garden.” Hu Yue whispered that she was already a little upset in this bedroom.

Miao Ling smiled and said, "Ma'am, it's cold outside. You're weak today, so don't go out. ”

Hu Yue understands, which means she can't go out and see people yet.

“That's out in the courtyard for a walk.” Hu Yue whispered that she could not go to the royal garden, but she did not want to always be in the bedroom.

Ever since she woke up, not even the Emperor has come.

Is she no longer of value to the Emperor?

Hu Yue felt sad in her heart, she didn't complain, but in contrast, she wished she had at least the value to use, so that she could see the Emperor every day, maybe one day the Emperor will put her heart on it, she doesn't ask much, just a little position is enough.

Miao Ling looked at Hu Yue and sighed in the dark in her heart. “Then help Lady Nuo out. ”

“Okay.” Hu Yue revealed a happy smile.

“Slave, go get the cape for your mother.” Miao Ling said that she still had some sympathy for Hu Yue, but it was just sympathy. Her loyalty will always be to the Emperor. The Emperor will do whatever the Emperor tells her to do. As for Hu Yue... it can only be said that this is her life.

The sun shined brightly outside, but the autumn breeze cooled slightly, and she gasped greedily for the air outside, "It's good to come out. ”

Miao Ling stood behind her and looked with a slight smile.

“Has Her Majesty returned to the palace?” Hu Yue looked in the direction of Yongshou Palace, her eyes were not frightened, at the beginning resentment was hidden in her heart, she used to dream the same as Lu Cai, now she no longer wants to compare.

In the Emperor's mind, she may not even be qualified to compare.

“The slaves have not heard of the Empress's return to the palace.” Miao Ling said silently.

Lu has not returned to the palace. She has poisoned her. Isn't Yongshou Palace safe now? Or... does the Emperor still want her to continue to be Lu Cai's shield?

“The palace seems quiet these days.” Hu Yue softly said that she wanted to know what was going on outside. Does the Emperor know who poisoned her? Did you avenge her? But her inner circle was gone, and she couldn't do anything to ask.

Miao Ling, who is now serving her, will certainly not do anything for her. She will only look at herself and not let her leave the show and the palace for half a step.

Miao Ling said, "Ma'am, the wind is getting stronger. Why don't you help the slaves in? ”

Hu Yue nodded gently and took Miao Ling's hand back to the bedroom.

“The palace is a little hungry.” Hu Yue 'er whispered.

“The slave immediately went to order a meal to come.” Miao Ling said.

Hu Yue stood in the window and looked outside. When he was stunned, a voice from Lord Lefu was heard outside, “Your Majesty has arrived! ”

The Emperor is here? Hu Yue slightly unresponsive, still a little Miyagi gladly came in to deliver the message, she just turned her back, quickly tidied up the corners, worried that her makeup today was too faint, the Emperor would not like to see her, “Dress the palace...”

Xiaomian shrugged for a moment, “Ma'am, the Emperor has come. ”

Hu Yue stuck, she smiled bitterly, what exactly was she thinking, even if she was dressed sophisticated, the Emperor would not be able to see it.

Imagine that Murongzhan has already walked in with great strides.

“The concubine has met His Majesty, His Majesty's Blessed King Ann.” Hu Yue bowed his head and knelt down for the ceremony, crushing the grieving and sad feeling in his heart.

“Get up.” Mo Rongzhan bluntly said, sitting on the side of the big kang, looking down at Hu Yue, whose face is still pale, "I heard that you have been very well these days, I came to see you. ”

Hu Yue dared not look up to see Mo Rongzhan. When she used to think she was really loved, she would still have a humiliating smile in front of the Emperor. Now she wanted to come, she was really like a clown. The Emperor probably didn't notice that she had fine makeup every day at that time. She even hesitated to pick clothes for half a day. She was afraid to wear a clothing color that the Emperor didn't like.

“Come sit down.” Murongzhan points to the other side, "you don't have to stand. ”

“Yes." Hu Yue lowered his head and sat carefully on the other side.

Mo Rongzhan glanced at her, he knew that Hu Yue must have a lot of doubts, and probably knew that he existed to protect the queen, "I declare that you were pregnant and hid the poisoning. ”

Hu Yue shook her shoulder, which was the first time she knew so clearly from someone else's mouth that she was really poisoned.

“Blood swallows were soaked with poison, and the two poisoned people were already dead.” Mo Rongzhan said, "As for the rest, I have counted in my heart, this can't be said yet, do you know what to do? ”

“Concubine...” Hu Yue's voice muttered, then she felt embarrassed. Her previous voice was not good enough, but she also heard a lot better than today. She wondered if the Emperor would dislike her, and she said with a stiff scalp, "Concubine knows what to do, wait a few days for her body to get better, she will seek excuses to lose the child. ”

In this way, no one will suspect a misunderstanding.

Mo Rongzhan nodded gently, "Very good. ”

Hu Yue wants to ask who is behind the scenes, is she really the queen's deputy, or... was Lu Mao trying to kill her?

“What is your wish this time when you have been entrusted?” Murongzhan asked.

She wants the Emperor's true love, even if only a little! Hu Yue said in his heart, looking up at Ink's face, his handsome and vivid face was as pale as ice, making people dare not approach at all. Hu Yue bowed his head, “My concubine has nothing else to ask for. ”

Mo Rongzhan glanced at her, “I seal your father as a Viscount, so that you can inherit the title of Hu family later. ”

Hu Yue raised his head violently and looked at Mo Rongzhan with surprise and emotion, "The concubine thanked the Emperor. ”

She came to the palace to enjoy the glory and prosperity of her family, and now she feels satisfied even though she almost lost her life in exchange for the title.

The Emperor is not really heartless towards her.

“Get up.” Mo Rongzhan nodded and stood up, "I left first, so you can take care of yourself. ”

Hu Yue looked demented at Mo Rongzhan's departure back. She felt the sour and sweet feeling in her heart. The Emperor raised her family status in order to compensate her? Or is it for her?

She's still expecting...

What more can you expect?