Ye Yiqing was holding Ye Qing, her clothes had been changed, her body was pure, lined her face was more pale, not long ago she was still beautiful Queen Mother, but now she has no breath. Since then, the fragrance has disappeared, it is unbelievable.

Nevertheless, they knew Ye Qing was a husband and did not dare to let him leave easily with Queen Mother.

“Today I must leave with my daughter, you want to stop, come.” Ye also looked coldly at Wu Chong in front of him. By the time he reached Chengde Mountain, he was ready. Now that he was all dead, there was no need for him to be reckless.

“Lord Ye, please don't make this difficult for us, Queen Mother... we must wait for the Emperor to return.” Wu Chong whispered that if the Emperor came back without even seeing her mother's last face, he would really dare not imagine how the Emperor would feel.

Ye also raised a slight smile in the corner of his mouth, “Your Majesty has a new princess, naturally you will not care about a dead queen. ”

Wu Chong refused to let go, “Lord Ye, please stay. ”

“Roll!” Ye also spit out a word on his lips.

At this time, there were several men dressed as normal, and they quickly came to Ye Yiqing, "My Lord. ”

“Thanks for your hard work.” Ye also took a clear look at them and felt some guilt, afraid that it would only take a bad war to get out of here.

“My lord, please take the girl away and leave this to us.” The lead man said.

Wu Chong was surprised. When did these people enter the manor?

Ye Yiqing walked out of the rice garden with Ye Qing step by step. Wu Chong could not order the forcible stop. They could not hurt the Empress's corpus, nor could they really kill Ye Yiqing.

Outside the rice garden, Ye Yiching's carriage is still here.

“Stop!” Wu Zhong had to give the order.

Ye Yiqing stood up with Ye Qing in his arms and kicked out those who were about to rush up. Red Qing also joined the escort. “Sir, take your mother to the carriage first. ”

“If you want to forcibly take my daughter away, you will end up with only two defeats and injuries, telling Murongzhan that we do not want to see him again.” Ye also took Ye Qing to the carriage and looked coldly at Wu Chong.

Outside the rice garden, Murongzhan arranged the guard. It is not difficult for them to leave Ye Qing, but they dare not use strong methods against Ye Yiqing, what if it hurts the Queen Princess?

Wu Chong decided not to touch Ye Yi Qing hard, he ordered, “Let Lord Ye leave. ”

Tang Qing and Xuelin have already gone to the Emperor, I believe the Emperor will soon find out the news of Queen Mother. He followed Ye Yiqing all the way to the Emperor to catch up with him. Ye Yiqing cannot still rob Queen Mother with the Emperor, right?

“Go." Ye also knew exactly what Wu Chong was thinking. He did not want to say more at this time. Since he could reduce casualties, he would naturally be happy to see them. As for Wu Chong's ability to keep track of him, it is up to these guards to do so.

Red Ling and Red Ling boarded the carriage. They still can't believe the Queen Mother just left the world. She looked at Ye Ling, who was also held in her arms by Ye Qing. Red Ling shouted softly, “Mother...”

Ye also endured the grief in his heart and gently placed Ye Qing on the long bed. "What is going on? Didn't your mother know she had the wrong placement before she was born? ”

“Her mother had always said it would go well before, never mentioned that the placement was wrong, it would have taken a few days to give birth. If it had not been for that Hu Yue, her mother would not have moved her fetus.” Red Diamond now hates Hu Yue into the bone.

“Who is Hu Yue?” Ye also asked coldly, his eyes staring at Ye Zheng.

“It is the Mistress of the Palace, sealed by the Emperor not long ago.” Red said.

Ye's eyes were slightly cold, “What did she say to the young man? ”

“When she was in the house, her mother sent us all out. The slave only heard her say that the Emperor was not in Kyoto. Her mother had never known about this, which must have been the reason why she was so excited.” Red Rhinoceros shed tears as he spoke.

“What about Hu Yue?” Ye also asked softly that he had just seen no other women in the rice garden.

"Ma'am said not to kill her and let the slave send her back to the palace. ”

Ye Yiqing did not ask any more. The carriage had left Chengde Mountain quickly, and Wu Chong and others had been riding behind on horseback.

“Whoa...” Ye Yiqing's hand gently held Ye Yiqing's hair, "You can survive that one time, you can survive this time, you know, whoa. ”

Ye Zheng's skin is still warm and her hands have not become stiff. Except for her poor complexion and her breathing heartbeat are gone, she looks like she is asleep and not at all... dead.

Ye Yiching is the only one who knows that Ye Qing has space secrets. He doesn't believe that Ye Qing will vanish so easily. How many people have been saved by those Spirit Springs, can't he even save himself?

He doesn't believe... there must be a miracle.

“Don't stop the carriage, change horses when you get to the next place.” Ye also whispered, “In two days, people will be led away from those behind them. ”

“Master, where are you taking your mother?” Red Rhinestone couldn't help but ask.

Ye also said faintly, “If she were still alive, she would never return to Kyoto, if she died... then she would be buried in the sea, Murongzhan would never have to see her again, let alone think of her grave confession. ”

He now regrets that he promised Ye Zhan that he would marry her again, knowing that an emperor always had a lot to do, and now he has to use him to hurt Ye Zhan.

Red Ling gently buried his face in Ye Zheng's hands. “I wish I could take the place of my mother-in-law and suffer such sins. Slaves would rather die on their own...”

“I don't believe my mother would just... go.” said red-hearted silently.

The sky gradually darkened, and their carriage had left Kyoto far away. Ye Yiqing did not stop the carriage, but went south along the official road.

Following Wu Zheng in the back of his heart became more and more anxious, he did not know when the Emperor would arrive, and he could not guess where Ye Yiching really wanted to go.

“Lord Wu, the river is ahead of us. Ye Yiqing doesn't want to take the waterway, right?” Someone asked Wu Chong with concern.

Wu Chong's face changed. “Hurry up and pass this news back. Lord Ye wants to leave the waterway. ”

“I'll be right there.” The man whispered.

On the other hand, after a day of running wild, Sherin finally met Murongzhan 200 miles from Kyoto.

“Emperor, Empress Queen Mother has touched the tire gas difficult to give birth, has already..." Xue Lin's mouth can't say anything.

Murongzhan pulled him from the horse, “What's wrong with the queen? ”

Sherin's gums were all bleeding, “Your Majesty, Her Ladyship died. ”